Gas costs gotta figure into the equation. People are willing to pay a little more for the charitable factor, of course. This might have been a better deal, depending on personal opinion.
Fair point, but I have enough socks at this time--and my other spending makes up for the charitable nature of the event. I usually hit the outlets only when I am going north anyway (SIL's place).
I finished work late and got there at 6:30. I wanted to be back around LDC as much as anything else. The staff were still attentive and friendly. If there was a table that only had Medium and below sizing, they would announce it as people walked up. I got a rain jacket, 1/4 zip hoodie and track pants all in Large. Was pleasantly surprised to find anything in my size. One of the staff members told me they thought 90% of items had sold. I thought it was well organized. I hope there isn't another 5 year gap before they have the next one.
The one challenge on jerseys at this event is that they are almost all medium or lower--as were the hoodies. Now shorts and training tops ahd some XL and L sizes. It's kinda odd--when I was a teen, jerseys were large and shorts were short and tight. Now it's the reverse.
It won't be, and I had a long conversation with a couple of staffers about some things to do to improve for the next time.
One thing for me--I was quite early in line but had a lot of folks push past me. I could also live with a one jersey or two jersey per person rule, to spread out the opportunity for more fans. Other than that, it was pretty well organized and there was (finally) plenty of space.
I saw where you were in line and who was around you and I am not surprised that those individuals didn't respect the order of the queue. My feedback: Stagger the release of size runs Limit game issues jersey sales Overall item limit (10 per person, maybe? or a limit per size/type/player?) Provide better sizing signage This is never going to be a perfect event due to the hoarding nature of some SportsFans, but getting in line four hours early shouldn't be a golden ticket to grabbing tomorrow's eBay sales nor do I think that it's right for a single couple to buy 7 (yes I counted) pairs of shorts, in addition to whatever else they had in their arms. They need to bring it about two steps back from a free for all.
Actually, the only item that concerned me at all was the game worn/issued jerseys. There was plenty of the other stuff. They did not have anything larger than M for the hoodies at all, so that was what it was. One thing with jerseys--if you wait a little, some go back on the rack. How I got the Quinton "plastic waste" jersey. And, well, I also do not move as fast these days.... Took a good fall skating with my brother this weekend (went well otherwise) and the knee I landed on was sore.
Regarding jerseys, I think it's a combination of a few factors: 1) The jerseys are cut different. I can put a 1999 on and it's cut loose like a t-shirt. I can then put a 2017 on in the same size and the sleeves are tight. They cling to the arms, not unlike a bicycle jersey. Both were bought at retail and I think you said something about how they are cut different. I remember when they had two different "models" of jersey with the more expensive being similar to the game-worn. The 2000 banana kit had a different tag on it depending on which it was. (I can probably dig both out of storage.) I think the "expensive" was "Adidas equipment" and the retail one was a larger white tag. There was a very recent year when the guys in the shop were actually supplying the team with jerseys. 2) The players today, I'm guessing, are smaller than the "American-built" players of yesteryear. Look up the height and weight of American players on the roster prior to 2010 or so. A lot of that is probably training methods, diets, etc. How many players today weigh 170 and up? Or maybe I'd be surprised. There were kids walking out with game-worn jerseys that look like they'd fit them. They'd be swimming in a game-worn 1999 Mike Lapper (XL) or a 2003 Brian Dunseth (L) jersey. 3) There's probably a third factor I'm forgetting. But yeah, the shortage of XL and L jerseys compared to the early years is notable.
Exactly. I have two of the ones with the yellow mesh inside. The theory was that it'd be easier to make the call with the mesh inside. Unfortunately, it didn't exactly work out that way since a lot of the players would cut the mesh.
Most of the real game worn stuff I've seen has the linings cut out--both shirts and shorts. I recall being told by Tucker that McBride, for one, hated it. I have one (shirt), and it's really difficult to put on due to the liner.
Yup. I have a Martino I bought at a sale -- no lining. Duncan gave me a fresh one with the lining intact. It was brand-new...even had a crease from being folded. Even after several wears, I think the crease might still be visible.
One question. Did anyone see any "old" logo items (the roundel)?? I did get a training top with a Nationwide logo, but everything I saw seemed to be with the carabiner.
It appears that the Crew put the remaining stuff up on ebay through a auction group--it noted that the sale was for a charity. If you missed out at the sale or do not live in the 614, it may be worth checking out. They went up December 3.