I'm afraid the first thing that comes to mind for me is this: But maybe it would never cross you young guys' minds. Sadly, the second thing is this. Yeah, I'm an 80's guy. My vote: the Mosh Pit. OK. So, it's yet even more 80'. And has no relation to anything Aztec. But it's a music thing, and Austin's a music town, and damn it, that should be celebrated. (OK, so I'm also a musician. So, I'm biased)
Hey! I am 80's child too! Like it. Though when I think of Mosh Pit....I thik of this: It should....oh..another 80's reference: If neither works....Austin related....Double Trouble. LOL.
...and since most of what people know about Austin is music and 6th Street (OK...not counting UT Longhorns...d'uh!), maybe.... The 6th Street Revellers The 6th Street Tribe The 6h Street Gang Barra de la Calle 6 Los Borrachos de la Calle 6
Calle 6 is pretty nice. Rolls off the tongue pretty well. Other things I've thought about is the Potter connection. Did a little web searching, and they had a Firm called the Naughty 40. Not that I'd want to celebrate English Firms, but the '40' caught my eye what with UT's 40 Acres. Then again, Austin's so much more than UT now (though that gorilla is a little hard to ignore). Anyway, just brainstorming here.
I like these. I also like the idea of Aztec themed stuff, but don't have any idea where that leads name-wise. We can still wear masks and hold up bloody hearts when a goal is scored regardless of the name though.
Yeah UT Longhorns are too hard to ignore. Still if their firm is called the Naughty 40..then maybe......The Naughty 6.
LOL. Or we can always take one of the opposition team's staff and sacrifice them to our Quetzalcoatl shrine. LONG LIVE QUETZALCOATL!
Speaking of quetzalcoatl. We could do have one of those big dragon things, like they have at chinese new year, and have people under it. That'd look cool, going through the stands. Make an Aztec-y version of it:
Agreed. There'd be bound to be some people that'd complain that it was too hispanic (whatever that means). But I like it. Plus if that means Mexican-Americans or whoever else feel more welcome, so much the better. I like the way it looks written with 6 in numerical form better though - probably being too nitpicky. I guess we'll see what people think tomorrow too.
It just occurred to me that, yeah, people outside of Austin know 6th Street, but it's a little lacking for the live music now. But there's still a lot over on Red River. Red River's a nice grisly double-entendre for an Aztec team. What about Rio Rojo or Rio Rojo Blanco? ... and we're getting perilously close to exhausting my Spanish
I was also reading it in Spanish. It wasn't until my later post that I thought about switching language.
I'll defer to Austinites. Me and my pips from RGV usually just hang out at 6th street. Red River Drunks sounds fine with me.
I think it would be cool to name your group in the Axtec language Nahuatl. Here is a list of Aztec words http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Academy/3088/naheng.html and here is a pronunciation guide: http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Academy/3088/nahuatl.html Maybe something with the word friend involved. Just an idea.
Lots of interesting stuff in Wikipedia's Aztec section, though lots of it is words that would sprain your tongue. Came up with these possibilities, given more for brainstorming than as concrete suggestions: Triple Alliance ("The Aztec Triple Alliance, also known as The Aztec Empire, was an alliance of three Aztec city-states: Tenochtitlan; Texcoco; and Tlacopan.") - Sounds kind of cool, I think, but we'd have to come up with a good answer to always being asked, "what 3 things are you an alliance of?" Tepanec ("The Tepanecs were a sister culture of the Aztecs (or Mexica)") - at least it looks easy to pronounce, compared to other native Aztec words. Teotl ("Teotl is a central concept of Aztec religion. In the Nahuatl language it is often glossed as "God", but may in fact be a much wider term referring to an immaterial dynamic energy of divinity") - Sounds like some ancient version of The Force to me. Kind of cool; hopefully there aren't any practicing religious Aztecs around any more to be offended.... I thought I'd go ahead and post what I found, but honestly, I think I like both "Rio Rojo" and "Calle 6" better than these. Though as someone else mentioned, I'm also a little worried that a Spanish name may confuse or put off some people. Doesn't bother me in the least -- I'm learning Spanish on my own with books on tape, as a matter of fact (so I knew what calle meant, w00t!). But I'd hate for anyone to hesitate getting involved because of a wrong perception. Take Houston's 2 supporters groups, the Texian Army and El Batallón. Isn't one predominantly Hispanic, and the other... not? I don't know, but just always kind of thought that, because of the names. Hope I'm not opening a big ol' can of worms here. I really do like those names.
Why not bilingual? Something that lends itself to both languages. Of course, in the end, it's who is active in the supporters' group that will shape the name, image, and all that. Anywho. Count me in for "Calle 6/6th Street" or "Red River/Rio Rojo" something or other. Vamos Aztex!
I like: Warriors (needs something added to it) Calle 6 (pronounced calle seis) Other ideas: something including Austin being the capital (cap, cap city, capitol) street names (calle 6, rio rojo, congress, lamar) landmarks (bats, barton, zilker, travis) Keep the names coming!
Mexico/Texas/USA? Mexico/Texas(USA)/England(Stoke City)? North/South/East Austin? I don't really hear of West Austin as being too distinct, but I could be wrong. Austin Aztex/FC Dallas/Houston Dynamo? I assume our fan base is going to be split as to which MLS team they follow (seems confirmed by the Club affiliations in this thread), but I'm sure we'll be united in our support of the Aztex. Aztexian Army? Guess I'll keep thinking.
I found this Wikipedia page on Aztec Warfare pretty interesting. Possible names from it: Eagle Warriors Jaguar Warriors Otomi Shorn Ones And then there a number of other Aztec words that could be used but are almost unpronounceable. I'll let you read the page rather than me try to spell them.