Here are the top 5 from the last poll. Voting will be open for a week and will be weeded down to the final 2.
Nobody likes us. We don't care It was my suggestion originally, so I had to stick with it, but Size of the Stadium is a close runner-up
Nobody likes us. We don't care I voted for Green, er, Blue, er, Maroon! originally but I just don't like its stance on the war in Iraq
Personally, I'm not a fan of actually using any tag lines referencing genitalia. Just not the sort of thing I want as a tag line. But that's just my preference. I wouldn't mind something like "We'll take Cooke over Beckham"
Oy...the "size of the stadium" thing just worries me. What if we don't do anything with about a tagline nightmare
I am in complete agreement with prk166 on this one. Another one I wouldnt mind is "Colorado can "Cooke" Mr. Posh"
Please Indicate Your Vote The trouble with voting on BS is that ANYONE can vote on this. So would the Rapids supporters who have or will vote PLEASE make a post indicating your vote so we can see the votes that matter. My Vote --> Owning Dallas since 1997
Re: Please Indicate Your Vote I voted #1. I live in CO and support the Rapids. What else you need for proof? I own a bike that's worth more than my truck? I oppose Californication? I keep shovels, granola and sleeping bags in the back of my truck?
I'm in with #1 as well. We're gonna catch heat for the name of the stadium, we might as well have fun with it ourselves.... wait, I guess that's not the best way of putting it... I understand prk's desire to keep it clean, but we should have considered that before we parred it down to 5. There aren't many clean choices left, and none that I would consider worthy. Let's not give Dallas the pleasure of being the object of our tagline. They certainly haven't earned it.
I voted for #1.....but maybe we should wait until after the Feb. 1 rebranding announcement to make our final selections. Also, I think our current tag line is better than any that are currently up for auction. Just my two cents.
I think stealing another team's catch-phrase is wrong/beggarly and Millwall will be pi$$ed ... but maybe "We don't care?"