DPRK are good. I like the way they move the ball around. Technically sound players. This game is very entertaining stuff!
All teams in the tournament could learn a lesson about playing direct teams from Brazil's deconstruction of Norway. You clear out have your better dribblers take on the defense then either shoot or serve the ball. This severely disrupts teams that want to play a conservative counterattacking style. Teams like Norway, Sweden, Canada, and many others are very vulnerable to teams with take-on artists. Of course you have to have players that have the skills to play that way BUT, if you do, it seems the way to go. N. Korea was not doing this early BUT they have started getting a lot more play in Sweden’s end and this is in large part a function of DPRK players taking on Swedish players 1v1 and 1v2 or even 3. The second half should be very interesting with DPRK putting their quickness against Sweden’s size and strength. I will make a prediction: It could go either way.
Final: Sweden 1 - 0 N. Korea The first 10-minutes of the game both teams had problems getting their game together. The next 80-minutes was some enjoyable football. With Sweden's direct-style, the play was often up-and-down the field at a break-neck speed. IMO, Sweden was the more skillful team. Their passing and dangerous attacks kept N. Korea under control. Nevertheless, N. Korea had several streches of real good play. If the Korean's shooting accuracy would've been better, they could have equalized at some point. Of course, Sweden kept mounting attacks throughout the game. They could have just as easily put another goal on the scoreboard.
The Swedes did well to sit on the lead for more than 84 minutes. I watched the tape on Galavision, and heard one of the funniest things ever on the goal call. Jorge Ramos was breaking into English for some unknown reason just as the buildup was taking place: "La pelota es .. SHUT YOUR MOUTH YOU ARE DRIVING ME CRAZY ... Suecia .. GOOOOOOOOOOOL!" Who was he addressing? The PTH? He has also done some bizarre Anglicisms: "Here comes the bullet!"
I think this was the best game of the tournament so far. Great stuff, especially for a 1-0 scoreline.
The North Koreans are complaining about the facilities and reffing. http://www.latimes.com/sports/la-sp-swedennkorea26sep26,1,3748302.story?coll=la-headlines-sports
I was out ref'ing games while this was on live. I watched the tape this evening. Sweden definitely took the game to DPRK. But I found myself yelling at the TV repeatedly, "Advantage! Advantage! C'm'on, Tammy. Allow the advantage." Several times she took the ball off the feet of an advancing player for a free kick somewhere further back in the field. Disappointing. Both teams had good chances for additional goals right up 'til the final whistle. I'm not surprised that they were unhappy with LFF. Very narrow at 68-69 yds. Outside the 55 yds. of the gridiron football field looked very rough. If they make it to Foxboro next Wednesday, they should be much happier.