The Cagao thread (part 2)

Discussion in 'Portugal' started by vaiamerda, Mar 10, 2022.

  1. AGomes

    AGomes BigSoccer Yellow Card

    Aug 29, 2023
    You can find a better looking waitress on a Friday night at your local steakhouse. Not ugly, no. But nothing extraordinary.
  2. SCP21

    SCP21 Member+

    Jul 1, 2011
    Sporting CP Lisbon
    Yes, your local steakhouse is brimming with waitresses who are better looking than a former miss world and someone widely regarded as one of the most beautiful women in the world.
  3. AGomes

    AGomes BigSoccer Yellow Card

    Aug 29, 2023
    You honestly believe her to be that good looking? ROTFLMAO.

    A recent Miss Portugal was a dude. What's your point?

    I know a former pageant contestant from 2018 (via work). When I show people her pictures and videos from the pageants site, nobody can believe she could possibly be as she is so average looking.

    Rai is mid.
  4. SCP21

    SCP21 Member+

    Jul 1, 2011
    Sporting CP Lisbon
    lol this is some incel shit bro

    “you honestly believe an objectively attractive woman is attractive? ROTFLMAO”

    There’s a difference between being a pageant contestant, which literally anyone can be, and being miss world.

    go outside man
  5. AGomes

    AGomes BigSoccer Yellow Card

    Aug 29, 2023
    #2255 AGomes, Dec 10, 2024
    Last edited: Dec 10, 2024


    Why the misquote?

    She is attractive, sure. But is she an elite level attractiveness? For ME? No. They don't only rate attractiveness with pageants. Also, other factors do play out when judging.

    Put a picture of Rai in her prime (mid-90's) and then compare her to say, prime Christie Brinkley. Be honest with yourself. Ursula Andress another. I'm bored of blondes as my 3 longest relationships have been blondes so forget them as I'm preferring brunettes these day. Prime Catherine Zeta Jones. Ashley Judd another who was a natural beauty. Elle MacPherson, also, levels more attractive than Rai. So many more and you're gonna write Rai? Whatever floats your boat.
  6. eurodad

    eurodad Member+

    Mar 15, 2005
    Beauty is subjective, no point arguing who is prettier.
    AGomes repped this.
  7. SCP21

    SCP21 Member+

    Jul 1, 2011
    Sporting CP Lisbon
    hmm all those examples seem to have one thing in common... can't quite put my finger on it...
  8. AGomes

    AGomes BigSoccer Yellow Card

    Aug 29, 2023
    #2258 AGomes, Dec 10, 2024
    Last edited: Dec 10, 2024
    What's that? That they are all infinitely better looking than your precious Rai IN MY OPINION? Didn't you read the previous message about it being subjective. Cagao for real.

    As I wrote: whatever floats your boat. And whatever floats my boat. If it's OK with you, of course.
  9. SCP21

    SCP21 Member+

    Jul 1, 2011
    Sporting CP Lisbon
    #2259 SCP21, Dec 11, 2024
    Last edited: Dec 11, 2024
    Bit of a change of tune from rolling on the floor laughing your ass off at my opinion, no?

    My point was it’s odd that you have such strong negative feelings about a conventionally attractive person. I’m not attracted to men, I can still recognize Brad Pitt is a conventionally good looking guy.
  10. AGomes

    AGomes BigSoccer Yellow Card

    Aug 29, 2023
    Yeah because you insisted on carrying on and then made an insinuation. A wierd one, for me anyways. It's strange for you that for a white male like myself would have a preference to a female that is same racial group? Boh. Anyhow, feel free to have the last word.
  11. SCP21

    SCP21 Member+

    Jul 1, 2011
    Sporting CP Lisbon
    nah thats fine. but it is weird to roll on the floor laughing your ass off at people who don't exclusively like the same racial group as you. again, i don't care, just odd that you can only find attractiveness in a single kind of person. if you only drink beer and someone else likes beer and wine, you rolling on the floor laughing your ass off too? most people can appreciate different things, even if they don't necessarily like it. you do you though son.
  12. BatatasFritas

    BatatasFritas Member+

    Nov 29, 2004
    FC Porto
    Can we collectively focus on laughing at Sporting's winless bonanza?:ROFLMAO::geek:
  13. AGomes

    AGomes BigSoccer Yellow Card

    Aug 29, 2023
    Son? Yes, dad. Thanks for the beer and wine analogy. No, I prefer only white girls. I retract the ROTFLMAO.
  14. benficafan3

    benficafan3 Member+

    Nov 16, 2005
    I dunno. I know this is the Cagao thread but it's not the worst thing to see a Portuguese team doing really well in Europe. Now all three teams suck.
    eurodad repped this.
  15. fdasilva

    fdasilva Member+

    May 21, 2014
    Sporting CP Lisbon
    We went from Conceição, Amorim and Schmidt to Lage, João Pereira and Vítor Bruno. The last 3 together don't make up one of the previous coaches (except Schmidt)
    BatatasFritas repped this.
  16. prodigal_mind

    prodigal_mind Member+

    Cristiano Ronaldo
    Jul 3, 2018
    Nat'l Team:
    Majority of Indian women are below mid. One model doesn’t change that. Even Indian men in Canada roast their women
  17. eurodad

    eurodad Member+

    Mar 15, 2005
    That was just an example . My friend also married an Indian women and she is really attractive. Same thing with a colleague at my wife’s work . I lived in Brampton for a few years and I can testify I’ve seen quite a few . Ya some dogs for sure
  18. prodigal_mind

    prodigal_mind Member+

    Cristiano Ronaldo
    Jul 3, 2018
    Nat'l Team:
    How much sporting pay the Boavista defender to do that pass?
  19. SCP_16

    SCP_16 Member+

    Aug 8, 2004
    Bay Area
    Sporting CP Lisbon
    Nat'l Team:

    Same amount they pay Debast and Quaresma to be fucking morons
  20. prodigal_mind

    prodigal_mind Member+

    Cristiano Ronaldo
    Jul 3, 2018
    Nat'l Team:
    Pereira always watching the screen. He should apply to be a var official after this
  21. BatatasFritas

    BatatasFritas Member+

    Nov 29, 2004
    FC Porto
    Matheus Nunes and City with a massive cagao. Get the plunger, the toilet is clogged at City.
  22. prodigal_mind

    prodigal_mind Member+

    Cristiano Ronaldo
    Jul 3, 2018
    Nat'l Team:
    i feel bad for the guy, he was definitely panicking after the intiial shit pass and r just ended up making it worse by then immediately conceding the penalty.
    BatatasFritas repped this.
  23. BatatasFritas

    BatatasFritas Member+

    Nov 29, 2004
    FC Porto
    He didn't have a bad game IMO but I don't think Pep will start him again :D
  24. SCP_16

    SCP_16 Member+

    Aug 8, 2004
    Bay Area
    Sporting CP Lisbon
    Nat'l Team:

    Now let's laugh at Benfica.
    BatatasFritas and eurodad repped this.
  25. eurodad

    eurodad Member+

    Mar 15, 2005
    Hey that was a well deserved point lol
    BatatasFritas repped this.

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