I'm getting extremely worried that the silence is going to kill our market. Philly got their money and I realize there are things to be done before a team is announced. But MLS hasn't commented on St. Louis in sometime (except slight mentions when discussing Philly). I think the silence is detrimental to our market. I talk to people who are more than just casual fans, and I keep getting the same reply. "We're done - if they didn't give us a team when we approved the stadium, we're never getting one." I try to explain the situation, but they don't get it and worse, they don't seem to care. Is anyone else experiencing this - People who wanted an MLS team a year ago just not really caring now? It really concerns me. I hope MLS hasn't beaten St. Louisians down to the point that even if we get a team no one will care. I feel the area as a whole is losing its enthusiasm for the MLS. Hopefully, the supporters group can help turn this around but right now I'm worried.
The guys at the US vs. Mexico seemed excited, but unsure of what was really happening. If MLS would finally award Philly, I think it would actually boost spirits. This complete disappearance on MLS part is unsettling though.
no one like to be used as a pawn....and its just been a huge slap in the face, respect towards the mls has just been diminishing
Just relax. There's no enthusiasm now because there's no new news to report. Even Jeff Cooper's blog entries have cooled down. As soon as a new investor(s) is found, rumors will start to circulate, the media will start to pay attention, fans will become nervous, and people will start to notice again. Really, the fans that seem to be the most disgusted with MLS right now are the die-hard faithfuls on this message board. I doubt the more casual fan will have such anxiety about the expansion process or feel such venom towards the league. And I think the fans here will still support a team if we end up getting one, despite all the politics involved.
That's my point. I don't think the casual fan feels anything any more. They're apathetic and spiritless. At least we know those with venom actually care about what happens.
The casual fan, much more than the hardcore fan, needs to be kept under pression: news, gossips, rumors, polls, everything is useful to get him involved in action. So I can understand the casual fans if they do lose some enthusiasm, when all those things lack ... and adding the common (hope untrue) feeling that MLS is joking with StL, well who can blame them? So it's up to you, hardcore fans, invert this trend with all that stuff I'm sure you're already setting up: make some noise and get many other people on the wagon! But the silence of the casual fans is not the only silence to worry about. I understand Philly official announcement is next and people @ MLS are all working on that ... but ... has passed a long time since Collinsville secured support and a stadium to an expansion team ... and Cooper has been working a lot about the supposed "lack of depth" of his investement group ... but nothing serious and new from the league. I get the point of people here who think StL have been used as a pawn ... but on the other side I still think that the league isn't strong enough to throw away an already done deal in a soccer market like StL. Miami? fascinating, maybe they are gonna giving away the stadium, but who's gonna invest in a team, with a whole fanbase to test? and NYC? yes it would be perfect having a NYC team oneday (and I'm sure it will happen and it will be good for the league), but at the moment it still remains a far project. Based on this, and on the fact that the league needs and wants to (slowly and safely) expand, if I was Cooper or Collinsville I'd set a deadline ... we set up things requested, a stadium and owner into a soccer hotbed ... but we're not going to wait beyond [insert a date here] My 3 cents ...
I am not worried about a decline in the region's interest in MLS, and I haven't personally seen any strong indication that it is happening. With the women's league starting, the Olympics, and the build up to WC 2010, I don't think there will be any problem with prof. soccer enthusiasm over the next few years.
Are we sure that Cooper will even proceed with the new women's soccer team WITHOUT an MLS team?? Some people in MLS says it would be in his best financial interest NOT to proceed with the WPS team without an MLS team. Cooper already ceased operations with the River Cities FC semi-pro women's team that was supposed to serve as a feeder to the new WPS team. Plus, there really hasn't been much press about the league and the St. Louis team. Other WPS teams already have GM's, head coaches, a staff....and have started a marketing/ticket campaign. But there's been NOTHING in St. Louis. Makes you wonder.
According to the WPS web site, as of ten seconds ago, only Boston and Washington even have team names. Only Boston and Washington have head coaches. Only Boston and NY/NJ are taking season ticket deposits for '09. Unless you have information that I don't have, I think you're overstating the case here. Or are you also "wondering" about Dallas, Chicago, LA, etc.? Anything can happen, I guess, but Cooper has said repeatedly that one team is not contingent upon the other. I fully expect the St. Louis WPS team to take the field in 2009.
It's not much, but on MLSnet today, there is this: http://web.mlsnet.com/news/mls_news.jsp?ymd=20080208&content_id=138306&vkey=news_mls&fext=.jsp Scroll down to "2010 or Bust" for an expansion item. "In St. Louis, meanwhile, prime mover Jeff Cooper continues work to improve his group's financial heft." A whisper amid the silence, anyway.
I'm guilty of silence (online at least), although I still talk it up to casual-fan friends and keep them updated on the situation, priming the pump for if and when it happens. Basically, I was put into a fervor by the plans, by the clear impression that Cooper has done everything right (by MLS's previous, on-again/off-again standards), by the glee that comes with a dream owner who's in it for the *sport* instead of for the glitz or money. But after x number of MLS deadlines or announcement dates lapsed, I guess I went into Show-Me State mode. I'm still and will continue to be ready to buy season tickets, bang the drum, and trek across the river to support Cooper and St. Louis soccer as soon as I'm given the chance. But until MLS "shows me" what the hell is going on -- for real, officially, without their pawn-stroking conditions -- I must confess I'm returning to where I was: an avid fan of a lot of different outlets for soccer, not getting too bothered with MLS until they sweep me off my feet.
I had a friend ask me about the project, and I told him we hope to have at least one expansion announcement by the end of March (I don't know why March, I just have this feeling). Then he said, "Yeah, everytime I read a story in the post I get excited and think this announcement will come soon, then I hear nothing for another month." So I would imagine many people at least know the situation and are willing to bide their time. Now, my friend is a casual fan. But I could see how soccer "haters" would be turned off even more about this. But I don't care about them. When I see a hater, I just talk Cardinals. Some people just can't be converted.
Given the recent article on mlsnet.com, which beyond the lines says there will be no more expansion in 2009, the league now has a lot of time to set up things for 2010. Maybe too much ... I think March/April (around the start of the season) would be a good month for the Philly announcement. Many pieces are already in place and at that time they will have 2 years to build a stadium and do a great marketing work. That's more than enough. About StL, all depends from what the league wants to do with this deal. It's easy to say that they are not in hurry:wherever will be, this franchise will pay 10 millions more and start playing not before 2010 ...
I will be extremely disappointed in MLS if this happens. We do everything they ask. They grant team after team using us as a pawn. Then charge $10 mil more? Only MLS could have a plan of "Mr. Cooper, we are not entirely comfortable with the financial depth of your investors -- so we are going to charge you an extra $10 Mil." Effing brilliant.
I would be disappointed too, but it really seems teams 17 and 18 have to pay a higher fee for joining the league. "Even if 2009 is out, both of the lead communities still have ample reason to reach the finish line first. About 10 million reasons, in fact. Garber has already stated that club No. 16 will pay a $30 million expansion fee. After that, Nos. 17 and 18 must pony up $40 million each." from http://web.mlsnet.com/news/mls_news.jsp?ymd=20080208&content_id=138306&vkey=news_mls&fext=.jsp Anyway, even if disappointing and no-sense (it's a long time Cooper is dealing with Mls so they shoulde "freeze" the fee), I'm sure he will pay that amount in order to get this team within 2010.