I don't know if it has been done before but it seems interesting. 10 picks 10 songs that for you stand the test of time. Songs that you have memorized backwards and forwards. Songs that you never get tired of listening to. Any genre Any time period Who is up for it? 1) Panfilo 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) 12) 13) 14) 15)
Count me in, but I do think you should narrow the requirements a bit. I figure that the albums and songs picked in previous drafts stand the test of time for those who picked them. Maybe a draft of songs by one or two-hit bands or something. That way, we don't end up with the same songs we picked for the album drafts.
I like the idea of a really broad "song" draft -- something that can go from rock and roll to opera to country to what you hear in elevators to just about anything. I think the biggest issue, and the most fun, would be when someone picks a "song" and mentions a version or by an artist when there are other versions that are tons better. I would assume that if a version is picked, the song is gone forever. I'm in if you guys do it.
Count me out - I would first pick Happy Birthday sung by my kids, then Amazing Grace sung at my Grandfather's funeral, then something else immediately mockable, and that would be fun for you but not me.
I want to post my first song choice. Don't worry, no one else will pick this one. sorry, don't actually know the name... [youtube]XLCy8O7cH0s[/youtube]
There's only one proviso that I would append: I'm not sure about "standing the test of time". History may not reckon some songs so highly as some now regard them, especially music that is currently in vogue, but that doesn't mean we don't really like them now. I'm sure it would be inappropriate to give specific examples, except for the song the 4 servers sing at the restaurant where we have our birthday dinners. We all love those. Don't we?
Sounds like fun, I'll try it. I'm in. Does it have to be a song that we can post for everybody to hear, or can we just pick anything we want?
'Standing the test of time' is in the eye (or ear) of the beholder. BTW, my six year old daughter used to sing the song that you just posted, back when she was four or five, she knew she could get laughs, so she'd sing it for anybody. It was a riot!
Boy, I hope I'm not DQ'd but it turns out that that song is Dragostea Din Tei, by the Moldavian band O-zone. It's reeeeeeeeally good!!!! [youtube]qfiVc0X9Ewc[/youtube] Please let me stay.
This is going to be the weirdest draft in all of Bigsoccer history. Any genre, any time? Can anyone come up with a Top 5 that they are positive will all be drafted in by the time the Top 20 selections are made? This can go so many different ways that this is going to be totally nuts. Part of me wants to do it just for the insanity but the other part of me (that is winning) thinks that I will not be able to do enough research/thought to do it right. So I am out. That being said, I am not above commenting and creating rules..... I think when you post a song, you should try to post your favorite version (if there is one that is accessible via a webpage or youtube) or at a minimum mention a preferred version if you have one.
See my favorite version of that song is right here....... [youtube]KmtzQCSh6xk[/youtube] We better stop or the Top 5 will all be talked about!