"No soccer ball, no doughnuts, no bagels," And let the witty headlines and play on words begin. Astro-boffins mull football theory The Age - October 9, 2003 http://www.theage.com.au/articles/2003/10/09/1065601940193.html A team of astrophysicists have taken a kick at the conventional view that the Universe is flat and endless, suggesting instead that the cosmos is shaped like... a football. Universe is shaped like a football, says scientist by ALOK JHA, Science correspondent The Guardian - October 9, 2003 http://www.guardian.co.uk/international/story/0,3604,1058868,00.html It is a question which has been kicking about for thousands of years: is our universe infinite? Today, scientists have announced the most compelling evidence yet which suggests that, not only is it finite, but it may be the shape of a football. Scientists calculate shape of cosmos CBC News - October 8, 2003 http://www.cbc.ca/stories/2003/10/08/universe031008 CANTON, N.Y. - If you feel like you've been kicked around in life, maybe it's because you live in a big soccer ball. __________________________________________ And just that quickly we're being told that this theory is already close to being proved wrong . . . but the play on words continue. Cosmic Soccer Ball? Theory Already Takes Sharp Kicks By DENNIS OVERBYE NY Times - October 9, 2003 http://www.nytimes.com/2003/10/09/s...GLE&adxnnlx=1065754699-ImCx4i9O2D1PuuVBSWVvjA In an unusual logjam of contradictory claims, a revolutionary new model of the universe, as a soccer ball, arrives on astronomers' desks this morning at least slightly deflated. Are we inside a big soccer ball? Scientists' report says universe resembles a 12-sided hall of mirrors by DENNIS OVERBYE (New York Times) The Charlotte Observer - October 9, 2003 http://www.charlotte.com/mld/observer/news/6968152.htm But other astronomers, including a group led by Dr. David Spergel of Princeton University in New Jersey, said that a continuing analysis of the same data had probably already ruled out the soccer ball universe. The study, about two-thirds complete, had already eliminated many simple models of so-called "small universes," including a dodecahedron, when the Nature paper hit their desks last week, Spergel said. "No soccer ball, no doughnuts, no bagels," he said.
Problem: American footballs are shaped like rugby balls Maybe it was all a publicity stunt. Football crazy The world is just a great, big onion. Or football, if you like by ED BARRETT MegaStar - October 9, 2003 http://www.megastar.co.uk/world/news/2003/10/09/sMEG01MTA2NTcwMDgzNTI.html “It’s a question that’s been kicking about for thousands of years,” according to Alok Jha, the Guardian’s science correspondent. The question to which he refers is, of course: is our universe infinite? Scientist Jeff Watts believes he has found the answer, and in the process, he has cracked another problem: how can I get lots of publicity for my project? The answer to the latter problem is simple: make sure you contrive a connection, however tenuous, with the f-word. This he has duly done – hence the relatively prominent position of the story, and its sexy headline: “Universe is shaped like a football, says scientist”. But there is a problem. Watts is based in New York, and American footballs are shaped like rugby balls. His model resembles a soccer ball, which gets you page six of the Guardian, but is unlikely to excite the New York Times. Back to the drawing board, guys.
It is one of those things you know subconsciencly(sic) but now I know for sure this was meant be it is no coincidence.......soccer, (football) the truth