THE Beer Thread

Discussion in 'Houston Dynamo' started by The Frenchman, Aug 1, 2012.


What do you prefer?

  1. IPA

    5 vote(s)
  2. Porter

    5 vote(s)
  3. Pilsner

    1 vote(s)
  4. Ale

    5 vote(s)
  1. The Frenchman

    The Frenchman Member

    Jul 17, 2007
    Houston Dynamo
    The Houston area has had quite a few breweries popup as well as a number of places where one can find really good craft beer.

    Buffalo Bayou Brewery, Karbach, No Label, Southern Star, St Arnold

    I am curious as to what beer everyone likes to drink and to see where one can find a great craft brew. I'm always wanting to try new places and new brews. So looking for suggestions and recommendations. Picked up some DR12 yesterday and can't wait to crack one open. Anyone else manage to get their hands on some?

    Of course everyone knows about the Flying Saucer downtown and in Sugar Land. Few weeks ago they had 512 Pecan Porter on cask. I'm not into porters at all but this one was brilliant. They also tapped Stone Brewery's Vertical Epic and you got to keep the glass. I was in heaven.

    Petrol Station rotates their kegs often and has a great burger. They list their taps on Taplister:

    Rockwell Tavern has a fantastic selection of beer on tap and in bottle. Had a casked Gulden Draak Quadruple with the best burger I have ever had in my life.

    Hay Merchant opened in Midtwon a while ago but haven't had a chance to go. Any reviews?

    Where do you go? What do you drink?
  2. Caddman

    Caddman Member+

    Aug 18, 1999
    Houston, Texas
    Houston Dynamo
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    The old standby.
  3. dustcowpoke

    dustcowpoke Member

    Jan 7, 2006
    Houston, TX
    Houston Dynamo
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    When is comes to beer I am a Euro-poser.


    You can get it at World Market. It is the best tasting beer.
  4. Heft

    Heft BigSoccer Supporter

    Mar 20, 2011
    Houston Dynamo

    I've been drinking this lately. It's very good.
  5. The Frenchman

    The Frenchman Member

    Jul 17, 2007
    Houston Dynamo
    Good beer with tapas, especially baby octopus and potatas bravas. Had plenty of it in Spain. Memories . . .
    dustcowpoke repped this.
  6. The Frenchman

    The Frenchman Member

    Jul 17, 2007
    Houston Dynamo
    I like it as well. I even like their Ruby Red.
  7. Jerbone

    Jerbone Member

    Apr 15, 2010
    Houston Dynamo
    Where in the Oven can we find St. Arnolds?
  8. Heft

    Heft BigSoccer Supporter

    Mar 20, 2011
    Houston Dynamo
    Any suggestions for a good place for tapas and Estrella's?
  9. Heft

    Heft BigSoccer Supporter

    Mar 20, 2011
    Houston Dynamo
    There is a beer stand right by sections 124 and 125. It has several good beers on tap including Saint Arnold's Lawnmower.
  10. dustcowpoke

    dustcowpoke Member

    Jan 7, 2006
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    Pretty sure World Market is the only place that carries it. It is well worth the trip to get it though. Tapas places around here just carry regular domestic and imported beers. This one is a rarity that you will only find in Spain or a specialty store.
  11. Heft

    Heft BigSoccer Supporter

    Mar 20, 2011
    Houston Dynamo
    I've drank Estrella with some fruit pickers inside a cantina located inside a Mexican grocery in a small farming town near Tampa Bay while we watched the Mexico v Argentina match during the World Cup. This small grocery was located near the resort I was staying in. Great memories!
  12. anderson

    anderson Member+

    Feb 28, 2002
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    It's not a tapas place, but you can get Estrella at Ruggles Green.

    (I usually just get a bottle of tempranillo with tapas.)
  13. Heft

    Heft BigSoccer Supporter

    Mar 20, 2011
    Houston Dynamo

    I go to a decent tapas place called 1252 in the Woodlands, but usually don't get past the carafe of sangria. :p
  14. The Frenchman

    The Frenchman Member

    Jul 17, 2007
    Houston Dynamo
    Tapas? Yes - Mi Luna off of Kirby and Tintos in Midtown. Estrella . . . haven't seen any since summer '09. The Spec's site says they carry it though. Probably at the downtown location.
  15. cfig

    cfig Member

    Jul 14, 2010
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    Managed to track down a bomber but haven't opened it yet, another friend has a six pack for me so I'm waiting to try that one before putting it all away for a while. I've also got a good friend who works at St A so that makes tour days really fun :)

    I've been and really enjoyed it, it's a pretty chill crowd and their beer list is ridiculous. Food is really good too though I needed a bigger portion (had the lamb chops), I've been meaning to go back and try their burger. Wasn't too crowded on a weeknight but I've heard it gets really packed on the weekends.

    As per my usual beers, I'm a fan of Belgian and wheat beers but I'll try one of pretty much anything interesting. Some of my current faves are Boulevard's Two Jokers Double Wit and Saison Dupont, also really like New Belgium's Abbey.

    Don't know what their beer selection is like, but if you're on the west side of town Rioja has some good inexpensive tapas and really cheap house wine.
  16. anderson

    anderson Member+

    Feb 28, 2002
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    I also recommend tapas at Mi Luna in the Village. I've been to Andalucia downtown a couple of times and liked it too.
  17. troutseth

    troutseth Member+

    Feb 1, 2006
    Houston, TX
    DR12 . . . I managed two six packs. Into the aging fridge they go and will suck two a year for five years.

    As for places to find good beer, I stick with The Gingerman in rice village. 270+ beers and a rotating menu is good by me. If you haven't been there it is a very chill place. Also, they have some food but let you bring in outside food as well so you can order from anywhere in the village.

    On to beer . . I am a seasonal drinker. Meaning; my favorite style depends on the season ranging from Porters and Stouts in the winter to lagers and cream ales in the summer. Springtime is all about IPAs!
    Heft repped this.
  18. The Frenchman

    The Frenchman Member

    Jul 17, 2007
    Houston Dynamo
    Thanx for the recs. I got a sixer of DR11 and DR12 as well as two bombers of DR12. Have a 12oz bottle of DR12 in the fridge but not ready to open it yet.
  19. Levy2k6

    Levy2k6 BigSoccer Supporter

    Dec 19, 2010
    Section 129, Row A
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    Never been too big into beer but i had my first 90 minute IPA at einstein's pub in katy last week, $2 pint tuesdays.
  20. troutseth

    troutseth Member+

    Feb 1, 2006
    Houston, TX
    I tried one last night. The 12 is malty and a bit sweet, even for the style. It is a touch "hot" so it will certainly benefit from aging. In total I would give it an A+ in flavor, a B in drinkability (should be an A in time), and a B- for style representation (only because it is a bit light and sweet).

    Last year I had an aged beer tasting party and we went through DRs 5-9 that had been sitting. I still have a few 9, 10, and 11 in the fridge.

    Do yourself a favor, buy some Chimay Grand Reserve (blue label), date it, and stick in a cool closet for a few years. One of the best beers in the world to age.
    The Frenchman repped this.
  21. The Frenchman

    The Frenchman Member

    Jul 17, 2007
    Houston Dynamo
    I have two bottles of Grand Reserve sitting. It's is hands down my favorite beer. If you like Belgium beer you should try Bush Ambree Triple from the Duboisson Brewery in Belgium and Gulden Draak. Fantastic brews!
    troutseth repped this.
  22. troutseth

    troutseth Member+

    Feb 1, 2006
    Houston, TX
    I have had both! Another one to try if you can find it is Achel Brune and anything from Rochefort.

    On a side note, I was just at the annual Belgian tasting at The Ginger Man. They run it every year on July 21 - Belgian Independence Day.
  23. *rey*

    *rey* Member+

    Feb 22, 2006
    Costco carries Estrella at a good price every once in a while.

    btw, i so wanted to hate on 'Hay Merchant'. hip location in the middle of hiptersville with a hip menu, but i must say that its a great place. waitresses were friendly, food looked incredible, beer selection is ridiculous, had a great random conversation with the dude next to me.

    my only complaint is that there was 1 beer snob bartender*, but my original waitress noticed i shot him the "GTFO" look and came to the rescue.

    *no matter the scene, one thing i hate is the "i'm more punk than you" attitude.

    dammit! see you there next year? i once accidentally went to Belgium and had a great time. didn't have time to hit any of the abbeys, but drank a lot of great beer.
  24. The Frenchman

    The Frenchman Member

    Jul 17, 2007
    Houston Dynamo
    I hate it when I miss good things. :cool:

    That's what has been holding me back from the Hay Merchant. Not into the pretentiousness that some people have. I will certainly give it a shot.
  25. el nordissimo

    el nordissimo Member

    Jul 31, 2008
    Houston Dynamo
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    United States
    +1 for Hay Merchant and Mexican Logger on tap. Truly ridiculous taplist. Food was good, too.

    I would heartily recommend any beer snob pay a visit to D&Q Beer Station on Richmond. I've been stopping to piece together a six pack before the weeknight games. It is mecca.

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