hey guys, i just created a DCU/Barra Brava group on it's kinda like a myspace for soccer (if you're into that sort of thing). if you like it, join the group. if not, i will go sit in the corner and cry and/or pee myself. anyway, i just wanted to give a head's up. the site looks like fun and definitely worth a gander.
Doesn't seem like the DCU Page has been updated in quite sometime. It still lists Perkins, Carroll, Boswell, Erpen, Gomez, Vanney...etc, as being on the roster. Anyone here operate the DCU page? Just wondering. It can be viewed here: D.C. United's Ole Page
dunno. i just started today and noticed that there wasn't a DCU or Barra group, so I created one. Maybe they're waiting for the dust to settle before they post a roster.
I love how Erpen and Vanney are listed on the same roster, haha. Seeing is how they were traded for each other
WTF?!?! Please tell me you're kidding! Everyone knows a gander is a male goose, as in "What's good for the goose is good for the gander!" Duh.
according to gan·der /ˈgændər/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[gan-der] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation –noun 1. the male of the goose. Compare goose (def. 2). 2. Slang. a look: Take a gander at his new shoes. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Origin: bef. 1000; 1910–15 for def. 2; ME; OE gan(d)ra; c. MLG ganre, D gander; akin to goose, G Gans] Unabridged (v 1.1) Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2006. it's both.