We didn’t need photoshop in the 70s because everything was already that fucking weird to begin with … pic.twitter.com/3rtPeqWLQp— Super 70s Sports (@Super70sSports) October 19, 2024
Losing fortunes not limited to athletes and rich kids. I give you Al Pacino "Even though I only had two cars, I was somehow paying for 16, along with 23 cell phones I didn't know about," he added. "The landscaper was getting $400,000 a year and, mind you, that was for landscaping at a house I didn't even live in." "It was all about: let's keep this dumb actor happy, just keep him working, and we will reap." https://www.businessinsider.com/al-...oney-scarface-hollywood-broke-sandler-2024-10
Good news! We're still evolving as a species. Well in Tibet anyway, not here: And yet, in high altitudes on the Tibetan Plateau, where oxygen levels in the air people breathe are notably lower than lower altitudes, human communities thrive. In the more than 10,000 years the region has been settled, the bodies of those living there have changed in ways that allow the inhabitants to make the most of an atmosphere that for most humans would result in not enough oxygen being delivered via blood cells to the body's tissues, a condition known as hypoxia. https://www.sciencealert.com/humans-are-evolving-right-before-our-eyes-on-the-tibetan-plateau
Evolution!!! You’re going to have the Christian Nationalist inquisition hit squad calling on you at 2AM!!!!
Reading another WWII series on my kindle. It’s pretty good historically with fiction woven into it. Just wondering what this country will be like in a couple of years if that Orange Pig does gain control again. His last stint was a learning process, he and his 2025 acolytes are already in gear and in action bringing it on.
Nature doesn't always do a kindly Hanna-Barbera on us. Sometimes the men look like Fred and the women look like... Wilma's mom. There are sone barrel-chested folks out there, and, unfortunately, the shape crosses gender boundaries as often as not.
Long form article about the "kids" in Zefirelli's Romeo and Juliet and the lawsuit against Paramount. I can't remember which class, but this movie was shown in my public school class in a version with Olivia Hussey's 15-yr-old chest blurred out. A big reveal in the article is that, even though they were promised it was a closed set, pictures have been found of them naked on set. (Probably for Zefirelli's personal use . Zefirelli himself was abused by a preist as a young boy.) And sadly, it seems that the actors are being a bit taken advantage of again by the guy pushing the lawsuit.
What that article doesn't tell you is Tibetan plateau peoples share some of their genetic code with Denisovans (an off-shoot of Neanderthals). It is from the Denisovans that they got the genes that help them live at high altitudes.
Denosivan DNA is in most Homo sapiens that have ventured out of Africa. Obviously Sounders would know better, but I think he’s referring to the inhabitants in the area around Tibet, Nepal, etc… have more phenotypical denosivan DNA, and possibly a higher %?
Neanderthal DNA is widespread in non sub-Saharan humans. Denisovan DNA is more limited, given their territorial range was more in Asia than in Europe. Denisovan DNA is more commonly found in places like New Guinea, Australia and the Pacific Islands. Denisovans and Neanderthals did interbreed where their ranges overlapped, as did modern humans and Neanderthals. Thus, it's a fairly complex picture of how gene flow was occurring.
I thought that Denosivan DNA made it into Russia, and therefore into the Balkans and Europe? It may be a small part, but something that does exist. Also, since the people that came to the Americas came by way of Asia and the isles, they also have a good chunk. And even if there is Denosivan DNA in Euros, it might be latent/junk/not-phenotypic, or whatever term is cool these days.
I just find it fascinating that their DNA has persisted in our gene pool, despite there being so little record of them.
It will be very interesting to see what future discoveries reveal about them. Future discoveries of the Denisovans and the Hobbits (not LoTR) will be fascinating.