The All-Encompassing Pro/Rel Thread on Soccer in the USA

Discussion in 'Soccer in the USA' started by bigredfutbol, Mar 12, 2016.

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  1. owian

    owian Member+

    Liverpool FC, San Diego Loyal
    May 17, 2002
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    United States
    Fair enough it's a pro/rel story because they might get relegated.

    Didn't realize Farhad Moshiri was from Merseyside.

    And yeah the multi-national market does make it harder but they are in the prem. They are one of the 20-25 richest clubs in the world. Are they getting as much as their handsome neighbors across the park? Nope, but compared to most of the footballing world they are winning from the new world order. They are not Red Star, or even Burnley.

    And finally how is this related to pro/rel? They've been in the prem the entire time this was happening, they're not Oldham or Swindon Town.

    Well they've been in the division for almost 70 years and Neville Southall is no longer in goal so they've clearly rebuilt multiple times without being relegated. As others have as well.

    We've also seen clubs rebuild in the lower division, Burnley is the current example. So teams can rebuild in a pro/rel world we see it all the time it just looks different.

    Another point Everton may very well collapse without relegation.

    Yep and all the US supporters who liked Tim Howard and listen to Roger Bennet will have to decide if they are really the hardcore non bandwagon supporters they think they are.

    Yep or at least offer an attainable rabbit to chase to keep the dream of survival alive.

    So okay it's related to pro/rel in that they are going to be part of the relegation story all season, Inshallah. But pro/rel is not related to their financial mess, that they made themselves.
    M repped this.
  2. Chesco United

    Chesco United Member+

    DC United
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    A home game against a Greek team that wasn't Panathinaikos.
  3. Crawleybus

    Crawleybus Member+

    Oct 18, 2013
    Chelsea FC
    Are you seriously trying to tell me that you think Brighton are not a good team because they've lost ONE game! lol. I bet De Zerbi thanks his lucky stars you're not his chairman! You'd have him sacked already! :-D

    Using your logic then Manchester United must be dogs*** considering they lost 1-3 at home to Brighton last weekend - how many do you think Manchester United would lose by if they played AEK Athens (who are the Greek champions by the way).
  4. Chesco United

    Chesco United Member+

    DC United
    Jun 24, 2001
    Chester County, PA
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    Win at home, draw away.
  5. Crawleybus

    Crawleybus Member+

    Oct 18, 2013
    Chelsea FC
    If only it was that simple.
  6. They don't get it that P/R in the end is a qualitative rearrangement and also happens when every club is run perfectly.
  7. Dan Loney

    Dan Loney BigSoccer Supporter

    Mar 10, 2000
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    475 years, that’s a pretty good run
  8. Chesco United

    Chesco United Member+

    DC United
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    As 3 Year Letterman says on the dead bird app, how many SEC championships have the English and other Europeans won?;)
    HailtotheKing and Dan Loney repped this.
  9. M

    M Member+

    Feb 18, 2000
    Via Ventisette
    Lol that this shower of a club ownership could plausibly regroup in a couple of seasons. Or even a couple of decades.
    jaykoz3 repped this.
  10. Chesco United

    Chesco United Member+

    DC United
    Jun 24, 2001
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    Wow, ESPN actually published an article pushing for pro/rel in the NCAA, saying that it would help Oregon State and Washington State. The times they are a changing.
    owian repped this.
  11. superdave

    superdave BigSoccer Yellow Card

    Jul 14, 1999
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    Chesco United repped this.
  12. HailtotheKing

    HailtotheKing Member+

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    Chesco United repped this.
  13. STR1

    STR1 Member+

    Atlanta United
    United States
    May 29, 2010
    Real Madrid
    Speaking of P/R for the NCAA do you guys think if we had Pro/Rel a University could fund a team and promote it to the top league? In Latin American countries many teams were started by a University but now they just have the name; for example U Catalica, UNAM (Pumas), UANL (Tigres) etc. Universities here in the US are freaking rich! I know their priority is American Football and Basketball since that is where the money is and it has to do a lot with US culture and its passion/love for those sports. But if soccer were our #1 sport and with the funding these Universities have we could have some top teams! Plus add the atmosphere and support these schools get! Their football game attendance and support dwarf even top soccer teams in the world.
  14. Chesco United

    Chesco United Member+

    DC United
    Jun 24, 2001
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    Well, we don't really have the tradition of college teams playing at the pro levels. BYU played at the mostly amateur USL League Two level for over a decade.
    JasonMa repped this.
  15. owian

    owian Member+

    Liverpool FC, San Diego Loyal
    May 17, 2002
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  16. Chesco United

    Chesco United Member+

    DC United
    Jun 24, 2001
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    They actually had a pro/rel discussion in the NCAA on Pardon The Interruption today.
  17. Crawleybus

    Crawleybus Member+

    Oct 18, 2013
    Chelsea FC
    Irrelevant though really isn't it? Fact is Portsmouth only had themselves to blame - NO club should get away with outspending their means! There are plenty of clubs that stick to their parameters that 'arguably' deserve a Premier League place more than clubs that are financially badly run!!

    NOBODY forces ANY club to spend more money than it can afford, it really is that simple, maybe Preston North End deserve Premier League football more than Everton eh?
    M repped this.
  18. The funny thing about the defenders of the "American system", which actually is very UN-American, is the entitlement they give to a closed group of owners to be in the highest range of sports, because ..ow ow ow ow they spent sooo much money it's unjustice they donot get their investments protected...while ignoring that clubs outside of the closed group could be better equipped to fill that spot, ......but the only argument they provide is that it's unjustfull to those owners who spent sooo much money.....they should be protected against losing it....which in fact means protecting their closed shop mob like cut of the cake, while they still could make money at the relegated spot, but not that much. There have been spent several pages telling me how profitable and blooming the sport scene is below the top leagues, but all of a sudden it doesnot apply anymore when it comes to the racket clubs. These must be guaranteed their over the top earnings, even when not performing at all, coming out of the cornered market.
    M repped this.
  19. Chesco United

    Chesco United Member+

    DC United
    Jun 24, 2001
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    Um, if even PTI is talking about it, it's not especially obscure. The Amsterdam Admirals played in a closed league.
    HailtotheKing repped this.
  20. You can't call something a closed league if you only have just enough clubs to make a competition able to exist.
  21. Chesco United

    Chesco United Member+

    DC United
    Jun 24, 2001
    Chester County, PA
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    They had expansion, not promotion.
    HailtotheKing repped this.
  22. Such a thing doesnot work in Europe, where rivalries on a national level rules.
    Cross boarder competitions only work when it's the result of performing on a national level to reach that cross boarder competition.
    It's telling it only had gained some footground in a country that hasnot got a rugby tradition.
  23. Paul Berry

    Paul Berry Member+

    Notts County and NYCFC
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    February 26, 2010, the day before they played Burnley in the Premier League.
    HailtotheKing and JasonMa repped this.
  24. Such a thing doesnot work in Europe, where rivalries on a national level rules.
    Cross boarder competitions only work when it's the result of performing on a national level to reach that cross boarder competition.

    That's what Yanks trying to export their sports donot get, national competitions are different from a USA broad coverage. You can't look at Europe/EU countries like you do with states in the USA.
  25. Paul Berry

    Paul Berry Member+

    Notts County and NYCFC
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    Apr 18, 2015
    Nr Kingston NY
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    United States
    Locally run, I should have said, given that Bill Kenwright was (and still is technically) the chairman.

    Moshiri only took a majority stake in 2018.

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