SKC vs Seattle Watch Party in the Northland!!!! So our last away game watch party at Chappell's wasn't to bad at all, and we plan on returning there for the away game on the 23rd. But for the Seattle game on the 20th, the game comes on to late and Chappell's will be closed. So we had to move the Northland watch party to a different location. So for any of you Northlanders looking for a watch party, we have three choices. 1. Buffalo Wild Wings in Liberty2. The Brass Rail, 152 & N. Brighton (we will not have any sound for the game here)3. Buffalo Wild Wings in Zona Rosa In the future the Brass Rail will be able to provide us with a different area that we can get sound in if we want to go back. At Buffalo Wild Wings we will always have to compete with other major sports events for audio, however on the 20th we are good. Chappell's wants us back on the 23rd and is providing us their back room with the big screen HD TV and full game audio if we choose to go back there. So if you are a Northlander and are wanting to hit up a watch party, please let me know which location you would prefer in the poll and we will make it happen.
Why not Amerisports @ ameristar casino. They always have a ton of tvs and have no problem putting on the sound. I know that the each one of the booths have their own independent sound systems as well.
I'm tired of Johnny's and such and might make an appearance. I agree with Matt though, I do think Amerisports would make a better choice than the other 3. Brass Rail, every time I'm there, feels like a biker might beat me up or a cougar might hit on me. BWW's are boring and bro filled, good luck getting THE BEST FANS IN BASEBALL to give up their channels when their BELOVED BEST TEAM IN BASEBALL is playing. I hate STL. But yes, Amerisports.
I considered Amerisports and talked to a couple people about it and nixed it. I only nixed it for two main reasons though. First, it's at a casino. I wanted a place where somebody with kids could show up and not have to worry about the atmosphere with the kids. While Amerisports has a decent atmosphere, many parents still have issues with the casino aspect, and the fact that you can still smoke in there. The other reason is that it is just to far out east and south. Chappell's is pretty far south, but centrally located with easy access off I-35/I-29. I agree about the Brass Rail. I used to go in there often when it first opened and was under different ownership. I only thought about it for this one game as it is far enough north, centrally located and easy to get to off of 152. But with the lack of sound, and the heavy biker aspect, I didn't really think that it would be picked. Buffalo Wild Wings seemed perfect for this one game as they had no other major sports events going on that day. The Royals game on the 20th starts at 1pm, and there are no other big games going on. The managers from both the Liberty and Zona Rosa locations told me we would be able to get both the game and sound with no issues. However they both said the 23rd would be out as they have another event that they pay for that they have to have the sound up for. So for this one game it is looking like it will be Buffalo Wild Wings in Liberty or Zona Rosa, and then we will move back down to Chappell's for the 23rd. The end goal here for me is to get a Northland Supporters Group going. I have created a group on Facebook called Northland Noise. Since it is new, and depending on who would like to join, everything going forward after the 23rd is up for debate. If after the 23rd there are ten of us in the group and 8 of us want Amerisports, then we will go there for future games. It's really all about getting a group of like minded fans together from the Northland and then picking a proper, permanent place that is willing to host us for away game watch parties. If you are interested in joining the group and giving us your opinions and thoughts on the matter, then check out the link -
No need to be a dick. I'm not trying to be one. Like I said, this is all open for the future after the 23rd. I just had certain ideas and things to consider in the beginning, but as stated, that can all easily change with the input of others. Join the group and give us your input on the Facebook page. It's all valued and appreciated.
No worries just the whole 8 out of 10 thing seems a bit on the selfish side, Cuz really if the majority of a group wants to go somewhere why not? If 6 out of 10 (almost 2/3rd) wants to be someswhere wouldn't you want to go there unless it is a control issue? not too mention the whole dynamics of the group you are trying to recruit? Are you looking for your supporters group, whom I think you want to be cauldron centric, based on your facebook picture for your group or are you trying to be family centric. There is a market for both and they are mot mutually exclusive either. Just trying to get a feel for what your group is going to be focused on. If it is going to be cauldron centric, I think your basis of parents not wanting to take there kids where a casino is close by may be to conservative. Cuz really. Think about it, If they are cool with them hearing all the things that are said there, why would they care about what other people are doing behind glass and security guards there specifically there to keep underage people away from gambling? Disclaimer: it is 1:30 in the morning on a saturday, all grammar mistakes are influenced by alcohol. Also if you get worked up and think that this is a rant, take time to read it again, but only this time imagine that I am saying it with a calm and normal conversational tone.
Ok, those are good points. To be honest, this is a new thing for me. This year and last year I always was just that random guy who sat with the Cauldron and cheered and sung during games. I have been a part of another smaller group called D-17, and while the group was made up of some really good people, the group as a whole had no interest in becoming a larger more official supporters group. The D-17 group also sits in various parts of the stadium with most of the group sitting in the normal seating area. I also noticed that there was a lack of Northland groups where Northlanders could all meet up and get to know each other. I wanted to meet other Northlanders and attend watch parties in the Northland. The idea to form a new Northland based group came to me over a month ago and I finally decided to get it rolling last week. What I envision for the group is a core group of people who like myself, are season ticket members who sit in the members stand together at games, and then the secondary group who might already have season tickets for other sections of the stadium. Members can come from all walks of life, being parents, children, young adults, gay, straight, male or female, doesn't matter. The main concern I had was for the children part as I am a grade school teacher and know how some parents can be in regards to the places where they take their kids. So for the away game watch parties I wanted to find a location where the entire group, kids included, could gather to see the game. The same goes for the pre-game tailgate. It would just be during the game when we would go separate ways with those of us who have MS tickets sticking together and the others going to their already purchased assigned seating. I agree that Amerisports would be an awesome venue, but think about it. A couple of our current members live up by Zona Rosa or out in Parkville. Amerisports is a really long haul for those people. The main point for picking a watch party venue in NKC or out in Liberty or near Zona Rosa was to keep the drive shorter, because let's face it, Amerisports is way out there and driving to Johnny's would actually be shorter and faster for most of us. Also three of the current members of the group have young kids that are between 6 and 12 years old. Kids that are easily impressionable. So their parents, while wanting to be a part of a Northland group, may feel excluded because we are going to a casino for watch parties and they don't want to take their kids there. And earlier when I said if 8 out of 10 want to go to Amerisports, then we will do that. I just said that as an example. If 6 out of 10 want to go, then it gets a little more sticky as those other four people may just say screw it and not join us, further splitting up the new group and making it smaller before it even had a chance to get bigger. I am really just trying to find common ground here which is really hard to do with any group of people. I guess in the end, what I was looking for is a group of like minded Northland Sporting fans who can get together for watch parties at a place that is close and nice enough, but yet still interesting enough for everybody, and then sticking with the more rowdy members of the group for the games.
So far between here and on the three pages I posted this on Facebook, Buffalo Wild Wings in Liberty is looking like it will be the winner.
A new location for the Northland watch party on the 20th has been decided. Instead of the three originally listed, the Northland Noise group has decided instead to go to AllStar Pizza and Pub in Tuileries Plaza off of I-29 and NW 64th St. AllStar has a ton of HD TV's with full audio, and probably one of the best selections of micro brews and rare ales in the Northland.