I got a DVD Copy of the Slovakia v Portugal game and tried it out on the Sony P2, plus on my computer, and I can't get it to work! Do I have to play this thing on a DVD Player? Isn't it suppose to work on a P2?
Are you serious? I'm sure I double checked after I burnt it. Did you get the same problem on the other dvds that I sent?
ah f~ck me in the goat ass ...my DVD player won't even play my DVD'S. Ah sh~t what am I gonna do damnit a) buy a new DVD player? b) repair my current DVD player? c) buy a DVD player for my computer? d) wait to buy the new PS3? e) wait till my bro buys his DVD player then borrow it f) wait till my bro buys the new PS3 then borrow it e) rent a DVD Player just to watch the game f) use the DVD's as coasters (just kidding Simao20) I gotta watch this Slovak v Portugal game soon or ill lose it.
I just received the Portugal Slovakia game that Simao20 sent and right after I got off the lawn tractor. Great game. Thanks Simao
Yeah, Simao20 should be commended. Too bad my DVD player isn't working. But I'll probably be able to watch the game this weekend.