I'm a soccer referee and as such my choice for footwear is very limited to black shoes. I mostly use the Adidas Team Mundial or adiNovas. While they have great leather uppers and great outsoles, they are not the most comfortable shoes when you are doing multiple games per day. They do not have much support since I overpronate quite a bit (roll my ankles inwards). I was told to look at some insoles but everything I tried so far seems to be too big or bulky. A friend suggested that I try the superfeet insoles. I wonder if anybody have any experience with them. They seem to offer 3 options, Black, blue and green (different thickness). My question is which one I should go with and should I remove the insoles that come with the shoes? They are glued and I wonder if removing them will cause any structural damage to them. AdiNovas
I use the Team Mundials for playing and refereeing, and I can't imagine them being more comfortable. But if you need more arch support or orthotics for some reason, then you would probably be okay removing the insoles. I've found that the shoes have stretched quite a bit and now I have plenty of room, so I could probably get some insoles in there no problem. If I ever have to replace them, I'll definitely go a half size down. If you have any concern about causing long-term damage (which is highly unlikely in my opinion), ask a shoe repair guy.
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