i suspect it’s partly that Trump went far too racist last week and it was damaging Vance will at least stick to the script. he’s just not good at it.
I am not going to lie, this is a good comeback from the repugs. 1823905894591062495 is not a valid tweet id
Did they find him behind the couch. Saw this header and had a laugh out loud moment. Vance's favorability numbers plummet below Sarah Palin's
It’s a good comeback although given that it’s a response to a nobody just illustrates how well the Harris/Walz campaign has been at avoiding self-owns.
Are you being serious? You didn't see that video of Harris laughing and dancing? What kind of normal human does that? [/MAGAt]
That dude is really bad at this... Sen. J.D. Vance ( R-OH) told Fox News the media “uses fake polls to drive down Republican turnout and to create dissension and conflict with Republican voters.” He also claimed: “If you talk to insiders in the Kamala Harris campaign, they’re very worried about where they are.”
Christians who lie through their teeth and then argue that everyone else should live by the Ten Commandments.
That dude can't be embarrassed enough..... I mean this is a full pan of JD’s Kenosha event. Seriously, 60 people? It like a speech to the county chess club. pic.twitter.com/MRsEwJ8TjX— Josh Marshall (@joshtpm) August 21, 2024
I'm not sure what is weaker sauce, his "big crowd," or his self-owning line about debating Tim Walz. They asked him how he was preparing, and he said he had a friend who was a path logical liar stand in for him. "So, you got Donald Trump to help you prepare?"
So is "pathological liar" the next thing they're going for re: Walz? I find myself just dumbfounded at the rank amateurishness of what comes out of this campaign. A pathological liar based on, what? Is it supposed to be something about his military record? I'm at a loss, here. Someone help me out. Or are they just digging deeper into the fascist playbook and blaming their opponents for what they're guilty of, again?
It's all projection. If they accuse Democrats of what they do, it lessens and normalizes what they do because "both sides do it". We see this from our drive-by right-wing posters. They start with the projection and end with the normalizing.
Having the courts and various levels of politicians in your pockets to maybe "win" you the election also allows you leeway to do whatever you want.
It's so casual and second-nature with them by now. Never, EVER crosses their mind that running for the Presidency just MIGHT merit a wee bit less snark and just a modicum of decorum and sincerity.
Personally I don't want the Dems to show decorum towards the GOP. How do you work with fascists who want to overthrow democracy and set up a dictatorship or monarchial system? I want them to put candor aside and deal with them as they are: freaking weirdos with no interest in helping anyone, only hurting people. It's why I thought Obama's speech was well spoken but empty. There was nothing there. Whereas Walk and Bernie and the union guy (sorry, forgot his name) for example gave excellent speeches with exact ideas on how to make the country better.
As inspiring as Obama continues to be, he is still in a mindspace where the opposition can be bargained with and compromises can be made.
It's basically a continuation of the behavior common in nihilistic troll forums like 4Chan etc. Decorum and sincerity are marks of weakness in that realm. That's why they all love them some Trump.
100%. I don't think that sentiment is at odds with calling them out for shitting on the whole notion of civility in public discourse and good-faith engagement in politics. Fair point; but if over the next decade or so, Obama acts as the elder statesman of the Democratic Party, saying the high-minded stuff explicitly while implicitly OK'ing the more combative stuff coming from other major figures, that would be enough for me.
I was young during his presidency but he never struck me as the guy to get people into line a la LBJ or FDR. If he does pivot that way, great but I'd be surprised. Could be wrong about tall that though.
if anyone is interested Jon Favreau who wrote the speech with Obama did an interview with Tim Miller which covered this exact point. I don’t think Obama is trying to reason with Trumpers. instead he is arguing citizens need to be careful with each other least Dems alienate other americans who could be reached.