The Bottom Line on USOC Final Crowd

Discussion in 'New York Red Bulls' started by Vistula, Oct 2, 2003.

  1. Santino

    Santino New Member

    Sep 19, 2003
    New Jersey
    Weeklies are great, but most won't run stuff unless it's got local appeal, especially stuff about profit-making entities. Their sports focus is mostly on scholastics. Rather than the Anschutz Entertainment Corp.-owned Metros playing in the championships, releases should about local boy Eddie Gaven in the Metros first-ever title bid; in the local ethnic Angolan press, it's about hometown boy Edgar Bartolemeu, etc. Bradley's another local -- hometown coach rescues franchise. Stories on fringe players are also good -- the guy who plays the mascot, the cute ballkids from the local soccer club. I'm sure the Kinnelon press would love to do a spread on His Nibs the GM.
  2. studsup

    studsup New Member

    Aug 12, 2001
    Garden State, born N

    All good ideas. MFO should have articles in all the tri state papers with local Metro players.

    PR Sidebar - if you put local folks in the picture, especially if taken with or in front of a local advertiser's store it usually runs.

    Glad to see someone else using that phrase, "His Nibbs"
  3. Brownswan

    Brownswan New Member

    Jun 30, 1999
    Port St. Lucie, FL
    Simple one-page flyer. Corrections? Edits?

    October 15, 2003
    8 PM
    The Lamar Hunt US Open Cup is the oldest national championship in the United States, dating back to 1914, and open to all amateur and professional soccer teams in the USA.
    Chicago Fire

    Be there for the MetroStars'
    first National Championship !


    ... this is centered on the sheet in 24 - 26pt bold
    (with Italics: "... is the oldest, etc." and "Be there... etc."). Basic info on a single 8.5 x 11 sheet.

    I'm going to the Xerox for an initial run to place around town. Any objections?
  4. Bigfoot

    Bigfoot New Member

    You forgot the most important part: ticket information or at least somewhere to get that information.
  5. Father Ted

    Father Ted BigSoccer Supporter

    Manchester United, Galway United, New York Red Bulls
    Nov 2, 2001
    Manchester United FC
    Nat'l Team:
    Ireland Republic
    ok damnit put me down for 20 bucks too if we're doing to do these ads. I think though a newspaper in NJ might be more appropriate than the NY Sun.
  6. Brownswan

    Brownswan New Member

    Jun 30, 1999
    Port St. Lucie, FL
    You are right -- but MFO has no informtaion for us at this time. I could put 1-888- ETC. on the sheet, but I don't want people to call up and get no help. Still, it's beter than nothing.

    However, it can't seem like anything that came from MFO. They could sue me or something for misrepresenting them -- it's the 'or something' that really worries me.

    Frankly, I don't think it will be a problem if people just head out to the Swamp and buy a ticket at the window.
  7. Footix

    Footix Member

    Dec 11, 1998
    Left Of The Dial
    Great sentiment on buying the newspaper ad, but any of you actually read, or know of anyone who reads The Sun?

    Not trying to kill what in theory is a nice idea, but it's a lot of hard earned money blown if nobody sees it.

    MFO's already got the market cornered on not-terribly-thought-out marketing...maybe we shouldn't try to compete.
  8. ibcnu424

    ibcnu424 New Member

    Sep 9, 2003
    I agree with some of the people on here about the MFO, 90% ot the time they don't have a clue and make horrible decisions. This should be the biggest game of the year (attendance wise), not counting the scam numbers for double headers. Because we all know alot of those fans come to see the second game and not the Metros. The MFO needs to focus more attention on this game, resignations should be asked for if they have poor attendance and/or fail to win.

    I disagree with people bashing ChampionsWorld and their summer series, it was great soccer and a thrill to see these teams and players live. Some of us may never get to Europe to watch them, so why wouldn't we go when the games are brought to us.

    Don't blame Charlie for being an entrepreneur, that is a principle this great country was founded on, blame the MFO for being too stupid not to bring in these kinds of teams.

    Say all you want about my lack of posts, but I have been a season ticket holder from the inagural season.
  9. BobtheMetroStars12thman

    Nov 18, 1998
    You can also add that it's also the second oldest Cup of its kind in the world, second only to the English FA Cup.
  10. Brownswan

    Brownswan New Member

    Jun 30, 1999
    Port St. Lucie, FL
    Would that I had the room. I'd rather stay with 8.5 x 11 than go with legal size.

    Now revised to include:

    "Tickets for the match are all $25 and are available for all MetroStars games at the Continental Airlines Arena box office and at all Ticketmaster outlets. Tickets will also be available through Ticketmaster by phone for callers in New Jersey (201-507-8900), New York (212-307-7171), and for Spanish-speaking customers throughout New York and New Jersey (212-307-4757)"

    --- at the bottom in 9 pt. Still fits on one page, but I had to edit the Para on the OC, omitting the bit about 1914.

    I just talked with a rep from Metro, read the flyer and it's okay with them. Metro members/ticket holders should receive a mailing going out Monday, with ticket(s) and order form for additional tix.
  11. Speedball

    Speedball Member

    Feb 27, 1999
    Harrison Stadium
    So you're saying they're free for season ticket holders?
  12. red&black1

    red&black1 New Member

    Mar 8, 2003
    Kearny NJ
    All these years we've been waiting for a moment like this and if the MFO doesn't capitalize then there is something definatly wrong with management. There is no excuse not to have 20k+ people in the house. I mean c'mon, LA averages about 22k for regular season games... this is a National Championship!!

    I can see it now... 14,842 thanx only to the Metro fans themselves...

    To make matters worse the NY/NJ area is suppose to be a great soccer market... AEG, MFookinO, and MLS should do everything in their power to promote this match... I know MLS and USOC are two diffrent things but a good turnout and a Metro victory lap(praying) could mean higher attendance and greater intrest from this moment on... which is good for everyone...

    I hope Nick looks through these forums every once in awhile... maybe he would get a clue!

    If i was AEG: 18k or less= clean out your desk Nick!!
  13. Vistula

    Vistula New Member

    Jul 2, 2001
    Four words I'll never forget.
  14. Roehl Sybing

    Roehl Sybing Guest

    Guys, before we continue on with all the doomsday predictions about attendance, let's all remind people that is the first time ever that the team will play in a championship final, let alone play a final of any sort at home, and the first time in at least the last fifty years that Giants Stadium will be graced with the presence of a championship trophy of any sort during a final of any sort (unless you count the NFC trophy for the Giants, which I don't).

    This is a new thing for us. There is nothing on which to base this on until the final is actually played.

  15. We have $300 so far. Maybe other MLS fans would join in and help make this the most successful USOC final ever.
  16. Thomas A Fina

    Thomas A Fina Member

    Mar 29, 1999
    New York Red Bulls
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Hey hey hey hey - I was there for that trouncing of the Vikes (believe me, it was much better than the Super Bowl that I went to the next week), I consider it a trophy celebration

    Of course I will be there on the 15th too and try to drag some people along as well
  17. Roehl Sybing

    Roehl Sybing Guest

    I'm a Giants fan myself, I'm just saying if you were born after 1970, the NFC Championship is not the real deal.
  18. Bigfoot

    Bigfoot New Member

    And neither is getting to the USOC final: WINNING IT IS.
  19. Roehl Sybing

    Roehl Sybing Guest

    I don't understand, what are you getting on my case for?
  20. Bigfoot

    Bigfoot New Member

    Who's getting on your case?

    If I wanted to do that I'd point out that Giants Stadium is nowhere near fifty years old.

    We straight now?
  21. Roehl Sybing

    Roehl Sybing Guest

    I'm just gonna say yes, cause I'm not all too concerned.
  22. Noah Dahl

    Noah Dahl New Member

    Nov 1, 2001
    130. 130!

    You guys should work your co-ed soccer connections.

    Some guy got 130 paying adults down from San Fran to San Jose for that US Women's/Earthquakes doubleheader. And that game kicked off at 10 AM on a Sunday.

    Results may vary, but it's an angle worth working.
  23. red&black1

    red&black1 New Member

    Mar 8, 2003
    Kearny NJ
    Did u mean other MLS team's fans?? I dont see that happening.. but would be nice nonetheless
  24. nyrmetros

    nyrmetros Member

    Feb 7, 2004
    What about ESC members? Any discount? How do we make sure we get section 101 tickets?

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