It was the Detroit Neon vs. the Dallas Sidekicks from some time in 1996. The Neon ended up winning in overtime off a goal by Greg Matlak. This got me wondering if Greg Matlak ever signed with the MISL, or any other indoor league for that matter, and from what I haven't found on Google it doesn't look like he has. I remember him being relatively young and talented when the CISL folded, so does anybody know why he never seemed to resurface in any indoor leagues?
I know he never resurfaced after Detroit. He had one great year (29 goals, 41 points in 26 games) and then he only played 4 games the next year. I think Houston might have had his rights after that, but I don't think he ever played again in the US.
Okay, thanks. I didn't remember how he didn't do much in 1997, even though my Dad and I had season tickets (probably do the the fact that I was 8 years old at the time). I just remember that Drago was gone, which bummed me out, and we were absolutely awful, which bummed me out even more.
I'd be willing to make a copy, but I don't have a DVD recorder so it'll be on a VHS. I also have two more Neon games, one against the Portland Pride and the other against the Indianapolis Twisters, and both games of the 2005 MISL championship series, if anybody is interested.
i would like all three games..if you want to trade send me your email address and i will attach my list 370 some games...thanks doc
i interested in Dallas Sidekicks @ Detroit Neon Buying or Trading for one my of Indoor Soccer Video. Richard
Frederick Bear, I would LOVE to pay for the cost of the tape and the shipping for all three games. I loved the Neon as a middle schooler! I remember trying to pull off Drago moves versus friends in the basement (my mom having mistakenly laid carpet that was too much like artificial turf for us to resist). Gotta love the headband!
Hi guys - I can tell you what happend to Greg. I was a member of the Neon from 94 to 97 (Safari). Greg married a girl from Chicago had a baby during the off season between 96 and 97. He had a falling out with management and went back to Poland where he ended up playing in the Polish 2nd Div. Not sure of the team but yes that is what happend to him. Any one else you want to know about?
I'm Drago. No, seriously I'm Sydney Nusinov 26 year indoor fan and former Washington Warthogs aficionado. I remember you because I thought you had a cool name and because one game we beat you 9-4. The Warthogs raced out to a 9-0 lead in that game, and despite the score I thought you actually played really well.
Ah, Colin Jex. Remember him well. What happened to your promising career as a color commentator? Just kidding.
Awesome, Colin Jex posts here. I remember on time while waiting in line for autographs with my Dad, this lady was going on and on about how the Neon should start you (this was in 1996, towards the end of the year when Jaro was getting a lot of starts, so I can't say I didn't agree with her), and she completely ripped into PJ Johns for some reason. She was talking about how she made a blanket for your newborn child. I don't know, she came across as stalkerish to us. We saw here win a GMC Safari the next year. Also, I think you signed my soccer ball at a Kroger store once.
kenntomasch: well there was a Kluba reference with Matt Sheppard during a commercial break that I didn't know was being recorded.................sorry Indy boys. That was the end of that I guess. NSL2004: Cool name your self! I do remember that game I think I faced like 72 shots and made a bunch of saves and got the s**t kicked out of me but I had fun. Thanks for remembering me - those were fun times. Was that at Wash DC? Frederick Bear: Thanks for coming to the games like I said I had so much fun compelting my dream of playing pro soccer. Although, I would have liked to play more its what - it was. I am glad you had fun and remember me. I am glad to have signed stuff for you. And yes I do remember the blanket for my kid...............I can't tell how much stuff we used to get like that - all nice and all very kind. I was very uneasy somtimes about some of those situations but it all worked out and all those folks who came out were truely nice and completely harmless. Oh well the good old days - I really feel lucky I had the experience. I was there from the first practice to the last road trip - I wouldn't change a thing! Keep me in the loop as I will be checking this site...........if you want to know about the other guys I will fill you in! Thanks CJ
Yep I apologized and then they beat us in OT in Indy shortly there after. I have not talked to John since but hope he is well. I was young and not thinking 28 then 40 now! Such is life......................BTW who are you and how do you know so much? Are you Dave Baker? Or Paul Child? Or Chris Keenan? Or Julie Wagner? John Alers? John Kibble? Any way those are names you might know.........................I told you who I was now give! Nice bringing back old memories. Thanks! CJ
Ok Kenn, we have spoken before via other stuff......................I remember you of course - sorry. Indy Twister voice, etc. Thanks your passion for the game and of course remembering who I was. Cool - CJ
I should have used a more obvious username. John is a high school girls' coach in Zionsville, Indiana and is doing quite well. Married with a kid. I ran into him about a year ago. Speaking of the Twisters, there are only four of them left, and three of them posed for this photo recently:
Hi Kenn, I played with Chile and know Drew very well - do you happen to know where Terry Rowe is? That is one guy I dont know about - I know he is in England and I think he runs some sort of betting deal. Horses were his thing. I wish I would have known you lived in PHX area I was just there last week on business..................I would have bought you a beer! Run into any Sandsharks out there?
Let me know next time. I actually lived with one of the Sandsharks when I first moved out here. And Randy Soderman was on my flights to and from Stockton last week. Apparently Donny Gaillard is still out here, Ricky Soderman is a lawyer here. I don't know of any others. (PS Everybody played with Chile. ) Tel is in England and is a soccer agent. I spoke with him last year when he was over here on holiday. Didn't understand a word he said - then or now. Good times.
You know the sad thing is by the end of it all I could understand T Rowe. My family is Scottish so I have always had to have a "thinking ear" not to mention I knew all that East London rhyme and riddle - plus we had a ton of English dudes on the team as well. But El Tel was a tough one - you should have herd him on the field.
Do you know what happened after the '96 season? It seemed like our whole team was new for some reason, and much worse. And more specifically, what happened to Drago? The blanket lady (we ran into her more than once) said he was traded because he liked to stay very late and sign autographs, but that sounds kind of fishy to me. Thanks in advance.