It was nothing personal, AG25. I just thought I'd try being a whore for rep. (We need a whore smiley.)
I actually noticed it back when he made the post, but I left to eat dinner before Dustin made the offer, so I missed out on the green nipples. Oh well...
blame me now, but you'll be thanking me one day when DC wants to be DC United 96 and new fans will be like "whoa? why 96? thats dumb"....yea sure I don't care what casual fans think but come on 96? Its part of our logo, great, Liverpool among other clubs have their year in their logo too but they don't make it their name. There is nothing special about 96, DC, NE, Colum, Col, LA, San Jo, NY/NJ, KC...all were created in '96. One day it may be cool when we're one of the few 96ers left but now its no fun. Ok I'm starting to sound desperate and frankly they could call us the Dallas Daiseys and dress us in pink and I'd go to every game....but rebranding was bad enough, lets not make it worse. vote NO on 96 in 04.
It will not be long before you begin to hear FC Dallas 96'ers from the local non soccer media. This is why I dislike the name. It reminds be of PHL 76'ers and that reminds me of The Fish That Saved Pittsburgh. That movie blows !
I voted 96. Shocker. No way any other MLS team from 1996 tags a 96 on the end of their name. It can be done only once. That would be dumber than Landon Donovan ripping off his shirt to expose a sports bra right after Jim Rooney did the same thing. Personally, I think WUSA would still be around if they had instituted this policy. Don't hit me.
Me too. You can't move forward towards the future if you don't remember the past (96). ElJefe, have you counted to votes so far yet? Somehow, my calculated numbers doesn't seem to add up to what they show. But I have this so far: [result] 14 votes Pro-96 vs 13 votes Anti-96 from DALLAS SUPPORTERS. 2 voters (1 for and 1 against) doesn't have any MLS team to support (SoftTackle & Pegasus). The rest: 5 anti-96 vs 2 Pro-96 from NON-DALLAS SUPPORTERS. [/result]
The FO realized that the past ought to be remembered as well; hence, the 96 on the crest and the flame on the head of the steer/bull. 96 is not part of official name thus 96 should not be part of this thread.
Voted '96. Just cause I prefer to say/think '96' than 'FC' Dallas. If we weren't an 'FC', I would probably feel differently.
Pro-'96. Given the new colors and the Pro/Anti nature of the dispute, I think that we should all adopt the politically popular 'red/blue camp' theme. Pro-96ers will be the blues. Anti-96ers will be the reds. And whichever camp should lose, there can be talk of succession, vote rigging, etc. It will be loads of fun for the whole family!!! Can't we all just get along?
Not only is the 96 instilled in the new logo tribute; but the Burn is as well [/harkes]. Like a badge of honor, you move on from your past - as is a new day.
A nice thing about having "96" in the name, though, is that it gives added flexibility. Someone can call the team FC Dallas 96, FC Dallas, Dallas 96, or just plain "96" depending on their mood and how formal/informal they want to be. "How did 96 do against the Fire on Saturday?", has a nice ring to it, for instance.
i think there's still a chance for the I Don't Cares to have their voice heard! Vote with me my brothers and sisters! Solidarity!!
Or if it's Dallas vs DC: "How did 96 do against 96 on Saturday?" Or if it's Dallas vs Columbus: "How did 96 do against 96 on Saturday?" Or if it's Dallas vs Metros: "How did 96 do against 96 on Saturday?" Or if it's Dallas vs NE: "How did 96 do against 96 on Saturday?" Or if it's Dallas vs Galaxy: "How did 96 do against 96 on Saturday?" Or if it's Dallas vs Colorado: "How did 96 do against 96 on Saturday?" Or if it's Dallas vs KC: "How did 96 do against 96 on Saturday?" Or if it's Dallas vs SJ: "How did 96 do against 96 on Saturday?" Vote NO to 96 in '04!!