Clearly those who chose the over on whether I would get the in-stadia shots from Beckhamania up before the megastar got injured again, won handily. Nevertheless here is the set KGDG Come On United (States and DC) So much for the Superclub Alexi
Some of my personal favorites are the wide variety of emotions that fans displayed during this match: KGDG Come On United (States and DC) RFK - Where you can where your emotion on your sleeve (if you have one)
Nice pics man! I'm in pic 28. Behind the ppl you actually took the pic of. I was hoping I got in the picture
It's great to see how many people show up to see Clyde Simms these days. Brings a tear to my eye. Good for you Simms! Keep it up!
Wait a minute, the pics are numbered?!! Is that counting up or down - damn, I knew there was yet another reason why discerning fans prefer Mathai's system I was told there wouldn't be any Math! At least you didn't say I am 28th from the left... KGDG Come On United (States and DC) No, no my camera hand IS steady, it is the stands that are bouncing...
I just counted across the rows (each row has 6) The pic you put up, if thats the one you thought I was talking about, is not the one. O well... I'm ganna be late for class! Tried to post it, but I don't have a damn clue how to do it