The U.S. Army's "Taking It to the Streets" yellow Hummer The SOURCE is dead. From (get a day pass, beeyotch!) ...the yellow Hummer is the signature vehicle for the U.S. Army's "Taking It to the Streets" campaign, a hip-hop-flavored tour launched a year ago by Vital Marketing Group, the Army's African-American events marketing team. During these events, the Taking It to the Streets team lets possible recruits hang out in the Hummer, where they can try out the multimedia sound system or watch Army recruitment videos. The Army's team often throws contests, too: Which possible recruit can shoot the most baskets, do the most push-ups, go up the rock-climbing wall the fastest? The winners are awarded Army-branded trucker hats, throwback jerseys, wristbands and headbands. Want a customized dog tag? They've got a machine that makes them. Want to see what it's like to fly a plane? There's a flight simulator. It's all to convince urban teens that the Army understands hip-hop culture: The Army knows you play basketball and wear jerseys, because the Army is down with the streets... ...The Vital Marketing Group is about to take its recruitment campaign for African-Americans a step further by teaming up with hip-hop bible the Source. This fall, Vital will launch a new tour separate from the Taking It to the Streets campaign: The Source Campus Combat Tour will start in late October, hitting five Northeastern college campuses with high percentages of African-American students... ...When I saw the Source was teaming up with the Army, I was outraged," says Bakari Kitwana, former executive editor of the Source and author of "The Hip-Hop Generation: Young Blacks and the Crisis in African-American Culture." "It's a betrayal of their readership. The military has historically used African-Americans, while the country has not done justice to African-Americans..." That's just foul, and SOURCE subscriptions will be dropping nationwide when word gets out...
because we all know the source is an intergral part of informing young americans about what to do with their lives aside from which "crunk out the frame" album to buy or which "fresh sean john" clothes just hit the street.
Yeah, whatever, Bakari. He thinks blacks are not intelligent enough to realize you join the military and you might get shot. He's the racist and he doesn't even know it.
"How dare the Army give them there black folk oppurtunities."(s) On the other hand it's good to see that the Hummer has been converted for military use.
A Ford truck has military applications? Well, only if you consider "picking up the CO's dry cleaning" to be a "military application."
No, they're suckers. Peope with no self-esteem or pride in themselves. And, apparently, someone that hasn't taken an US History class in their entire life.
Explain your rationale. I really don't understand what joining the military necessarily has to do with race. It's not like black people are being forced to join the army. In Vietnam one could argue that middle & upper class whites could get a deferment while poor whites, blacks & hispanics weren't afforded the same advantage. But today people sign up for a variety of reasons. Many times it's to get out and see the world, learn how to become a responsible adult or because they want to get away from home. It's a good route for those not interested in college or working 9-5. I bet the avg. soldier has 10X the self-esteem of the avg. college student. Your argument sounds silly.
Any African-American willing to fight and die for a county that has continually treated his/her race with as little dignity and humanity as the United States has is a sucker. That is my point and rationale.
Wrong wrong wrong. i don't think you should be speaking for a large cross section of people like this. For you to do so is quite disrepectful.
I understand where you're coming from, but I don't think you see the bigger picture. The real-world (financial) reward pales in comparison to the risks for anyone in a combat situation. That's part of the reason the military recruits kids fresh out of high school, before they can complete their education and get a better gig in the private sector. It's one thing to finish one's education and go in as an officer, quite another to go in with no rank whatsoever. But for a lot of people -of any color- it's the only good option available. That's what a government counts on when there's no draft. Traditionally, Black men and women have served in the military in decent percentages. That's in part because the military offered steady pay not always available in the private sector, and because military service was used as a weapon in the ongoing fight against racism. Some do it because they hope that one day, the civilians they're defending will see them as they see themselves. Universal- Black folks aren't going to enlist because of any hip-hop ad campaign. And I doubt that anyone will cancel their subscription to The Source because of it, either.
i guess your mssg. isn't getting across because there is a significant number of blacks serving in the military. i suppose each & every one is a sucker? that's thousands of people putting their asses on the line for your right to call them "suckers". i think i know who the real sucker is.
I understand that people have different reasons for joining the military, and I respect anyone's choice and opinion. If they want to do it, that's fine. I'm not here to control anyone's existance. I'm just saying that there is not a chance in hell that would die for a country that has treated my race the same way. Simple as that.
So you're basically saying that YOU wouldn't sign up for the military but you don't have anything against those (of any race) that do. It's far different from what you first said. The govt.'s job is to make the military as appealing to 18 yr. olds as they can. I know the Hummer promo. is over the top, but it's their job as a kind of corporation to market their product as efficiently as possible. No different from beer companies, music companies or clothing companies hawking their sh!t to the same demographic.
If you're 18 years old and you don't know that joining the military involves the risk of being shot, then you almost deserve to be shot.