Well, at least we libs are smarter, better looking, funnier, and fitter; watch better movies; read better books; write better books; make better movies; generally get more sleep on Sunday mornings; have better sex ("joyless" my ass); give our women better, more frequent, more intense orgasms; enjoy better food; are more cosmopolitan; live in better cities (we have Manhattan and Chicago; you have Dallas); see more plays; wear better, more fashionable clothes; make our cities more livable, beautiful, and exciting; are better at snobbery; cook more interesting and diverse meals; know how to spend our money better; fund better museums (or any museums at all, frankly); know not to wear pleated pants; have created much better rock music; know that "young country" is more homogenous than techno; know that Matt Drudge is probably a closet case (why do we all suspect this, anyway?); don't consider Bill O'Reilly "cutting-edge," "tough," or "smart"; don't fall for this hokey, sappy "heartland of America" nonsense; don't claim we love the "heartland of America" while living in Manhattan; understand that NASCAR is just loud cars driving in circles; prefer our entertainment to offer more than loud noise and ka-BOOM!!!; think that "Walker: Texas Ranger" is for people who eat their cereal with the small spoon; drink better beer; drink better wine, scotch, vodka, gin, and tequila; recognize that a vibrant gay community means more and better stuff to do and, thus, brings dollars to our cities; don't spend our tax breaks on gas-powered leaf-blowers when a rake will do; can balance budgets; know how to run an economy; read better newspapers and magazine--hell, we even read better conservative newspapers and magazines (The Economist, The Financial Times); had a better keynote speaker at our convention (we had Obama, you had the star of "Kindergarten Cop"); gave the world better country music (we gave you Johnny Cash, and you try and pay us back with Toby Keith?!?!?!?); have better bodies; have prettier wives; know that Chirac is a conservative; don't "need some wood"; hold actual moral values, as opposed to the skin-deep ones that are automatically conferred on any douchebag who claims to have "let Jesus into his/her heart"; and, most importantly, would rather lose and know we're right than win and know we're wrong.
Don't bad mouth Big D, now. It may suck to visit, but it's a hell of a place to live, mostly because we have the largest contingent of armed pickup trucks in the world in Texas..
Hey, y'all. How much worse do you think it's gonna get? 'Cause right now, I can't even imagine, but I'm pretty sure it will.
Is the cynic raging in anyone else? By that I mean, is anyone else kinda looking forward to watching this country try to sleep in the bed it's made for itself?
just curious... why do you guys keep electing GOP (Guliani,Bloomberg) and GOP in Dem clothing (Daley) as mayors?????
That's NOT cynicism. That's schaudenfreude. The cynic is always raging in me, and expected this election result, due to the average intelligence/ignorance of the average person.
That's a stupid argument. First, Giuliani and Bloomberg are more liberal than Democrats in Oklahoma. And second, how can Democrats win in the South for Senate, but not President? It works both ways.
Freekin Pat robertson is probably more liberal then a Oklahoma democrat .. so thats a stupid arguement. as far as Democrats winning southern senate seats.... did you watch the results to this election?? http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&u=/ap/20041103/ap_on_el_se/eln_senate&cid=536&ncid=536 we took a seat in Louisiana... LOUISIANA!!!!!!