I talked to him yesterday and he's heading home to Bolivia for about 5 months. He says he hasn't heard anything from the team. I wouldn't be surprised if they give him one in Bolivia and not here.
That would be a terrible injustice. If he's going for five months though we can hope for next spring? Has there been any sort of push by fans to lobby the team?
We've talked to Steve Zack about it informally, and though the team's aware we want one there's nothing concrete coming from the Front Office at this time.
This is truly sad. Cienfuegos got one and it was on TV. DC can't even be bothered, yet. Hell, DC even let Dema go to play in Stoichkov's match in Spain... Thx, Jay!
I seriously doubt Marco is going to be forgotten. To be honest, at this point I'd rather this event be part of the new stadium then played on a reconfigured RFK. K
Maybe that's exactly what they are thinking... To wait until the new stadium.. But.. that's so far away...
I've got news guys. No matter how many times we talk about this, DC United's official dysfucntional stance (as always) until they're ready to put out a press release is: NO COMMENT
I'm shocked that we didn't have one already. We DARN well better have one because he carried 3 MLS Cups and numerous other assorted trophies into RFK on his back. One measly game ... that should be a no brainer. -Digital
It would be unconscionable for it not to happen. Patience, please. I could see it as the opening game of a new DCU Stadium in 2006/7, probably in the preseason.