OK, somebody had to do it. I don't have the pictures up anywhere useful, but here is a short clip from YouTube of my son, 19 months old, in his pirate outfit, at his day care's Halloween "parade" (it's hard to get a bunch of kids under 5 to stay in formation long enough to actually call it a parade -- basically all the kids come out in costume and runs to their parents/grandparents). Enjoy and share your own! [youtube]NgSCHslmryw[/youtube]
Bill, your son is much too clean to be a good pirate! My kids are all gone, so I don't have any recent pics.
Very cute pictures of your children. It's always nice to go out on Halloween and see all the kids dress up. Just make sure that they don't wear the same costume next year lol.
me neither. and I KNOW I'm not the only one who's mom/dad threw a box at them on Oct. 30 and said 'here's some paint ... you're gonna be a Rubik's Cube. Get to work.' ok, maybe your parents weren't so blunt, but somebody else must've had that costume.
That's pretty much the awesomest, geekiest costume I can imagine. Too bad you're not posting pictures.
seriously, you guys never saw those costumes back in the day? I was in elementary school back when the Rubik's craze hit and there were at least 3 or 4 cubes a year. I'll see if my mom has an old pic from back in the day .... but, you know, I guess it was just popular at ol' Jackson Elementary in Greeley, Colo.
The Rubik's Cube costume also happened at my middle school back in 1983 or so. I think we had three or four Rubik's Cubes that year.
Found this one on Google.... But i'm sure Ringo probably looked more like this lol... Cheap version lol
I think we kind of ruined this thread lol...proud parents talking about their cute babies and we talking about some girl lol