SKC v. St. Louis 4/20 at 7:30 CT [R]

Discussion in 'Sporting Kansas City' started by BenDover, Apr 20, 2024.

  1. BenDover

    BenDover BigSoccer Supporter

    Aug 4, 2010
    Rio Verde, AZ
    Sporting Kansas City
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    • Midfielder Memo Rodriguez (Thigh)
    • Midfielder Remi Walter (Ankle)
    STL stumbling to start the season, but can SKC keep them out of the goal in the last 15 minutes of the game?
    mschofield repped this.
  2. dgb09

    dgb09 Member

    Jun 11, 2003
    Overland Park, KS
    SKC is getting big brothered out there tonight.

    Say it should be a foul, that’s fine. But FFS man up.
    mschofield and Kooth repped this.
  3. dgb09

    dgb09 Member

    Jun 11, 2003
    Overland Park, KS
    And I really despise twellman.
  4. Buzz Killington

    Buzz Killington Member+

    Oct 6, 2002
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    He can claim it all he’s want but the bias comes out when he calls St. Louis games.
  5. Buzz Killington

    Buzz Killington Member+

    Oct 6, 2002
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    The annoyance with Twellman aside, St. Louis is playing KC off the field, this isn’t even a contest.
    Kooth repped this.
  6. Buzz Killington

    Buzz Killington Member+

    Oct 6, 2002
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    That Salloi goal is in the dictionary for ‘goal out of nothing.’
  7. kcscsupporter

    kcscsupporter Member+

    Apr 17, 2002
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    skc gonna skc. embarrassing. grow a spine and finish a game, you sacks of garbage.
  8. Buzz Killington

    Buzz Killington Member+

    Oct 6, 2002
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    2 points in the last 4 home games, they’ve led in all 4, 3 of them in the 2nd half. Almost like playing the oldest team in the league without subs gets players tired.
    mschofield repped this.
  9. BenDover

    BenDover BigSoccer Supporter

    Aug 4, 2010
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    Obviously, the answer is NO.
    mschofield repped this.
  10. lukeD

    lukeD Member+

    Jul 7, 2011
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    Good news, nothing that happens in MLS before September matters.
  11. Buzz Killington

    Buzz Killington Member+

    Oct 6, 2002
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    Kansas City Wizards
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    Can't wait for PV to rub it in everyone's face when KC gets the 6 seed.
  12. Kooth

    Kooth Member

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    Mar 11, 2012
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    So both Johnny and Thommy expressed frustration with droping points but PV scolds the press for not being adequately entertained tonight when they ask him about it. I was entertained but I am also pissed, yet again, that points at home were lost due to terrible game management by PV. How can he, as the head coach, whose job it is to prepare the team to win more than it loses or ties, not be worried? And how can our local press not follow up on that? Also I hope to never hear a F%$@ "anyone" chant again, that is like school in the summertime, No Class.
  13. KopRules

    KopRules Member+

    May 31, 2011
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    Sporting Kansas City
    Salloi played in the equalizer. Not good Dan.
  14. lukeD

    lukeD Member+

    Jul 7, 2011
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    Watched the "highlights" this morning. Both outside backs looked bad. I know we all love Jake Davis but he had some issues tracking Klaus on goal 1 and got beat 1v1 on goal 2. Leibold created the turnover the led to Pulidos goal but man he got physically abused moat of the night.
    Savage_Sam repped this.
  15. Buzz Killington

    Buzz Killington Member+

    Oct 6, 2002
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    Davis getting next week off (yellow accumulation) may be the best for him.
  16. mschofield

    mschofield Member+

    May 16, 2000
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    THIS! This is what i was screaming at the screen, on which I was watching the game some fwe or many hours after it ended, from Berlin. Odd that they didn't react to my calls to man up.
    It's true, Chapman allowed a lot more contact than is normal in MLS.
    But it wasn't a surprise from StL, was it? That's their game, and if the ref allows a bit of the ol argy-bargy, you have to respond. Two goals were the direct result of StL shoving us off the ball. Should Klauss have been called for that hit on Agada. IMO, yeah. But that isn't getting called in a lot of leagues, it would never be a foul in Serie A ( in which, I think from watching, fouls have to include the use of a weapon).
    Also, our first goal, a work of art. It's exactly what we believe we can see out of the 4-2-3-1. But we didn't see anything close to that again, and while it takes Agada off the field, we were so much better in the 4-3-3. for some reason, in a more defensive setup, we're much less capable of defending. In a setup that encourages attacking with short balls and up the middle, we hit almost exclusively long balls to the wings.
    I've been arguing for Agada and Pulido on the field, and it really should work. but it doesn't. Makes me sad, because Agada brings a good physical side to us, but he's now a last 20 minute sub, isn't he?
    Kooth repped this.
  17. drhoades00

    drhoades00 Member

    Aug 13, 2010
    Sporting Kansas City
    I just watched the post game presser. Funny how after a win it'll get posted same night but after a tough game they don't get posted on the web site until the next day.

    I don't know what to make of PVs comments after the game. If he isn't just trying to be positive for the team's sake then what the ******** is he on about? As the manager of the team he doesn't care about how many times they've dropped points from a winning position? I don't buy it. I think he's just trying to keep the press off his and the team's ass but its still a little infuriating to not just hear him say something like, "yeah, its become a trend for us and we're going to work on a few things to address it."

    You don't have to go scorched earth to acknowledge that there is an issue that needs addressing. Maybe he doesn't have any ideas how to address it.
  18. Buzz Killington

    Buzz Killington Member+

    Oct 6, 2002
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    We've heard (from both PV and players) since they blew the lead against LA that they knew what the issue was and needed to fix it. Since that game they've lost 5 more points in the final 15 minutes of games, all at home.

    Honestly I think he's trying to keep the press off him and his team at this point, but there's a mounting amount of evidence that they don't know what the issue actually is, or how to fix it.
  19. lukeD

    lukeD Member+

    Jul 7, 2011
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    The issue with dropping points late HAS TO be the lack of quality on the bench. The same players go 90 every game with no rest. In game, there is no one to bring on late to help see games out. Result is tired bodies that get beat physically a d tired minds that make dumb mistakes, like Daniel getting an assist on the last STL goal.
    dgb09, Buzz Killington and Kooth repped this.
  20. drhoades00

    drhoades00 Member

    Aug 13, 2010
    Sporting Kansas City
    Yep. I'm leaning towards this being a large part of the issue which PV can't fix quickly. He hasn't built a roster that he trusts past 12-13 guys.
    Kooth repped this.
  21. Kooth

    Kooth Member

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    Do not forget Lebold going to ground when he did not need to.
  22. Buzz Killington

    Buzz Killington Member+

    Oct 6, 2002
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    United States
    And if he does the old adage of the ball or the man get past, not both. Even if you take a red there, you can't go to ground and miss both.

    But yes, the overall issue is that PV the coach doesn't trust the players that PV the chief soccer officer (and Bliss the TD) have brought in.

    And at this point KC doesn't have the roster space or cap space to correct it.
  23. Buzz Killington

    Buzz Killington Member+

    Oct 6, 2002
    Lee's Summit
    Kansas City Wizards
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    United States
    Can't seem to find a way to do just the link itself to this, but go to the summary for the game and in this video BWP and Kljestan both absolve PV of blame and instead put it on the players on the field. And in a bubble they're not wrong, but it goes to the above points that have been made for the last numerous years.

    Kooth and mschofield repped this.
  24. mschofield

    mschofield Member+

    May 16, 2000
    Union Berlin
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    Okay, it's true that the players are always to blame for what happens on the field. But that's a very narrow view. The players are to blame because the manager didn't put them out in a position from which to succeed. If they were too soft, someone failed to either construct a roster that wasn't, or to prepare them, etc.
    As they noted on the show, and Buzz said, Leibold has to take that red. It's not a slide tackle, it's stand your ground and wrap up his body and put him on the ground. Take the red, miss a couple days, but that's 3 points. But this team didn't do that at any point during this point dropping run. Someone is not preparing them for that situation (and it happens a lot, so Vermes should be preparing them for that moment).
  25. Kooth

    Kooth Member

    Sporting KC
    Mar 11, 2012
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    How many times did BWP come on the field as a sub and change the game in his career? Only the manager can make that change. And Sascha how in the "H E double toothpicks" can you say they are playing good when they keep giving up points? Good would imply a position high in the table not currently just out of the playoffs.

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