Survivor: South Pacific [R]

Discussion in 'Movies, TV and Music' started by Ringo, Aug 24, 2011.

  1. SpencerNY

    SpencerNY Member+

    Dec 1, 2001
    Up in the skyway

  2. Ringo

    Ringo Member

    Jun 10, 2002
    Rough and Ready
    Yeovil Town FC
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    I disagree. Because in instances like that (i.e. the first Russell TC) they weren't voting for the person who blended in, they were voting AGAINST a polarizing figure. There's nobody in this game that bothers people so much they won't vote for them. Is there anybody on the jury, aside from the next person or two voted out (maybe), who has a real qualm with coach or ozzy?
    It's not enough to like Rick or Sophie, there has to be a reason to not vote for the other guy .... and I don't think that reason is out there.
  3. Ringo

    Ringo Member

    Jun 10, 2002
    Rough and Ready
    Yeovil Town FC
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    after 39 days, this game can still be won or lost with one answer in front of the jury. Albert and Coach each talked themselves out of $1 million.

    as is often the case, I shoulda listened to NHRef. ;)

    I'm still not so sure Sophie won as much as coach lost the game. But kudos to her.

    And here's the thing that constantly bugs me about the final TC, using Rick as an example. He spent the entire day trying to backstab Sophie, screw over a member of his alliance so he could advance and then he roasted Coach for doing the same thing. They all knew from the very first day, if those five made it to the final five they'd have to turn on each other. Yet those in the jury, most all of whom have spent their entire game doing the same thing, act like they never knew blindsides happened on survivor. They all act like they have the magical solution to take an alliance of five to four to three without having to vote somebody out you made a promise to. Edna was one of the few people that actually made sense up there instead of just grinding an axe.
    That said, Brandon did do what the final TC was there for ... he held Albert accountable. He gave Albert a rope and invited him to hang himself and he jumped into that noose.

    And as the game could be won or lost at the final TC, I was surprised opinions could change so much during the reunion. I really came around on Brandon and hope he finds some peace in his life. He seems like a decent, but lost, person. But Russell? Man, what a low-life. and yeah, I know ... big surprise. I (naively?) assumed Survivor Russell was a character -- and he even hinted on it, calling himself Uncle Russell and Survivor Russell. But to see how he treated Brandon ... man, what little respect I had for him is gone.

    I still love Cochran, but Jim did make a good point that he was playing to go far, not playing to win. But he should let it go -- he still seemed pretty pissed last night.

    All in all, a forgettable season with a forgettable winner. Glad to see that it doesn't appear that RI or past players will be coming back next season, though I wouldn't be surprised if we saw one or both of them.
  4. Alberto

    Alberto Member+

    Feb 28, 2000
    Northern, New Jersey
    New York Red Bulls
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    United States
    Too much taking the game play personally by jury members. Again, stunned that Sophie won. Other than winning the last two immunity challenges what did she do the entire game. Same with learning she was disliked by other players for being aloof and reserved. It never came across during the season. Coach played the best game of the three.
  5. taosjohn

    taosjohn Member+

    Dec 23, 2004
    Actually, thinking about it, Sophie did wina fair number of challenges-- not
    Fireman Tom or Colby or Mariano level, but still...

    I wasn't surprised by the result after Sophie won the last challenge. I thought at best Albert would get Brandon's vote, and figured Coach for three votes.

    But kudos to Edna for ripping the veil on everyone on the jury; the two things that surprise me constantly about the game are people's ability to feel unreasonably betrayed in a game that forces betrayal even where it is not native; and people's faith in alliances.
  6. Alberto

    Alberto Member+

    Feb 28, 2000
    Northern, New Jersey
    New York Red Bulls
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    I gather that Brandon, Edna and Cochran voted for Coach.
  7. taosjohn

    taosjohn Member+

    Dec 23, 2004
    Nope-- Brandon, Cochran, and Jim.

    I had thought Ozzy might vote for Coach and Brandon vote for Albert (just to justify his seppuku,) but as it turned out Albert got exactly the votes he earned...
  8. NORML

    NORML Member+

    Aug 9, 2002
    Lake Wobegon, MN
    NSC Minnesota Stars
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    I agree kudos to Edna, I was totally expecting her to just lay into Coach but nope she laid out what happened this year perfectly. I think Sophie had two key moments in final tribal, one was exposing the plan to reveal the hidden idol and the other was saying coach was like a cute little girl. The first put even more mud on Coach and the other was perfectly worded for a Survivor jury to elevate her worth over Coach's.

    Thinking about it other than Ozzie not making the final three the most worthy players made the final. Albert, Coach, and Sophie controlled the game perfectly by sharing the power and yet never using it.
  9. SpencerNY

    SpencerNY Member+

    Dec 1, 2001
    Up in the skyway

    Well your theory was proved 1/2 wrong. I'm also not so sure that Ozzie would have won had he been in the final 3 either. I know what the jury said about Ozzie at the reunion show, but it's funny how things can change once someone has to answer to the jury. I'm pretty sure Sophie could have made him look like a fool as well.
  10. SpencerNY

    SpencerNY Member+

    Dec 1, 2001
    Up in the skyway
  11. NHRef

    NHRef Member+

    Apr 7, 2004
    Southern NH
    Jim had a point, but for the wrong reason. Cochran was constantly fighting to stay "one more week". He had to because of the way he was treated, plus he was the weak link.

    Sophie kicked butt in the final tribal. Coach did good, Albert proved he's not listening. He was told "if you start your answer with a compliement you won't get my vote", he then said "that's a very good question" Oh my....

    Sophie called out Coach at the right points. Coach did good explaining honor vs winning. He was smart enough not to try to justify his actions with honor.

    One thing I was impressed with is Coaches lack of answers to his tribe mates last night. Several times he was asked pointed questions and he changed the subject and go away without answering.

    I think the right person won. I don't think Ozzie deserved it even if he made the final 3. He is an animal in challenges, but socially inept. He had a guy in his tribe who worshipped him, but then he lost him (Cochran) to one smooth conversation from Coach. That flip cost Ozzie the game.

    I do find it funny how much they held grudges, they cold shouldered Cochran in ponderosa. It's a game, he found a way to beat you all.
  12. yellowbismark

    yellowbismark Member+

    Nov 7, 2000
    San Diego, CA
    Club Tijuana
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    After Rick was sent home, Coach's chances went down to zero. Coach was the deciding swing vote for each of the last three contestants eliminated before the final council (Ozzy, Rick and Brandon). That's three jury votes down the toilet for him right then and there.

    Coach was sitting pretty for the whole game, but the make up of the final TC cost him. The fat cat usually looks pretty bad sitting next to someone who kicked and scratched their way to the final.

    Had Coach instead surrounded himself with any two of Albert, Brandon, Rick, or Edna, Cochran in the final council, he would have won. He played a smooth, dominating social game much like Boston Rob did last year. Only difference is, Rob was smart enough to surround himself with gimps at the last TC.

    I thought Sophie was a deserving winner. Any player that wins 3 individual immunities is a worthy player in my opinion. She did well enough in the social game. And she knocked it out of the park at the final tribal council.
  13. yellowbismark

    yellowbismark Member+

    Nov 7, 2000
    San Diego, CA
    Club Tijuana
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    According to this, Brandon voted for Sophie:

  14. Ismitje

    Ismitje Super Moderator

    Dec 30, 2000
    The Palouse
    Real Salt Lake
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    From the EW interview with Sophie:

    "Q: Tribal Councils are always much longer than what we see on TV. Tell me something else big that was said by either you and the finalists or the jury at that final tribal that didn’t make the final cut.

    A: Well, like the whole season, there was also more religion than what was shown. I was asked how I felt about the religion thing and had to give a politically correct answer. I think the religion thing really screwed Coach over because Dawn is a very religious person and Brandon is a very religious person and to them it was really unnecessary and too personal."
  15. taosjohn

    taosjohn Member+

    Dec 23, 2004
    I took it from Wikipedia at the time of my post, because I couldn't find a cbs count.

    Wikipedia is apparently experienceing some controversy over it-- at this hour they agree that Brandon voted for Sophie, and they only show four votes...
  16. DoctorJones24

    DoctorJones24 Member

    Aug 26, 1999
    The other problem with Jim's whining is that it ignores that his boorishness is part of what cost him the game. He and that other tall guy were such bullies towards Cocharan the whole time, never making him feel at all invested in the tribe--of course he was going to flip at the merge. (Not that I don't "get it." If anyone sort of begged to be bullied, man, it's Cocharan. The nebbishness and complete incompetence got pretty old, as much as I wanted to like him).

    Not a great season overall, but glad Sophie won. She was very quiet for the first half of the season, but about midway, I began to see her as the favorite. I think Ozzie's right that she's one of the smarter players.

    Loved her answer about the condescending/brat thing, when she referenced the Girl Scouts. That whole thing struck me as classic misogyny reacting to a smart confident woman.

    I have zero interest in another Russell season, btw, especially one with Brandon, another character I don't need to see again. If they follow through on Probst's idea, I'll take that season off.
  17. Ringo

    Ringo Member

    Jun 10, 2002
    Rough and Ready
    Yeovil Town FC
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    i'm counting on Brandon-Russell to just be a joke.

    but there's a chance I would sit it out too
  18. SpencerNY

    SpencerNY Member+

    Dec 1, 2001
    Up in the skyway
    Brandon's father might have earned himself a future spot. He was only on screen for all of 3 minutes and he managed assert himself as a complete whacko.
  19. ShadowNC

    ShadowNC Member

    Apr 25, 2001
    Rocky Mount, NC
    I seriously hope not. I've had more than enough of them at this point.

    I'm glad Sophie won, I really thought she deserved it. Strong physical player, and I thought she played a good social game too.

    I'm also blown away by her comment in that interview that "there was more religion than was shown..". My biggest complaint this season was that religion was playing WAY too big a part in the game, and she's saying it was even worse than was shown. :eek:

    I'm a little torn on the 'returning players' aspect of this show. On the one hand it's kind of cool to see some of our favorites come back. On the other hand I don't think it's fair to the new players because the games the past few seasons have immediately revolved around the returning players, and players who may have been able to grab early advantages seem to be pushed aside a little bit by cults of personality.

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