Ok, Im playing against an opponent using a 3-4-3. I play 3-5-2 so woulld it be better to take advantage of my extra midfielder by playing Attack in Middle or what should i do. Thanks
my defense? One passable central defender and 2 offensive wingers with no defensive skills playing as defensive wingbacks. I think his midfield isnt the best, he's probably training scorers.
also, what part of the week can i change my tactics. I changed it today right after the game to general from stamina, but now im afraid theyre training stamina agen, so i just wasted a week of training.
I believe you can change training at any point up until the training update, but I'm not sure about that; to be certain, you should make your decision by the end of the friendly on Wednesday. As far as a 3-4-3 goes... if they're not playing AIM along with it, the formation probably won't be significantly different defensively from a 3-5-2, so you shouldn't do anything unusual on offense. Defensively, you should look at their attack ratings, it may make sense to play two CDs and one wingback instead of two wingbacks and one CD.
You can change training type as much as you want... When the training updates happen on Thursday night, your players receive training in whatever skill is selected at that time - regardless of how many times you changed it during the week.
It's got a place in the game, provided it's used very judiciously. I've done it twice in advance of qualifiers and I don't regret it.
would it be suicide to play 3 central defenders instead of 2 wingbacks and one central back or would it completely ruin my attack? I really need to win this game, as it will be my first in my new stadium, so i need to get up my supporters club. Also, I'm coming off a Match of the Season and playing this one cool, so I can't take any chances at all. my defenders are all passable and his forwards are probably passable to, and at best solid. Isn't there some way to completely shut down a 3-4-3? I've heard people talk about it before.
It would not necessarily be suicide to play 3 CDs, especially if your opponent is all center attack and no wing attack, but it might be more repositionings than you want. The ways of beating a 3-4-3 are having an especially good defense and pwning midfield to shut off service to their forwards.
ok, my opponent, boulder stags, last game against league leaders Mojo's, he had disasterous(high) midfield and weak attack except for his left side, which whas high. Do I play 2 wingbacks on the left to stop him or what? I think my midfield will be better, as it was very high before and now i purchased a solid playmaker excellent stamina guy so now my whole midfields excellent stamina. So i have a bvetter mid, how do i shut down the left side.
also i just noticed that my formation experience in the 3-5-2 went down to solid, even though thats the only formation I've ever played, and i've played 3 games... is it known to go down out of the blue?
It went down because you either sold or bought a player, you mentioned that you got a playmaker, he's new to your team and doesnt know what the heck's going on, so your formation experience went down because of him.