NSR: Temas Tecnologicos II

Discussion in 'Colombia' started by padrino187, Feb 9, 2008.

  1. hadexxx

    hadexxx Member

    May 3, 2005
  2. CtrlAlltDel

    CtrlAlltDel New Member

    Mar 12, 2007
  3. hadexxx

    hadexxx Member

    May 3, 2005
    Re: Tema Tecnológico del Foro [NSR]

  4. CtrlAlltDel

    CtrlAlltDel New Member

    Mar 12, 2007
    Re: Tema Tecnológico del Foro [NSR]

    600m is nothing, apparently the dolphin can go much higher:

    I am in the process of switching jobs and moving out of state (April 1st), so for the next couple of weeks I don't have much to do. :cool:
  5. MrPaisa

    MrPaisa New Member

    Jul 17, 2007
    Madison, NY
    Re: Tema Tecnológico del Foro [NSR]

    sorry i just read this thread since i last posted, i'll post the link a little later... I sunk like 5 balls in my first break....
  6. MrPaisa

    MrPaisa New Member

    Jul 17, 2007
    Madison, NY
  7. CtrlAlltDel

    CtrlAlltDel New Member

    Mar 12, 2007
    Re: Tema Tecnológico del Foro [NSR]

    "A Congressman who can code

    In what appears to be a first, the US House of Representatives now has a Congressman with coding skills. Democratic Representative Bill Foster won a special election this past Saturday in the 14th Congressional District of Illinois. Foster is a physicist who worked at Fermilab for 22 years designing data analysis software for the lab's high energy particle collision detector. In an interview with CNET today, Foster's campaign manager confirmed that the Congressman can write assembly, Fortran and Visual Basic. Will having a tech-savvy congressman change the game at all? Can we expect more rational tech-policy? Already on his first day, Foster provided a tie-breaking vote to pass a major ethics reform bill."

    Now that's a politician I can relate to!
  8. hadexxx

    hadexxx Member

    May 3, 2005
    Re: Tema Tecnológico del Foro [NSR]

    he will quit saying "i am surrounded by old fucqing morons, that don't know wtf is going on"
  9. CtrlAlltDel

    CtrlAlltDel New Member

    Mar 12, 2007
    Re: Tema Tecnológico del Foro [NSR]

    name "Bill Foster"
    org 100h
    jmp start ;
    msg db "Ethics Reform Bill: Passed", 0Dh,0Ah, 24h
    start: lea dx, msg ;
    mov ah, 01h ; printkey-1
    int 21h ;
    mov ah, 0 ;
    int 16h ;
    ret ;
  10. MrPaisa

    MrPaisa New Member

    Jul 17, 2007
    Madison, NY
    Re: Tema Tecnológico del Foro [NSR]


    this is pretty interesting, sheds more equality for technology in the political arena.
  11. CtrlAlltDel

    CtrlAlltDel New Member

    Mar 12, 2007
  12. dapip

    dapip Member+

    Sep 5, 2003
    South Florida
    Millonarios Bogota
    Nat'l Team:
    Re: Tema Tecnológico del Foro [NSR]

    jajaja, no habia entendido por que............

    3.14 :p
  13. hadexxx

    hadexxx Member

    May 3, 2005
    Re: Tema Tecnológico del Foro [NSR]

    se imaginana la farra que hicieron en 1592????

    get your pi goodies here... http://www.thinkgeek.com/ seriously, take a look.
  14. dapip

    dapip Member+

    Sep 5, 2003
    South Florida
    Millonarios Bogota
    Nat'l Team:
    Re: Tema Tecnológico del Foro [NSR]

    Empece a leer unos de los forums y me sali asustado.

    Lo que decia la gente:

    Esta semana me voy a aprender 3 digitos mas de pi.... ya voy en 45...

    Me aprendo los digitos de Pi pensando en el sonido que hacen las teclas de mi celular, entonces es como una cancion...

    En mi cumpleaños 60 mis hijos me recitaron 60 digitos de Pi y me dieron un ponque con 60 velitas de digitos de Pi...

    :eek: yo soy medio geek, pero esto es demasiado.......
  15. efernandez9

    efernandez9 Member

    Jun 6, 1999
    Joe Pool Lake
    Tema Tecnológico del Foro [NSR] -part II

    over 500 on the original conversation

    thanks to ctrlaltDel and hardezzx por animar y ayudar cada que alguno necesita consejos.
  16. hadexxx

    hadexxx Member

    May 3, 2005
    Re: Tema Tecnológico del Foro [NSR]

    60?????? Sorprendente!!!! nunca lo hubiera imaginado, todo este tiempo pensaba que le hablaba a alguien mas contemporaneo a mi... siento que le he hablado a los amigos de mi papa con la confianza que se tienen a esa edad.

    ja ja ja ja... vea pues, yo pensaba que la gente a tu edad no se atrevia a postear, que le daba miedo el pc... bacano!!!!
  17. hadexxx

    hadexxx Member

    May 3, 2005
    Re: Tema Tecnológico del Foro [NSR] -part II

    wow!!!! ni me habia dado cuenta que este era el part II
  18. CtrlAlltDel

    CtrlAlltDel New Member

    Mar 12, 2007
    Re: Tema Tecnológico del Foro [NSR] -part II

    hadexxx, how would you like to ride this morbid automaton to work:


    notice the "this is sparta!" kick / quick recovery.
  19. hadexxx

    hadexxx Member

    May 3, 2005
    Re: Tema Tecnológico del Foro [NSR] -part II

    wow.... i just had an orgasm.
  20. CtrlAlltDel

    CtrlAlltDel New Member

    Mar 12, 2007
  21. CtrlAlltDel

    CtrlAlltDel New Member

    Mar 12, 2007
    Re: Tema Tecnológico del Foro [NSR] -part II

    Another tech savvy person could take a seat in congress this year, and it seems her head is in the right place when it comes to Net Neutrality [​IMG]

    Darcy Burner (D)
    Washington state 8th district
    Former Software Engineer [​IMG]

    "Never before in my lifetime has America so urgently needed new leadership to take it in a new direction. The ideals enshrined in our nation's founding texts - freedom, liberty, equality, opportunity - or, the timeless values that have made our democracy a role model for other peoples throughout the world, have either been ignored or forgotten by those currently in power. But there is hope: a revolution has already begun which is challenging the grip of the current administration and its allies on our country. This people-driven, populist movement is built on the most democratic medium for communication ever invented: the Internet.
    The Internet has lowered the barrier to political participation and allowed a new civic dialogue to flourish.
    No longer are traditional, corporate-controlled media outlets a chokepoint on whose voices will be heard; no longer is access to the tools for high-impact activism limited to consultants and political professionals; and no longer are Democratic candidates hamstrung by establishment control over resources they need to run winning campaigns.
    The Internet is an incredible medium for democracy. But its future is threatened.
    The strengths of the Internet lie in its decentralized, organic nature. It is non-proprietary and open. It is remarkable because it is so democratic, embodying the ideals our nation was founded on.
    An essential element of democracy is the marketplace of ideas: the best ideas, well-expressed, will win. The Internet makes that more true than it has ever been before in all of human history. Anyone with an idea and the courage to speak it can harness the Internet to create waves of change.
    Here in the Pacific Northwest, there is a fantastic example of that in the Northwest Progressive Institute. By conventional measures of money and corporate backing it wouldn't have had a chance. But it has become a real force in local politics due to the merit of the ideas espoused and the hard work invested. It was founded by someone who, at the time he began, was not yet old enough to vote.
    But there are those who want to distort this marketplace for their own advantage.
    Some of America's biggest internet service providers, like AT&T, Verizon, and Comcast, see the Internet as something they want to own for their own benefit and profit.
    They think that owning the pipes (or "tubes", according to Senator Stevens) means they should get to control what goes through them.
    Defending the equality of the marketplace of ideas is why net neutrality is so important. Sites like YouTube or Wikipedia, which are not owned by huge corporations, would be threatened, and could likely disappear under a tiered Internet.
    If we wish to keep the real power of the Internet - its equalizing nature - we need to guard against the creation of a framework that provides special benefits for a privileged few.
    We do not want a world where some packets are more equal than others.
    Congress has a responsibility to stop this from happening and act in the best interest of the American people.
    If I am successful in my efforts to be elected to the House of Representatives, I will work diligently and fight hard to protect net neutrality and put an end the threatened dismantlement of the equal Internet.
    My background in technology and my experience in the business world have prepared me to take a unique leadership role on this issue. I expect I may be the first member of Congress to have written code for Unix C and C++ compilers and interpreters. I know not just how the Internet is used, but how it works. And I'm prepared to fight for it."
  22. MrPaisa

    MrPaisa New Member

    Jul 17, 2007
    Madison, NY
    Re: Tema Tecnológico del Foro [NSR] -part II

    that fly robot is cool!! But why are they throwing so much money into a fly when they could make a Raquel Welch (circa 1960s) robot that recovers from...you know what the Raquel Welch robot will recover from, I don't have to get into specifics...
  23. MrPaisa

    MrPaisa New Member

    Jul 17, 2007
    Madison, NY
    Re: Tema Tecnológico del Foro [NSR] -part II

    wait its not a fly is it? a dog? sounds like a fly because of the noise and it has those fly like legs....I still think the Raquel Welchi robot would be a much better investment...I am still waiting for that theme park where the female robots...you know what the female robots will do at that theme park....
  24. hadexxx

    hadexxx Member

    May 3, 2005
    Re: Tema Tecnológico del Foro [NSR] -part II

    anoche me trasnoche montando esto mira... pues es algo sencillisimo pero nunca lo habia hecho y para una idea loca nueva que tuve...
    la primer foto fue ensayando que por ahi estuviera pasando corriente, etc... con un cable que salia del socket de la pared.

    la segunda foto es cuando conecte el circuito a al puerto paralelo para hacer pruebas desde linux a ver si podia controlar los impulsos que salian del puerto paralelo, puro codigo en C.

    la tercer foto, ustedes diran, pero si un mac no tiene un puerto paralelo! yo se... el mac era para hacer webconference con mi amigo mientras montabamos la pendejadita esa, pero lo bacano es que este man esta en colombia y en ese momento el era quien controlaba los impulsos que salian desde el puerto paralelo... una chimba no????
  25. CtrlAlltDel

    CtrlAlltDel New Member

    Mar 12, 2007
    Re: Tema Tecnológico del Foro [NSR] -part II

    A few more resistors and you'll end up with negative resistance haha.

    And you should get an arduino board instead, those cheap radioshack breadboards make me sick to my stomach.

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