News: Sick Notes - Injury Thread

Discussion in 'Manchester United' started by Sofabloke, Sep 19, 2023.

  1. Sofabloke

    Sofabloke Member+

    Dec 24, 2003
    Manchester United FC
    Means is somewhere between a grade 2 and grade 3.

    Usually get MCL with a twisted knee eg when both kick ball with instep at same time in 50/50 or if block shot with toe and twist knee. Force from outside of knee as in his case less common in football (more frequent in rugby when players land on each other).

    Feel for the guy, he cannot catch a break. As @MizzouMUFC says usually less severe (& recurrent) than other knee ligament sprains. Often not painful to walk straight, just around corners. But is one of those if you try to come back too soon, you go right back to the beginning.

    Outrageous our physios let him play on with a grade 2/3 MCL sprain :mad:
    Deadtigers and SF19 repped this.
  2. Sofabloke

    Sofabloke Member+

    Dec 24, 2003
    Manchester United FC
    Should not have been risked, we are so dumb.

    If this is the level of intelligence from EtH and the medical department then really not surprising we have the injuries we have.

    JC7rox repped this.
  3. MizzouMUFC

    MizzouMUFC Red Card

    Apr 10, 2010
    Manchester United FC
    Disastrous man management by ETH and the club with not only Shaw but with cutting the Reguilan loan early. With Malacia out and us letting Alvaro leave, we absolutely needed him just for cover. Now we're ********ed again. Lindelof at LB is a disaster and with what ETH was saying about the Shaw injury, it sounds like it's going to be lengthy again.

    It's time to give Harry Amass a chance. There's no way he could be worse than Lindelof.
  4. Deadtigers

    Deadtigers Member+

    Jul 23, 2015
    Independent Republic of the Bronx, NY
    Manchester United FC
    Nat'l Team:
    Is it too late for a loan?
    We will likely run Dalot and AWB into the ground. May us Amrabat to cover LB for now. Is Amass the only one left in the reserves?
  5. MizzouMUFC

    MizzouMUFC Red Card

    Apr 10, 2010
    Manchester United FC
    You can’t loan players in outside of the transfer window…unless you are Barcelona in which case not only can you loan a player in but you can transfer a player from another league club and that club is refused the chance to sign a replacement. Yep, that happened.

    As far as I know, Amass is the one closest to ready in that position in the youth setup. But someone that watches our youth teams closer could chime in and correct me if I’m wrong. Only other option would be to recall Alvaro from his loan, but I think that’s only an option if there’s no buy clause and it usually comes with a fee.
  6. Ruud v.Nistelrooy 10

    Staff Member

    Jun 4, 2006
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    SF19 repped this.
  7. MizzouMUFC

    MizzouMUFC Red Card

    Apr 10, 2010
    Manchester United FC
    All this talk about a RB the past few windows, but when are we going to talk about replacing Shaw? I looked it up, in the past 5 seasons Shaw has missed 78 games. Thats insane. Only one of the injuries were a fluke thing (ankle). The rest are muscular which is clearly a trend that will keep happening.

    Malacia is crocked and let’s be honest, even when fit he’s been Reguilan level at best. He also seems to be suffering from an injury that he maybe doesn’t bounce back from given the number of supposed setbacks. It makes LB this summer a priority and makes letting Reguilan and Fernandez leave this winter awful mismanagement of the squad.
    Sofabloke, benni... and CybrSlydr repped this.
  8. Deadtigers

    Deadtigers Member+

    Jul 23, 2015
    Independent Republic of the Bronx, NY
    Manchester United FC
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    Bring up Alvaro next season. Shaw while we can.
  9. Ruud v.Nistelrooy 10

    Staff Member

    Jun 4, 2006
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    when i called for a new LB for a while now that was me hating on Shaw lol.

    even highlighted Grimaldo was free last summer but that was dismissed.

    that said, how we ended up with zero LBs is beyond me. how badly damaged is Malacia? has he been mismanaged too?

    no loans now. it's unlikely there is even a decent free agent out there either. probably Dalot out left? or Antony might have to park up there?
  10. Sofabloke

    Sofabloke Member+

    Dec 24, 2003
    Manchester United FC
    When you have Shaw, Malacia & Martinez back training, then the three lefties (& AWB who allows Dalot to switch) all regress, you have to look to the medical department / EtH & mismanagement.

    If what we saw and heard with Shaw being risked and mismanaged for a matchday squad is also being replicated behind closed doors in rushing them back to training, then not a surprise we are where we are.

    They get a pass on Martinez because that was just unlucky in someone landing on his leg but from what we hear the others seem preventable.

    Order for available replacements seems to be Dalot (when AWB back), Lindelof, Amrabat (who played there as cover when he joined), Amass (near 17 yo) then maybe Antony if out of options.
  11. MizzouMUFC

    MizzouMUFC Red Card

    Apr 10, 2010
    Manchester United FC
    I have a feeling we’re going to see Amrabat at LB very soon. Lindelof is a liability there and we literally have nobody else until AWB return (so we can shift Dalot).
  12. Sofabloke

    Sofabloke Member+

    Dec 24, 2003
    Manchester United FC
    Ugh - being reported that Hojlund is out of this weekends game, the FA cup game and the City derby ....

    Previous mistakes coming back to haunt us, when your only true #9 depth is an inconsistent injured crock like Martial ...
  13. Holy__Joe

    Holy__Joe Moderator
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    Mar 31, 2007
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    2-3 weeks with a muscle injury. Yay

    Can you believe there was once a time when we had

    Yorke, Cole, Sheringham & Ole

    Obviously was for two places back then, but god that depth.
    Deadtigers and Sofabloke repped this.
  14. MizzouMUFC

    MizzouMUFC Red Card

    Apr 10, 2010
    Manchester United FC
    Welp, we’re ********ed. It was always going to happen again with how poorly we planned the squad and with as little depth as we have. Zero depth at ST, CDM, and LB and now two of the three are sitting at zero. Means Rashford as the 9 where he struggles and provides a fraction of the pressing the Hojlund does. Also means we’re probably have to deal with Antony back in the 11 because ETH doesn’t have the balls to play Amad. I expect our good run of results to come crashing down again here soon.
  15. Sofabloke

    Sofabloke Member+

    Dec 24, 2003
    Manchester United FC
    Its all my fault - I posted Villa had some injuries which should help us on the run in … so I guess karma …

  16. Ruud v.Nistelrooy 10

    Staff Member

    Jun 4, 2006
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    one more player's return we're going to mismanage?
    Sofabloke repped this.
  17. JC7rox

    JC7rox Member+

    Manchester United FC, LAFC
    Jun 11, 2004
    West Coast, Cali!
    Manchester United FC
    Play McT at 9. Only thing he is good at is scoring goals.
    Deadtigers repped this.
  18. Deadtigers

    Deadtigers Member+

    Jul 23, 2015
    Independent Republic of the Bronx, NY
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    Actually not crazy.
  19. Deadtigers

    Deadtigers Member+

    Jul 23, 2015
    Independent Republic of the Bronx, NY
    Manchester United FC
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    Can we fire the whole physio team! Like everyone!! I am screaming it like I am Gary Oldman in the professional. SJR can take a hatchet to that dept. We have never had so many players signed hurt, or get hurt or struggle to return from injuries.
    SF19 and CybrSlydr repped this.
  20. thefly

    thefly Member

    Aug 9, 2007
    Manchester United FC
    Reports today suggesting that Hojlund may be available for Everton and that Martinez may be fit for Liverpool
    SF19 and benni... repped this.
  21. benni...

    benni... BigSoccer Supporter

    Nov 23, 2004
    Chocolate City
    What is the problem with Malacia?

    Literally been out the whole year and the initial prognosis said he'd be back in a few months.

    Happy to have Licha back, but not having a LB is still depressing.
    SF19 repped this.
  22. Sofabloke

    Sofabloke Member+

    Dec 24, 2003
    Manchester United FC
    Picked up a knee injury last season which we managed initially with pain killing injections (a magical solution with no downside).

    Decided off season he surprisingly needed knee surgery (despite the magical injections).

    Was meant to be back before end of 2023 but suffered a setback in his recovery and needed another surgery.

    Had some more setbacks in his rehab following our gentle, carefully managed training sessions for injured players.

    The story is a credit to our world renowned medical team.
    Deadtigers, CybrSlydr and benni... repped this.
  23. benni...

    benni... BigSoccer Supporter

    Nov 23, 2004
    Chocolate City
    Thank you.

    I guess Wan Bissaka wont be back till after international break.

    I would ask about Mount, but its not like he's going to replace Bruno. Maybe RW. As much as Ive been against it... lolol
    Deadtigers repped this.
  24. Father Ted

    Father Ted BigSoccer Supporter

    Manchester United, Galway United, New York Red Bulls
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    Mount back training....
  25. Sofabloke

    Sofabloke Member+

    Dec 24, 2003
    Manchester United FC
    Casemiro out with hamstring injury. Press now reporting "dressing room sources" as saying this is down to the training being too intense.

    I get the reason for training players hard pre-season, however most sports have a "taper" when things get going (especially deep into competition) to protect athletes from injury and keep competition performances fresh.

    Our "taper" such as it is clearly needs looking at ..

    Casemiro suffers injury setback amid intense Manchester United training sessions


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