Nothing will make me laugh harder at MLB than the Mets and the Braves meeting again in the NLCS for the pennant.
RIP Pete Rose you would have loved seeing sports betting become a multi-billion dollar industry profiting off of addiction— David Grossman (@davidgross_man) September 30, 2024
Intertubes telling me Rooney is 38 Robert Baratheon, first of his name, King of the Andals and the First Men, Lord of the Seven Kingdoms and Protector of the Realm.— Troll Football (@TrollFootball) September 30, 2024
Yeah, they've really watered down the importance of the regular season. The Mets, Atl, Dbacks race was good, but most playoff teams knew dozens of games ago that they'd be playing in October.
Fair enough (it looked different for sure, but posting on my phone you never know). That's still a rough-looking 30-something who's never had to worry about paying for health care or eating well.
Have you ever seen pictures of Wayne Rooney's father? He inherited the sort of body type that would make it hard NOT to be packing on pounds, no matter what he did.
Holy sh!t. Don't those people have, I dunno, vegetables and fruit in that country?!? And, I dunno, cardio? He looks like a Ohio trucker, back home after rolling a load for Walmart for a few weeks.
It was pretty clear as soon as he stopped playing soccer, this was going to happen. I mean, he has some control over his wasteline, but he was going to have that round head and a tendency to multiple chins once he hit a certain age.
Where do you think our standard (not foodie) cuisine gets its origins? The Brits are the gold standard for unhealthy cooking.
Sorry, but I object to this refusal to acknowledge American ingenuity. Did the Brits invent the Twinkie? No. Did they invent the deep fried Twinkie? No. When it comes to unhealthy cooking, we are truly the world's leaders. I mean, sure, the Brits were deep frying. But WHAT were they deep frying. Fish and potatoes. Essentially healthy foods. Who but an American would think of deep frying a twinkie and then eating it? I rest my case.
My experience with Brit food is that its flavorless [?flavourless?], and barely edible. I'm stunned that anyone over there could accomplish being overweight, based on the cuisine. That said, Wayne, have a little pride. And a little cardio.
Sure. And his abject lack of melanin was always gonna mean that he was gonna become a bag of wrinkles and a deeply-furrowed face. There's not much anyone can do to fight the genetic material one is working with. But, a man with his kind of money should try to keep the BMI closer to 25 than 35.
I'm going to be 37 this month. Barring some grays in my beard, I've been told I don't look my age. Part of is genetics, another is I work out at least five days a week, and I partially eat healthy. Melissa Carone (Remember her?) is a couple of years younger than me but I thought she was older. Imagine my shock.
I'm told the Scottish are the originators of some of what we now call soul food. Real talk... How far removed can haggis be? Them's his genes. He probably could do better, but how much and at what cost to his time, I cant say. Needs to be glad he's not a girl. No amount of exercise can make a proper pear out of an apple.
I guess it depends on how you define British food. In London, and most of the larger towns, you can find amazing Indian, Turkish, and Italian food, as well as nice gastro-pubs. But if you're just limiting your definition to fish-n-chips, pies, and roasts....okay.
Probably better to say that British food is improving as the definition of "Brit" expands to include all those wonderful cultures that were once relegated to "colony" status. The Crown gets an upgrade that way.