Nice, So now I can tell my wife that it's ok if my life revolves around soccer, just look at the shape of the universe.
I don't know what is more maddening;the thought of an infinate universe, or a finite one. If it's a finite one, as this model suggests, what the *#*#*#*# is on the outside????????
Three possible answers: 1. there is no "outside the universe," there is only the universe, even though the universe is finite. 2. There are other universes outside of ours, also ball/bubble like, in a model cosmologists calle "multi-verses." There was a great article in Scientific American not too long ago on the subject; the mathematics suggests that if there are multi-verses, many of them are very very close to ours in terms of temporal and spatial development. Meaning that there many be many versions of you and me and everyone else going on outside of this universe. 3. While we will someday know with some precision the true shape and structure of OUR universe (we are getting very close) we can NEVER know what is outside it, so it really doesn't matter at all.
Oh no, it does matter. What if someone comes about, kicks our soccer-ball shaped universe and bends it like Beckham?
Doesn't this stuff give you a headache? I understand what you're saying, but it really stresses my fragile human mind.
All I got to say to fans of other sports is: SCOREBOARD, BABY!!! The universe is not shaped like a baseball, or a basketball or a hockey puck, or that oval thing they use for rugby. It is shaped like a soccer ball. Soccer is bigger than the world. It is the whole *#*#*#*#ing universe!!!
But what if this soccer ball is only a gleam in the eye of a much larger baseball universe where Mike Piazza's sexuality is actually known?