Here. Personally I, on more than one occassion, wished that there's a mute button just for Brandi. I liked her as a player years ago, but a lot of the negative crap she spewed have made the games less enjoyable. I too, agree that there's a need to get away from the games years ago. Things changed a lot.
There were some but they were deleted by the people who started them. If possible I'd rather have all the posts pertaining to it from the other thread moved here. I feel really bad about stuffing the Colombia match thread.
Team Chastain for me. She's a great commentator and almost always right. Hope has a classic goalkeeper's personality: sensitive and with a persecution complex.
You do realize that Hope criticism of Chastain is her defending a teammate that Hope felt Chastain wrongly criticized during a game.
I thought that would happen early on, but I feel bad for the poor mod who would have to do that at this point. It will flare up some tomorrow as it gets some greater attention, but it's pretty much run it's course. Team USA for me.
Yet Solo put more attention on Buehler's decisions than Chastain ever did (after she listened to the entire broadcast of course)... August 14
Hope Solo is getting media attention for herself and her team bad or good, people will know who Hope Solo is! Please continue talking about her!
Brandi Chastain reacts to criticism from Hope Solo
Brandi's comments were nothing out of the ordinary. Solo's reaction was totally unnecessary and uncalled for. She is quickly becoming a loudmouth and a jerk.
It's similar to Solo's reaction to the criticism she got from the judges from Dancing with the Stars. She can't seem to take them. She would rather everyone would just tell her nice things and leave the critical things out. She is more of a delicate flower than I thought she was!
Wouldn't she have been better off just going up to Chastain and talking to her person to person. Now, I realize people wouldn't be talking about Hope Solo ( which she wants with her new book coming out soon)! Hope Solo is not interested in getting publicity for the team - only interested in publicity for herself.
Chastain is a reporter. What do you think the results of such a conversation would be other than a scoop by Chastain?
Trouble is Hope does not think Brandi is a reporter. Hope wants Brandi to be a cheerleader and a homer. As such, she should go talk to Brandi privately.
Interesting perspective on this "controversy"-
I agree. That was really good by Chastain. And thanks for sharing the quote. Other than that, I'm with Bissell above. Sure makes sure that women's soccer doesn't get lost amid all the other Olympic events. The only bad publicity is...
That. I mean, this is as clear as it gets. A career classy person doing her job as a journalist, nothing malicious, just calling 'em as she sees them, gets sideswiped by a career self-centered dipshit, who ha a history of thinking first, second, third, and fourth about herself. How on earth anybody could side with Hope Solo on this, I will never understand.
Are you sure? This article makes it sound like it's her response, in an interview on July 29, after the July 28 game and Hope's tirade: But if it actually was said before the game, then Brandi is not only classy and accurate, but way ahead of the curve.