Dr. Hanan Ashrawi
I'd take Turnbull over her any day ---- It would be great if Ashrawi became President of the P.A., but she's not deserving of a prestigious peace prize. Agree or not, it's venomous for Robert Fisk to suggest racism here. Criticism of Said or Ashrawi is entirely based on their political views. If they gave a the prize to King Hussein, no one would object.
No to deny her that prize for political means (which ones, keeping warfare?) it's idiocy since you too say that "it would be great if Ashrawi became President of the P.A". A good read. Now, read again Fisk's article.
Yes, she's a lot better than Nobel Prize winner Arafat, but hardly deserving of such an honor. I don't really care if she gets the prize, but I do object to Fisk's poisonous characterization. Here is part of the petition: Sign the petition, Sardinia:
Thanks for letting me know. Now I'll agree with all of your anti-Zionist rantings. Ashrawi isn't the saint you make her out to be by any stretch of the imagination. She's no Arafat either. But the main point is that "When Did "Arab" Become A Dirty Word?" is a ridiculous way to argue her case. Of course, you're comfortable with this type of language, and worse still.
DEFAMATION Pronunciation: `defu'meyshun WordNet Dictionary Definition: [n] an abusive attack on a person's character or good name [n] a malicious attack Synonyms: aspersion, calumny, calumny, denigration, hatchet job, obloquy, slander, traducement See Also: assassination, attack, character assassination, depreciation, derogation, disparagement, epithet, libel, malignment, name, name calling, names, slander, smear, vilification Webster's 1913 Dictionary Definition: \Def`a*ma"tion\, n. [OE. diffamacioun, F. diffamation. See {Defame}.] Act of injuring another's reputation by any slanderous communication, written or oral; the wrong of maliciously injuring the good name of another; slander; detraction; calumny; aspersion. Note: In modern usage, written defamation bears the title of libel, and oral defamation that of slander. --Burrill.
To give you a little perspective, Sardinia:
Sardinia, can you give me a heads up on the next 500 anti-Zionist threads you'll be starting (i.e. one week's notice). Thanks.
Ben, any israeli leader has in his record something that leads to the fight, confrontation and/or killing of palestinians, (expansion of settlements and so on, serving in the military). It's simply silly your (and likudniks) attitude. I really don't understand the notion that a australian peace prize can be given to a palestinian only if pro-israeli likudniks agree (ie never). it's pure idiocy that reveals much. btw also the idea that King hussein deserves the postmortem nobel prize because barak went to his funeral is really weird. Anti-zionist thread? OMG! It's weird the nerve you show when you happen to read news and articles you don't like. Ah the good old censorship, isn't it? I will post news whenever I happen to read one. Ask yourself why you get so nervous and mad and try to be fair, proisraeli as you want but a clever fair one.
The notion is that it should go to people who really believe and work for peace. That would disqualify Ashrawi. I see no reason why pro-Israel Australians should shut up about this. If you think it's just "Likudniks" that feel this way about Ashrawi, you're more ignorant than I thought. The point is that Israelis will celebrate Arab peacemakers like King Hussein or King Hassan (in contrast with Fisk suggestion that "Arab is a dirty word"). The problem with Ashrawi is that she's a phony. Not that there's anything wrong with being a phony, the world is full of them. But to award her a peace prize, ridiculous. Nearly every thread you start has an anti-Zionist slant. You actually deny this? Look up the word censorship. I respond to your daily propaganda thread. Nervous that 3 or 4 soccer fans will join your anti-Israel crusade? A drop in the bucket, I'm afraid. Surely you realize there are more effective forums for this. If I were really nervous, I'd try to get Kappa18 to shut up. Anyone could do the same thing as you and obnoxiously start a propaganda thread every day about essentially the same subject. You notice that I don't do this? Do you actually believe it's due to a lack of material? You remind me of LFOD and his anti-France crap. At least that was kind of fun. When I wrote, "Sardinia, I'm pretty sure the occupation Superdave is referring to is the one in Iraq. A trivial matter, to be sure, but it deserves one thread" you whined "when will you stop the tactic to protray me in a bad light?" Do you pay any attention to the words you type? You're far more insulting than I am. Back on topic, your hero: Also see:
I see that the defamation league is as active as the anti defamation league. Yhat's what Fisk is talking about. They do it with said, they're doing with Ashrawi. I guess her real guiltness is that she didn't embrace the zionist cause, forgive her, you should understand why. she's palestinian. I don't care how many fans I have, I tell what I think. And I will go on. Basing if on fairness (subjective of course). I am satisfied also if only 1 person stops and thinks well mmm this time he has some points. Even if he/she doesn't communicate it. peace and love and fairness to you, Ben.
No before and things will go worster and worster. So Ben something has to be done to preserve the ethnical pureness of Israel!
It has started in 2000.... Arabs in the territories and in Israel started to was like 40 so odd years of armistice and truce landed in rock throwing.... Israeli arabs aliente themselves....Its like saying in Sardinina point, if an immigrant came to Italy and never really studied italian, and was employed and decided to become a hazard to the country.... I mean, the immigrant can talk whatever language he wants, but he refuses to speak or learn italian. Thats how the arabs in Israel are. Even with 3 generations, they speak arabic...and i mean, i don't mind it.....not at all....Speaking Arabic with them kinda fixes up my arab...but they don't try to learn Hebrew or even English to try and get a job...then when you don't work or if you do, you work as a gain poverty...especially when you can't stop ejecting sperm and creating 20 kids..... So poverty strickens the arabs....and thats why they act dirty.... It is a Cancer.....Like it or not....Arabs don't want to join the society there in... They like to talk arabic all day long and refuse to have a technical well, there lost....just dont levy it on there children!
Since anti-Semitism has been eradicated from the face of the Earth, hopefully anti-Arabism can be as well. Israeli women: More to your liking
I told about ethnical not racial. The jewish is a ppl or not? It's hard to deny the authors of that links are racist. Anyway I'm glad you agree there's antiarabism around. I was starting to fear you agreed with those morons of the link I posted. Look, Kappa18 agrees with them.