My favorite was the Coke ad with the inflatables.
My wife and I were writing them all down and "keeping score." The two that rated the highest for us was #1 Budweiser: Hank the Horse; and #2 Coke: Charlie Brown.
Except it seemed completely counter to the Peanuts universe. Charlie Brown would never get the Coke. He's a loser. Lucy would pull it away from him at the last second. Q
A childhood friend of mine came up with that ad. His mom had told me to look for it a couple weeks ago, but she mistakenly thought it was for Tide laundry detergent, so it took a little while for me to recognize that it was the one. It was the best commercial that I saw, but since I was attempting to soothe my sister's four week old baby for much of the game I missed most of them.
That's the whole point of the ad campaign. The other Coke ad showed Democrat and Republican Carville and Frist being good pals. The "Coke side of life" is a super-idealized happy place where even Charlie Brown wins. Notice they try to hint at it by showing a little girl with a football.
Okay, I missed the Lucy reference. I wasn't paying too much attention at that point in the second half, the ads had been so bad. I too thought the stain ad was probably the best.
My favorite was the Doritos ad that GringoTex posted, and I also quite liked the Tide ad. I've mostly forgotten the rest but I imagine that they'll come to me if they're posted. The funniest thing that happened last night, by far, was Chris Meyers' amazingly awkward postgame interview with Bill Belichick. It was an absolute laugh riot. Edit: I'd forgotten it, but I quite liked this one: [youtube]Ycvf9E2cjRs[/youtube]
the best was the promo for the terminator show where the terminator busts through and beats the crap out of the stupid, annoying fox football robot. that was completely unexpected and 100% ace. EDIT:
Excellent point, so glad you brought that up. That was extremely awkward. I was so surprised he was walking on eggshells with Bellichik considering how rude and antisocial Bellichek can be. It would have made for great tv to have the report push Bellichek by askinng him pointed questions for example. 1. Why not try the field goal up 7-3 in the third quarter? 4th and 13 was a reach. The game would have been tied as a result. 2. You are noted for your adjustments. What happened? Did you ever consider, A) leaving a back in to block, B) replacing one of the injured starting lineman with the back-up given the fact they were coming back from injury since the Giants had pressured Brady so much? 3. Should you have shown more patience on the last series instead of throwing bombs? The Patriots did have 30 plus seconds. 4. Was the team overconfident coming into this game? 5. Why did you walk of the field with 2 seconds remaining?
I'd have preferred something along the lines of: "Bill.... Have you tried crying about? That might help. Seriously. Why don't you cry about it."
I thought it was a weak crop this year, though seeing Justin Timberlake wracked on a mailbox a half dozen times and bludgeoned by a large television did give me some enjoyment.
Yes, that was my favorite. The talking baby was cute. The Bud horse and dog was cliche, but nicely done. I like the carrier pigeons. But Jackie Moon steals the show.
I didn't like the talking baby one, only because I think talking babies are creepy....I did like the pigeon one too I forgot about it...
I agree one hundred percent and I am not a girl. His schtick is real old and tired. Talk about beating a dead horse. Not funny at all.