I appreciate the little touch of yellow color on the borders on the central area where the forums exist The new bigsoccer aesthetic no longer makes me want to drown myself due to drabness overload Maybe i've just gotten used to this new look .. Either way, it looks much better now, thank you. -- On another note: Why can't I permanently hide all those useless forums I have to scroll by to get to the USA forum area? And Whats up with that little wart thingy in the upper left side of our pages below the black area up top? Do you think between 2-5% of bigsoccer members actually use that?
What are you talking about? This place looks exactly the same as it always has. Nothing has changed in years. Honest!
i guess i've never needed/wanted to jump between forums .. my delicate aesthetic sensibilities are easily offended .. but i will try working with it just for the sake of it being there
It was a lot easier when you didn't have to do all of the clicking. In the past, you probably never thought about it.
Exactly. On the previous incarnation, it was just there. I like this, as I'm actually getting somewhat of a "full screen" BigSoccer, which (I think) is one of the benefits of BSSC Platinum.
these features are growing on me (the mybigsoccer return stuff helps) .. perhaps it'll encourage me to check out other forums ..
Speaking of which, I actually was just trying to find out what costs of upgrading membership are and couldn't find link to any that stuff anywhere any help please? (i searched around a bit, not being lazy promise)