I support calling a kid whatever the kid wants to be called, but I can still acknowledge that these two name changes are not in the same zip code.
That's a pretty big difference. I recall my first salaried job, where the ladies would often drink that watery nonsense to watch their waistlines while the guys would drive to wherever they sold actual milk from an actual cow. Back then it was Hardee's. Hardee's still has real breakfast even today, bless their charcoal-broiled hearts.
Kamala’s menu of potential VPs pic.twitter.com/JUf9BSFodM— Zack Bornstein (@ZackBornstein) July 21, 2024
I’m calling it first. People are going to show up at his rallies with sofa cushions and latex gloves.
Sorry, the Leftist MSM doesn't rep[ort on these things, but what exactly is this thing about Gaetz and the sofa. Maybe it's just because I'm old, but was this something you youg'uns saw on the tickety-tock?
I have no idea where I saw this but someone said that with his latest botox, it looked like his eyebrows were surprised at his eyebrows.
In Hillbilly Elegy he spends several pages reminiscing about a romantic evening spent seducing and then making sweet sweet love to a latex glove placed between two sofa pillows.
GOP politicians really have no shame. Whether it's executing their dogs or ********ing pillows, they just love to tell all.
https://sfbay.craigslist.org/nby/fuo/d/mountain-view-jd-vances-used-couch/7767517572.html craigslist ad for sale: "JD Vance's Used Couch"
So the GOP coronated a convicted felon and a guy who consciously wrote multiple pages of himself going b@lls deep into a seat cushion? Did he at least find a quarter?