§iontree=3&itemid=132 "One moment, he is trumpeting the need to fund the state’s road and bridges and saying how existing programs are tapped out,” said Swanger. “In the next breath, he is writing a $47 million check to fund a soccer stadium in an area where the sport has failed twice.” Time to write letters, call, etc. What an undereducated dope. She is against property tax too. I am throughly entertained. State Rep. RoseMarie Swanger (R-Lebanon) was among House members today (1/29/08) voting in favor of a bill to eliminate property taxes in Pennsylvania. The amendment would have reduced property taxes 25 percent per year for four years, ending in their eventual complete elimination. It was voted down 47-148. “I am disappointed in my House colleagues who voted down this amendment,” Swanger said. “It was an easy vote for me, as my constituents are like many Pennsylvanians who want nothing short of complete elimination of property taxes. “The amendment did raise the personal income tax. But it would have done away with the earned income tax and all school nuisance taxes,” Swanger added. “The net result would have been a win for nearly all Pennsylvanians. “Without the amendment to completely eliminate school property tax, I cannot support House Bill 1600 as written,” she said, noting that an incomplete bill is just a short term band-aid. The amendment was considered as part of House Bill 1600 District Office 2134 1/2 West Maple Street Lebanon, PA 17042 Phone: (717) 277-2101 Fax: (717) 277-2105 Capitol Office Hon. RoseMarie Swanger 428 Irvis Office Building Harrisburg PA 17120-2102 Phone: (717) 787-2686 Fax: (717) 783-3899 E-Mail: Please concentrate on the positives of the project and not her negligence in twisting the facts. Do not insult her, but attempt to educate her thoroughly. When she tried this stunt in December, several fans wrote to her. Here is PopeDX's letter. Please write her today. But compose your thoughts first. Remember these points Phase one, expected to begin this fall, will include the stadium, 186 town homes; 25 apartment residences; 335,000 sq feet of office space; a convention and exposition center of approximately 200,000 sq. feet; 22,215 sq. feet of retail space; and structured parking with capacity for 1,350 cars. In addition, there will be substantial remediation and infrastructure construction highlighted by new streets, greenways, and a riverside promenade that will include boat slips. Phase two will include an additional 200 apartment units, 100,000 sq. feet of office space as well as retail space in excess of 22,000 sq. feet. The projected economic impact includes: More than 2,600 construction jobs At least 800 new net jobs on an annualized basis On an annual basis, the project will generate $19 million in total tax revenue (65% of which accrues to the Commonwealth) Thanks, Bryan
Re: Swanger - Making Waves Again Eh she's just looking for attention, and all you'll get in return is a form letter.
Re: Swanger - Making Waves Again I don't care what I get in response. I want her to get a flood of pro-development emails.
twisting the facts...ain't that what republicans do?? the rich want their money and damn everyone else to the servant class.
Re: Swanger - Making Waves Again Representative Swanger, I am writing in response to your recent statements in regards to the soccer stadium in Chester. While on the surface, it appears out of place to pledge nearly $50 million to a stadium when, as you have stated, there are matters of infrastructure that need to be addressed, I urge you to examine the numerous positive consequences that the construction of this soccer-specific stadium on the waterfront will have. Chester was once an important industrial piece in America's economy. Shipbuilding and car manufacturing helped maintain a level of relative prosperity well into the 20th century. When these industries began to leave Chester in the 1960s, the city began a decline that has culminated in the Chester of today. A city that was once a bustling center of industry is a shell of its former self, considered to be one of the most impoverished municipalities in the commonwealth. The funding for this new soccer stadium, however, brings hope to a town that is beginning a revival. While this project will cost the state $47 million dollars, it will attract over $400 million in private investments. These private investors will construct retail space, homes, and offices along the waterfront. Not only will this provide Chester with a rejuvenated look, but will also provide invaluable assets to the people both in the short and long terms. In the short term, the Chester plan will bring approximately 2,600 construction jobs to the area. Once construction is finished, there will be 900 jobs in retail and other management positions in the surrounding complex. Further, the new Chester will attract shoppers, sports enthusiasts, and people from the Philadelphia metropolitan area. This new flow of revenue will allow the city to grow in the long run, as its people benefit from the financial yields of this complex. As Chester continues to grow and begins to prosper, the community will soon have money available to improve infrastructure, homes, and, most importantly, education. The educational improvements will help provide the children of Chester with the human capital that will help them to succeed in the future. Representative Swanger, Chester is turning a corner in its history. After a steady and unfortunate decline, the new complex on the waterfront will be an integral part in reviving the city. In closing, I urge you to examine the positives and negatives of the project, as I hope you will see that the $47 million pledged by the state is strongly outweighed by the myriad of short and long-term benefits of the soccer stadium plan. Thank you for taking the time to read this email.
Three times, madam. If you're going to try to attack the stadium plans, you can at least bother to get your facts straight. Oh...along with one other tiny little fact--that was then. The sport has changed and grown considerably since then. Using her logic, the Spectrum should have never been built because the NHL failed in Philadelphia in the 1920s. (Yes, I know the Spectrum was privately built...but only after considerable tax breaks were given by the City, and the land sold to the Flyers group for a song.)
Re: Swanger - Making Waves Again I repped you for this. Guys, this is a HS Senior's work. You should submit this to your teacher for extra credit.
Hey PopeDX -- GREAT, GREAT, letter to this mis-guided representative back in December - REALLY well thought out and well argued. You should be a columnist. Same for MATT -- nice letter!!!
Swanger is playing an old age card, not a Republican card. The elderly are the ones who don't want a property tax. And which demographic has least love for soccer, or for redevelopment in general?
No, surprisingly except for the poverty level and racial makeup, the demographics of Lebanon/Jonestown match Chester's almost identically.
PA politics can be generally broken down into , Philadelphia Region and the rest of the State. With those outside the Philly region running on and existing on a platform of " NO MORE MONEY FOR PHILLY " its seems to be the only cause they have. Her brand of Politics neither help her region nor the state on a Whole . Development of any kind remains stagnated and PA pols have created a well documented culture of anti-development un-buisness friendly practices. She tipifys the reasons PA continues to fall behind the rest of the nation in nearly all categories . well ... except collecting elderly residents and former industrial sites.
I heard someone once say that its Philadelphia in the east, Pittsburgh in the west, and Alabama in the middle.
Swanger's comments reminds me of the philosophical argument about a tree falling in the forest. Nobody hears her. I'm sorry Ms. Backbencher-who-doesn't-sit-on-any-relevant-committees - are you going to tell the Senate Majority Leader that he can't have his development project?
Al Gore didn't like it either