The All-Encompassing Pro/Rel Thread on Soccer in the USA

Discussion in 'Soccer in the USA' started by bigredfutbol, Mar 12, 2016.

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  1. Paul Berry

    Paul Berry Member+

    Notts County and NYCFC
    United States
    Apr 18, 2015
    Nr Kingston NY
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    United States
    I think the goalposts just moved. We were talking about owning clubs to make a profit and now we're talking about protection against bankruptcy.

    It's interesting that you're OK with bankruptcy being a punishment for having a bad season. Others in the pro-rel camp have argued it shouldn't be.
    HailtotheKing repped this.
  2. Well, bankruptcy was the against argument of the no-p/r supporters, because in their pov, relegation means going down financially.
    I'm not okay with bankruptcy as a consequence, it's to me just one of the possible outcomes, mostly the last one after keeping on being bad at what you do.
    Edit: and the goal posts didnot move, they're the same as when this conversation started. It's just a different angle on the same thing.
  3. Paul Berry

    Paul Berry Member+

    Notts County and NYCFC
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    Apr 18, 2015
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    Well you said that American owners were only in it for the profits.

    When I pointed out that MLS clubs don't make profits you changed it to well American owners don't want to risk bankruptcy.

    Anyway, MLS is a cartel running a Ponzi scheme, so all the investors will lose all their money and you and M will be happy. :)
    HailtotheKing, jaykoz3 and psnotyours repped this.
  4. psnotyours

    psnotyours Member

    United States
    Mar 8, 2023
    Only one country has the land mass we do and has a successful Pro/Rel system. Soccer is pretty much the only thing Brazil has going for them. Even Brazil is smaller than the USA. Most people in Russia live in the west
    Since soccer is still growing in the USA, I don't think it's time to add Pro/Rel. If the US was as big as England or Japan then yes add Pro/Rel.
    I also think Pro/Rel will not help the growth of soccer in the USA.
    jaykoz3 repped this.
  5. Paul Berry

    Paul Berry Member+

    Notts County and NYCFC
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    Apr 18, 2015
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    Brazil top-flight.

    HailtotheKing and AlbertCamus repped this.
  6. Elninho

    Elninho Member+

    Sacramento Republic FC
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    A rough equivalent in the US and Canada, if you shift the map upward so that it's all on land: Kansas City, St. Louis, Philadelphia, Montreal, three teams in Tennessee, and 13 teams along the Gulf coast.
  7. CoachP365

    CoachP365 Member+

    Money Grab FC
    Apr 26, 2012
    Or more realistically in the US, 2-3 teams in the NY/NJ/NE area, 4-6 teams in Florida, 4-6 teams in Texas, 6-8 teams in CA, SEA, POR, Atl, with another layer of FCC, KC, Philly, Columbus and more teams from Florida, Texas and California behind them.

    It's ok to have a cluster of the best teams instead of trying to have "markets" cover the entire geography...Apply TV is available everywhere :)
    bigredfutbol repped this.
  8. psnotyours

    psnotyours Member

    United States
    Mar 8, 2023
  9. kinznk

    kinznk Member

    Feb 11, 2007
    People would still not watch until a proper calendar was played, fall to speing.
    HailtotheKing and Elninho repped this.
  10. Paul Berry

    Paul Berry Member+

    Notts County and NYCFC
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    Apr 18, 2015
    Nr Kingston NY
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    As long as they adopt the European policy of postponing games when it's 31 degrees Fahrenheit because the steps are a bit slippy.



    Bosnia and Herzegovina
    Feb 17, 2006
    Nat'l Team:
    americans are just moving arguments now it is if galazy get relageted they will get parashute and still be better then rest of teams. problem with usa in just about everything they points have global pull but in football does not nobody wants closed leagues nobody wants plastic innovations of new competitions and bs just for money if anything in football world pull outweights the american exeptionaliam or what ever you want to call it.nobody is impressed that in fe years value of mls teams have gone up because that seams that everything these mls people are concerned about
  12. bigredfutbol

    bigredfutbol Moderator
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    It's just that simple!
    HailtotheKing repped this.
  13. owian

    owian Member+

    Liverpool FC, San Diego Loyal
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    You don't know that.

    This is a pretty big difference

    But they only needed money to get and maintain status in the league.
    M repped this.
  14. Paul Berry

    Paul Berry Member+

    Notts County and NYCFC
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    Apr 18, 2015
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    You think they'd pay $500 million to become San Diego 1904?
  15. owian

    owian Member+

    Liverpool FC, San Diego Loyal
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    Nope but I am still not sure how him paying 500 million helps me as a fan. And as you hinted at San Diego had a variety of clubs before SDFC so maybe one of them would have been promoted.
  16. An Unpaved Road

    An Unpaved Road Member+

    Mar 22, 2006
    I come from a background of following and appreciating American sports, so merely gaining entry into a league is no accomplishment. There is no status for the teams I support without winning. Heck, even if I moved to England permanently and adopted the local team no way I’ll ever storm the pitch because my team finished 17th and avoided relegation.
    HailtotheKing repped this.
  17. JasonMa

    JasonMa Member+

    Mar 20, 2000
    Arvada, CO
    Colorado Rapids
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    Interesting quote from a Rovers group chat I'm in:

    Which is certainly a contrary take to what we're led to believe about fans of teams in P/R systems...

    I'm sure some people will question if this person is a true fan of the team or not, but its an idea that's out there and shouldn't be ignored.
    HailtotheKing repped this.
  18. Crawleybus

    Crawleybus Member+

    Oct 18, 2013
    Chelsea FC
    #40193 Crawleybus, Feb 5, 2024
    Last edited: Feb 5, 2024
    Every year when struggling clubs escape relegation the fans celebrate wildly, in the old days they used to storm the pitch, I've done it myself as a boy, 14th May 1983, Chelsea 0 - 0 Middlesbrough, we stayed in the 2nd tier on goal difference, it was celebrated like we'd won the league!! (now the authorities have really clamped down on pitch invasions) I've seen fans of relegated clubs in tears....................I've never seen fans celebrate a relegation, not one ever. I've also never seen fans lament at getting promoted! Not one ever!

    About year after running on to the pitch in celebration at escaping relegation on the last match day in 83 Chelsea fans again stormed on the pitch - 28th April 1984 Chelsea 5 - 0 Leeds United - the day when promotion back to the top tier was confirmed (with 3 games to spare).
    I've experienced both sides of the coin and I remember that day every bit as much as the days when we won the league and Champions League.

    How relegation feels:-

    How promotion feels:-
  19. Chesco United

    Chesco United Member+

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    Blackburn did win the Prem in 1995, so there's that.
    HailtotheKing and JasonMa repped this.
  20. Elninho

    Elninho Member+

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    I was describing it in terms of travel distance, not population centers.
  21. Paul Berry

    Paul Berry Member+

    Notts County and NYCFC
    United States
    Apr 18, 2015
    Nr Kingston NY
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    United States
    Relegation battles are the worst. Fans turning on the manager, the board, the players and each other. A "great escape" can provide some relief and optimism for the next season but often they just postpone the inevitable. Ask a Reading fan how their season is going.
  22. psnotyours

    psnotyours Member

    United States
    Mar 8, 2023
    Do you think Pro/Rel will bring more positive or negative things in the USA for soccer growth?
  23. Chesco United

    Chesco United Member+

    DC United
    Jun 24, 2001
    Chester County, PA
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    I think negative.
    HailtotheKing repped this.
  24. Paul Berry

    Paul Berry Member+

    Notts County and NYCFC
    United States
    Apr 18, 2015
    Nr Kingston NY
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    United States
    It seems to be growing pretty well without it.

    In 2014 we had 38 professional teams in the US, including reserve teams, today we have 96. I don't think some of those teams would exist if we had pro-rel.

    The biggest constraint to growth in the number of teams, I think, is the process of transitioning from amateur/semi-pro to professional. But that constraint would be there with or without pro-rel.
    jaykoz3, HailtotheKing and Elninho repped this.
  25. M

    M Member+

    Feb 18, 2000
    Via Ventisette
    #40200 M, Feb 6, 2024
    Last edited: Feb 6, 2024
    Well of course there's "no status" in gaining entry to a league and it's "no (sporting) accomplishment". Because there isn't any. All you have to do is get your cartel membership fee accepted. Meanwhile, in a competitive pro/rel pyramid there's some actual sporting accomplishment on the field of play that needs to happen to play in a higher league and failuure sees you going back down rather than rewarded for said failure.

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