Mid table obscurity or a nail biting fight for survival? Some punter over here said that Curbs has 'Turned us into Charlton' Sounds like bollocks to me
Not only doesn't sound like it, but it doesn't even scan, or rhyme. Can you imagine playing charades and doing 'sounds like' and 'bollocks' ' I know that one' says the missus, ' it's Charlton'
For this season mid table obscurity, but the football is deadly dull and yesterday for much of the time I was feeling I can't wait for this game to end. Not because we were hanging on for dear life, but because it was like watching paint dry. I think Curbishely can get away with what's going on this season because we needed stability after last, and also because of the injuries. If we look like it's more of the same next season, he'll be gone.
You can't buy injury-prone players and then use injuries as an excuse. We've dropped five points against two sides we should be beating. I fear for us next season if Gudmundsson insists on doing his dead-on impression of Terry Brown.
What Hammerette just said. We needed stability and to tighten up our defence to become harder to beat. Now that AC has more or less achieved this it seems that he has lost our creative and attractive play along the way. I think we have the players to unlock defences but they don't seem to be able to do it and this is looking increasingly like the managers doing. He has achieved what he was hired to do though and we should give AC credit for that. But if he doesn't start taking us up the table next season I think we may see the back of him.