That "oh oh oh oh oh" song played after goals.

Discussion in 'MLS: Rumors' started by JMU Soccer!, Aug 13, 2002.

  1. JMU Soccer!

    JMU Soccer! New Member

    Jul 19, 1999
    Does someone know the name of it? I've been trying to find it.
  2. The Voice of Reason!

    Jan 6, 2002
    Wethersfield CT
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    just a random guess

    Zombie Nation

    that is an oh oh oh song used in sports
  3. O'Dubhghaill Rules!

    May 21, 2001
    Boston, MA
    New England Revolution
    Yup, by Kraftkern400.
  4. JMU Soccer!

    JMU Soccer! New Member

    Jul 19, 1999
    Thanks guys, I found it

    Zombie Nation (soccer fan remix) by Kernkraft 400

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