> FMF should do somethin'. Whu they did is selfishness and not right. Jaguares sometimes plays in those conditions and they dont complain. But in another part.......Veracruz has a point not playing. 1st place....and nobody can move them wether they win/lose. Plus the weather conditiond were not "playful" <
Nothing. The statutes have established the punishment for these type of events. How unethical or unprofessional this may seem, the FMF can not act and pursue further punishment. It would act maliciously if it did, because they would simply abuse the statutes.
Jaguares plays in those conditions because thier owners dont want to cough up 600K to install the required lighting. Veracruz owner not only paid over 600K to install a new lighting system, he also remodeled (which reinforced support beams) the stadium and added actual seats throughout the whole stadium. Trejo, Carrilo, Arias, Lapuente, have all said that it should be a crime to play in those conditions at a professional level.
The FMF already has done something. Veracruz lost 0-2 forfeit. I agree with the decision that Veracruz took. All 9 games were supposed to be played at the same time. The FMF then made exceptions for two games to be played on saturday. Why should FMF be able to change their own rules sobre la marcha ??? It just continues to show how screwed up everything is with the directivos. I wonder how much influence the televesion networks had in changing the schedule, if indeed there was any influence ...
The FMF changed the schedule because it was logical. Why should all games be played at the same time when some games didn´t matter? Why could people watch this games when they had no purpose in being played at the same time? The screw up was in not allowing for Veracruz to change the schedule when they had earned it. Veracruz was the superlider and didn´t have to play at the same time. It didn´t change anything at all in the standings. They made up some BS about teams having to be at the same conidition and the same rest time. That is BS since playing at Veracruz at 12 is not the same as playing in Toluca or Guadalajara. So they weren´t at the same level field from the start. And the game didn´t matter in the standings.
The thing is that Veracruz playing on Saturday would have given them one days of extra rest. Which that is unfair to the rest. The games that were played on Saturday should have been played Sunday, and vice versa. They should have played at 3pm CT because of the Toluca factor. If the FMF really wanted a better liguilla, they would have scheduled those games on Saturday and give the players an extra day. Many of them have been called up to the NTs and need time to rest.
True but like you said before about Hugo & Co. expecting this little move on behalf of Veracruz and deciding to play with 4 noobs and "Tin" Delgado. Also notice that Hugo rested Kikin and some other starting players.
Talk about luck--my wife and I were in Veracruz the last week and we wanted to see the Saturday game. But Friday everywhere we asked, nobody knew where any tickets were. We got about ten different explanations, all of them wrong, since nobody really knew anything. Ah well, I was disappointed to miss the game but I'd recommend Veracruz (along with Jalapa, Xico, and Papantla) as a great place to vacation. Great people, great food and great prices. The city of Veracruz itself is a non-stop party. Back in Denver now and it's a friggin' 30 degrees outside. Sigh.
I have lost my respect for Veracruz, I hope they get knocked out in the Quaterfinals. Herrarias can fvck off,its not usual to see veracruz up in the table standings and when they are they show lack of respects for the others.
I think I would have done the same if I was veracruz' owner...the FMF really screwed up...if you move 2 games because they have no bearing on how the liguilla plays out, then why not move the veracruz game? stupid shows a lack of respect toward veracruz
Yeah but if they had played at the same time, they would have been unfair to them because they would have a lot worse conditions because of the crazy time. And they had already claim the superliderato which they had earned so maybe allowing them the extra day wasn´t that unfair.
Just wondering how you think Veracruz showed lack of respect to others ??? To me, its not just about Veracruz not showing up. Its just one more instance of FMF showing no professionalism and showing no respect to the fans. It does what it wants to do with no real plan or no direction. It changes things as it goes along and makes up rules or changes them whenever it feels like it. All of the sudden we go from 20 teams to 18. Bye Bye Queretaro and Irapuato. Who cares about their fans or the process ??? A team from Primera A wins promotion and all of the sudden is bought and moved to the city whose team went down or just moves, who cares about their fans ??? That incident with Atlante a few years ago and paying $5 million (don't remember the exact circumstances ), invented out of thin air .... Teams with tradition like Curtidores just ceasing to exist .... Everybody in this forum can think of hundreds of other examples. I'm glad Veracruz stood up for what they thought was an injustice. There are serious problems at FMF that have existed for years and until they are resolved, we will never realize the potential to become a superpower as a leaugue or national team ....
The idiot directivos shouldn't have let anyone play Saturday. But they always seem to bend over for chunda azul. No mames cabron. Que no te arda el culo porque Temoc este en la liguilla.
Why shouldn´t they? Why should meaningless game be played at the same time? It´s ilogical. The error was in not allowing Veracruz to move when they had already clinched superliderato.
I heard that the next team to not show up for a game, will automatically descend to the Primera Diivision "A"
I doubt that would be true, but you never know. My brother told me there's rumors that Sao Caetano might be relegated to the 3rd division in Brasil for letting Serginho play with the heart condition.
FMF | Veracuruz la libra, pero el próximo que no se presente, se irá a la Primera 'A' MEDIOTIEMPO | Redacción 22 de Noviembre de 2004 El Consejo Nacional de la Federación Mexicana de Futbol se reunió el día de hoy para analizar el caso de la no asistencia del Club Veracruz a su partido de la última jornada ante los Jaguares de Chiapas. La decisión del Consejo va en el sentido de que a los Tiburones sólo se les aplicarán las leves sanciones que se han venido manejando y que establece en el reglamento, la pérdida de los 3 puntos y un par de multas económicas que rondan en conjunto los 55 mil pesos. Sin embargo, es evidente lo obsoleto del reglamento que permite que un equipo pueda, con sólo pagar una multa, no presentarse a jugar. Para evitarlo, el Consejo Nacional recomendó que de ahora en adelante, la sanción para un caso de no comparecencia de un equipo, sea el descenso automático a división inmediata anterior. Para aplicar oficialmente las sanciones, la Federación anunció que: “Se acordó convocar oficialmente, de conformidad con los reglamentos aplicables, a una reunión del Consejo Nacional para que se constituya en Tribunal de Honor para analizar y en su caso, aplicar las sanciones que se hicieran acreedores los Directivos del Club de Futbol Veracruz.” “El estatuto instruye que se requieren de 5 días hábiles para convocar dicha reunión de Consejo, por lo cual, ésta reunión se llevará a cabo el próximo lunes 29 de noviembre a las 11.00 en las oficinas de la Federación Mexicana de Futbol Asociación.” “Así mismo, los miembros del Consejo Nacional reunidos el día de hoy, acordaron que en la próxima reunión del Consejo recomendarán a las Ramas que conforman esta Federación, incluir en sus Reglamentos Generales de Competencia, un artículo que prevenga y sancione la incomparecencia injustificada de algún equipo en cualquier partido oficial decretado por la Rama.” “En este sentido, la sanción recomendada será: Aquel equipo que no se presente por causa justificada a un partido oficial, automáticamente descenderá a la división inmediata inferior.” ARTÍCULOS QUE DICTAN LAS SANCIONES CAPITULO XIII INCOMPARECENCIAS Y RETIROS ARTÍCULO 38 (a la letra) Exactamente a la hora fijada para dar principio a un partido, el Árbitro dará la señal de iniciar el juego y si uno de los equipos no hubiera comparecido o no contase con el numero reglamentario de jugadores, procederá a esperar 15 minutos y si transcurrido ese tiempo el equipo no se presenta, suspenderá el partido y procederá a informar a la Secretaria General. ARTÍCULO 39 (a la letra) La Secretaria General realizara una investigación para verificar las causas de la ausencia o retardo y emitirá la resolución que corresponda. Si se comprueba que no hubo causa que impidiera comparecer al juego programado, el equipo culpable perderá el partido con marcador 2-0 a favor del contrario. Si el equipo culpable es el visitante, estará obligado a pagar al equipo local todos los perjuicios económicos derivados de la suspensión, así como entregar, a la Primera División Profesional la cantidad de 1,000 (mil) veces el salario mínimo vigente en el Distrito Federal, por concepto de aportación extraordinaria; si por el contrario, la culpabilidad recae en el equipo local, este deberá enterar a la Primera División Profesional, la cantidad de 1,000 (mil) veces el salario mínimo vigente en el Distrito Federal. APLICACIÓN Adicionalmente de perder el partido con marcador de 2-0 a favor del Club Jaguares de Chiapas y de la multa económica consiste en la cantidad de 1,000 salarios mínimos vigentes en el Distrito Federal, el Club Veracruz se hace acreedor a las siguientes sanciones: - 1,000 Salarios Mínimos por no iniciar el partido en el horario establecido (Articulo 27 del Reglamento de Competencia de la Primera División Profesional). - $10,000, por no entregar al árbitro la lista definitiva de los jugadores Titulares y Suplentes (Articulo 27.1 del Reglamento de Competencia de la Primera División Profesional). En caso de incomparecencia ARTICULO 50 (a la letra) Los clubes que incurran en incomparecencia estarán obligados, además de las sanciones ya establecidas, a satisfacer a la Federación y/o Comités Directivos, el importe de los porcentajes promedio que hubiera percibido de haberse celebrado el partido. La Secretaria General, realizada la investigación reglamentaria, turnará el día de hoy esta investigación a la Comisión Disciplinaria a efecto de que ésta Comisión aplique las sanciones que reglamentariamente corresponden.
This is the dumbest thing I ever read, you can't relegate a team just for missing a game. The FMF have to be some of the most corrupt and dumbest sobs in the world. One day a tragedy is going to happen due to players playing in hot climates in Mexico and it will lead to a big mess. We have seen players die in Europe. Why doesn't someone go to FIFA to demand that they order Jaguares to get lights, since they rather have their fans and players fry in the sun rather than spend money on lights? Any doctor would tell you that they are putting players at risk and FIFA would certainly side with the players. Jaguares should get sued. I bet you if someone made the case to a judge that they're putting lives at risk Jaguares would lose.