Ha. Nope. There was an Irish Pub right next to their building. St. Dymphnas (sp?) or something like that.
First time a friend of mine who lived in the city took me to see the building , I admit I didn’t realize what I was looking at. In my defense, the actual building is a story lower.
Hey @bigredfutbol .... are you on your annual pilgrimage to peruse the GRIMES MANIFESTO at Brown University or just reliving the glory days when we were beseeching the Director to save us from what turned into the conundrum we now face? HAIL GRIMES!!!
Hey Roby Baccala - youse ever eat this many fishes on Christmas Eve? MIT researchers and others tracked a massive swarm of cod fish off the coast of Norway as they ate millions of migrating capelin fish. https://gizmodo.com/record-breaking-ocean-slaughter-sees-millions-of-fish-killed-in-hours-2000517919
Crazy to think but nowadays Dear Leader Grimes would be labeled a FINO - Fascist in Name Only - by the Trumpian horde.
At one point I was openly advocating for a sort-of liberal fascism - a society of heroic accomplishment aimed at the betterment of all. And this isn't a unique position - you can actually see some of this belief in the early Italian fascist movement, for example in the human-centered Italian modernist architecture I adore (which was rejected by Mussolini in favor of Roman-style opulence) But people don't want to be better by improving themselves. They want to be better by just sitting on their fat ass and making other people less. I am now disillusioned to the idea you can separate facets of fascism from the decrepit whole.
Bleah!! Momma mia would buy those small wooden boxes of salted cod for papa mio. I'd go over to my neighbors, the Zezas, for some home made golabki, pierogi and kielbasa etc! My motto...."when life tries to give you lemons...eat Polish food instead"!
I always advocate for great systems, not great men. It's why Universal Soldier: Day of Reckoning is a better movie than Apocalypse Now.