Soccer and the election.

Discussion in 'Elections' started by humstein, Nov 3, 2004.

  1. humstein

    humstein New Member

    Jun 2, 2003
    At first glance there doesn't seem to be much of a connection between the election and soccer, excepting of course the USWNTs excellant work on behalf of John Kerry (in their individual capacities, not as an official team event).
    What I sensed in the Bush victory is a large dose of nativism, xenophobia and outright ignorance of anything that is percieved as foriegn(this would include soccer). On the other hand we had the blue states where this neanderthal thinking was rejected. (this isn't a personal attack on Bush supporters - I respect you- I just disagree with your views).
    It's interesting that you could draw a direct connection between the areas taken by Kerry and the areas where soccer as a spectator sport is growing the fastest. On the other hand the rural midwest and the south, solid Bush areas, is where soccer as a spectator sport (not a participation sport that's a nationwide phenomenen) is having the hardest time catching on.
    I was wondering if anyone else sees this connection?
  2. metro24freak

    metro24freak New Member

    Jul 5, 2004
    The only connection I see between soccer and Bush is that it would probably be best for all the USMNT, well actually all the US national teams, men, women, and youth to be at home because now out of our own stupidity we elected Bush and the whole world knows that and I'm sure some countries are really pissed off, and they should be. I think for the safety of the players and coaches and whoever else is involved with the national teams that all games for the next 4 years should be home because in other countries, especially the ones that are pissed at us or will be pissed at us in the coming years, might get a bit irrational and start throwing rocks and stuff at the players, it's one thing to throw it at the bus it's another thing to throw it at their heads.
  3. Prairielander

    Prairielander New Member

    Apr 13, 2004
    The Land of OZ
    I don't think you can draw this conclusion. In all but about 10 states, the vote was 50something to 40something percent one way or another. That means there is almost as many Kerry people in Bush states or Bush people in Kerry states.

    Utah did go 71% Bush to 27% Kerry. So, for the sake of Real Salt Lake, we better hope there is no connection.
  4. Furious George

    Furious George New Member

    Feb 19, 2001
    to the right
    You respect people that you believe have a nativistic, xenophobic, ingnorant, and neanderthal way of thinking?

    Very magnanimous of you. Yes, the respect is evident. ;)

    However, the soccer connection may have some validity. At first glance it may simply be a matter of population concentration. But a small factor may have something to do with a way of thinking.

    Extreme example:

    Conservative thinking (note the word Neanderthal was not used):
    American = Good, foreign = bad. Soccer = Foreign therefore soccer = bad.

    Liberal thinking (note the words pseudo-intellectual, pompous, and elitist were not used):
    Europe = Good. Footy = European therefore footy = good.

    My thinking:
    Soccer = American. American = not perfect but still good with the capacity to be great.

  5. greenbill

    greenbill New Member

    Apr 30, 2003
    York, PA
    Believe me...the bags of urine, batteries, rocks, etc., will still be thrown at Americans for years to matter who is President. This has been going on for years. People in other countries hating America is not a new thing.

    Somehow I new this thread was coming. :rolleyes:
  6. england66

    england66 Member+

    Jan 6, 2004
    dallas, texas
    I don't think it would be possible for me to disagree any more with this view. Anyone the f--kin' french are for (Kerry) I am against....and any one the f--kin' french are against (Bush) I am for....The USA is finally finding out what the British have known for a 1000 years...the french are a pain in the arse...
  7. SueB

    SueB New Member

    Mar 23, 1999
    Waterbury, VT
    Just a friendly reminder to keep the thread soccer-related. If it drifts too much to politics, to the Politics board it will go.
  8. metro24freak

    metro24freak New Member

    Jul 5, 2004
    Um yeah but this isn't about the French, the French aren't here they're 3000 miles away and really not that big of a deal since all they really do is give their opinion whether or not people want to hear it.

    Some of us, like me, didn't want Bush elected because they don't want a draft. You might not be affected if there's a draft (which there will be) but I'm 16 and by the time there is a draft I'll be 18 or almost 18 and they will have expanded it to guys and girls because Bush keeps getting so many people shot, so if I get drafted I'm not gonna be going to college and grad school and getting my degrees and a good job that I'm happy in I'll be in the middle east fighting for oil! That much said if there is a draft I'm not going, you can put my @ss in jail I'm not going to fight for Bush and his daddy's oil, if they want it so bad they can go over and get themselves shot but stop getting people shot who haven't done anything.
  9. SueB

    SueB New Member

    Mar 23, 1999
    Waterbury, VT
    I'll let it go this time because you were obviously typing while I was making my previous post. Soccer-related, please.
  10. england66

    england66 Member+

    Jan 6, 2004
    dallas, texas
    Don't feel too bad the USA teams are not the only ones who get stuff thrown at them....
  11. Benito

    Benito Red Card

    Aug 25, 2004
    I must tell you soccer does not mix with politics, and you even bringing up here makes you a moron.
  12. SueB

    SueB New Member

    Mar 23, 1999
    Waterbury, VT
    Are you joking? Soccer mixes with politics all over the world.
  13. needsashower

    needsashower New Member

    May 2, 2004
    down by the river

    Actually, you have a better chance of getting shot in downrown washington DC. Not that the middle east isn't dangerous, to the contrary. Our guys are getting killed by what is known as an IED, improvised explosive device. This is when the enemy creates homemade grenades and mines out of garbage and stuff our soldiers leave behind. This i why our soldiers wear helmets and flak jackets, to protect against shrapnel. Beheadings are amother issue.
  14. SueB

    SueB New Member

    Mar 23, 1999
    Waterbury, VT
    SOCCER. Last chance to keep the thread about soccer. Then I'm moving it to the black hole of the politics board.
  15. SueB

    SueB New Member

    Mar 23, 1999
    Waterbury, VT
    On second thought, I'm just moving it.
  16. bbsbt

    bbsbt Member+

    Feb 26, 2003
    What he/she said.
  17. dfb547490

    dfb547490 New Member

    Feb 9, 2000
    The Heights
    Soccer doesn't belong to any one country the way, say, American football, or sumo, or hurling does. In fact, I probably wouldn't be as much of a soccer fan as I am if I wasn't as patriotic as I am (part of what allured me to the game was the international aspect, which you don't really find in most other sports)
  18. Fat Mike

    Fat Mike New Member

    Aug 23, 2000
    Broken Arrow, OK

    Yeah we couldn't afford to lose someone who is so obviously a moral superior. Keep talking like that and they'll really enjoy your @ss in jail
  19. metro24freak

    metro24freak New Member

    Jul 5, 2004
    Thanks fatty I will.
  20. mutinywxgirl

    mutinywxgirl Moderator
    Staff Member

    Apr 6, 1999
    St. Petersburg, FL
    I just have to say that I'm pretty conservative in my thinking and actions, however I've been addicted to the sport since 1975. So much for your Soccer = Foreign bad thought. I'm first generation as well.
  21. Blitzz Boy

    Blitzz Boy Member

    Apr 4, 2002
    The West Side
    The Reddest of all Red states led the USL PSL (3rd division) in attendance. Where's Kenn Tomasch when we need him? I think that the Blitzz led the D3/PSL in ticket sales since they started up in 2000.

    I don't have any proof, but I am pretty sure that Dave Checketts is a Republican. Both our new Republican governor and our outgoing Republican governor has been at RSL press conferences and the unveiling of our dopey name.

    But on the other hand, Salt Lake City's very liberal Democratic mayor was also at these events.

    Someone from the Women's boards can correct me if I'm wrong, but I think that the USWNT's best attendance at a Friendly in 2003 was in Utah against a bad Eire team.

    Good old Utah. Where two cars next to each other in the Rice Eccles Stadium parking lot have bumper stickers that say "God, Guts And Guns Made America Great" and "Live Simply So That Others May Simply Live"
  22. argentine soccer fan

    Staff Member

    Jan 18, 2001
    San Francisco Bay Area
    CA Boca Juniors
    Nat'l Team:
    I don't know nationally but in California this idea doesn't hold water. For example, San Francisco County went more than 80 percent for Kerry, and Orange County went over 60 percent for Bush. Yet San Francisco is a baseball stronghold, and soccer is very popular in Orange County.

    Anyway, soccer will survive regardless of who wins elections. The game is just too good.
  23. soccer_is_life

    soccer_is_life New Member

    Nov 5, 2004
    Houston, TX
    I was also noticing something like what you said (the guy who posted this). I have to also agree on something. "NOW the american's have elected and voted for the WAR". Before, when I was on a trip in the middle east, I would tell people that the american people's mentality is not like bush, and that the majority hate his lies about Weapons of mass destruction and etc... I used to say to them not to worry because Kerry is taking over. That the american people are much smarter than what has happend to them...but I guess I was way off the mark. Apparently bunch of cow hearding, pasture loving idiots decided that BUSH is one of them. oh yea...they don't play soccer either. Lets go watch some FOOTBALL and get drunk. If you look at all the states kerry has won, it is the states with America's Major cities. New York, San Fran, LA, and so on. All the areas with farmers and cow pastures are for bush!

    America just lost its chance to make peace with the rest of the world. We have to wait another 4 years! Lets hope we can ALL live to see that day.
  24. Ian McCracken

    Ian McCracken Member

    May 28, 1999
    SS Lazio Roma
    Nat'l Team:
    Gee, thanks for the non-personal attack. No harm taken. Whenever somebody calls me nativist, xenophobic, ignorant, and a neanderthal I always take it as constructive criticism.
  25. Mel Brennan


    Paris Saint Germain
    United States
    Apr 8, 2002
    Paris Saint Germain FC
    Nat'l Team:
    United States

    POTY. Really.


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