SKC Apathy

Discussion in 'Sporting Kansas City' started by BenDover, Aug 9, 2023.

  1. lukeD

    lukeD Member+

    Jul 7, 2011
    Sporting Kansas City
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    The Cauldron walking out risks another vindictive PV scolding next year. How dare we expect more and ask for accountability and change.

    An empty cauldron on decision day would say a lot. Unfortunately, the last group that dared to protest in the Cauldron got tossed out (the skc "ultras"). The need for yes men extends down to the supporters groups.
    Kooth and SportingKCFan repped this.
  2. Buzz Killington

    Buzz Killington Member+

    Oct 6, 2002
    Lee's Summit
    Kansas City Wizards
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    I understand the Reid dislike, trust me, I’m on that train too, and I used to subscribe to the same Reid/Heinemann thought process for the down turn. I still believe that for the off field and stadium, game day experience, etc. But the leadership as it pertains to PV, I’ve started to see it more in line with the passing of Neal Patterson when the absenteeism started with ownership. I don’t think Patterson would have accepted the way the team is now.
    Kooth and mschofield repped this.
  3. mschofield

    mschofield Member+

    May 16, 2000
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    When those guys were planning the rebrand, I think 2009, '10, they came in to lobby the board at The Star several times. I was a board member and the point guy for the paper on this, so we talked a lot.
    They were passionate AF.
    We had a couple disagreements, but regardless of our positions, it was nothing but respect from me, it was clear they had thought long and deeply about every element of what they wanted in SKC. They didn't know a lot about soccer, but they were studying and learning, they cared and they knew a lot about what they wanted the club to be.
    Esp with the youth devo slide, them from back then would be furious with the them from now. there was a vision, and it's been blurred.
    Kooth repped this.
  4. lukeD

    lukeD Member+

    Jul 7, 2011
    Sporting Kansas City
    Nat'l Team:
    United States

    13 years is a long time. I was there at the rebrand announcement and still have one of the soccer balls they threw out to the crowd. An MLS official ball with a crappy SKC sticker applied. There were maybe a few hundred people at that announcement, most of us there to boo the death of the Wizards. Think of how many would attend a rebrand now. An order of magnitude more? Wouldn't surprise me.

    Point is, back then, the ownership group was highly engaged having gone through the excitment of the rebrand as you described. The Wiz sucked for a few years before the rebrand, then SKC sucked while we waited for the stadium, then (like magic) the stadium appeared and the team was good. Then the team went from good to really good to great to CHAMPIONS. That's quite a ride for new owners.

    They built something, had success, then (like all extremely rich people) got bored and needed to move onto something new. They appointed a caretaker (PV) and now come out and make statements in KC Star articles about their once a year meetings with said caretaker. Where #fulltoolbox originated.

    Robb H. provided the drive from ownership. Neil P provided the accountability.

    Neither drive nor accountability from ownership exists anymore. That has been replaced by an annual checkup with the caretaker to make sure the tool box is full and (I assume) to review that years list of excuses. I mean, it can't be Ben's fault every year.
    dgb09, Kooth and mschofield repped this.

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