i guess we'll get an answer to this question pretty quickly from bob bradley, but i've been pondering it for a few days now. pierce may be on the way out at rostock, but bornstein is recovering from injury, and corrales is skilled but slow at that position and will get killed by whoever mexico runs out on their right side. i'm in a quandary. what do you guys think? *haven't had the time to read all the threads so, mods, if you deem this superfluous you may delete*
No way, hell put Spector there i just don't think Pearce is good enough tbh and Boca will be playing their anyway.
Yes my 10 year old nephew Pierce is tearing up his U11 league...but I think it's too soon to call him up for Mexico...
With his "best left back in the US pool" and his current troubles with Rostock, this kid is quickly shitcanning whatever career he might have had.
Depends on if he can at all repair things with Rostock. It's looking like he'll be there through the end of the season unless 1) they pull off a deadline transfer/loan or 2) they terminate his contract. If they're going to keep him out of the squad and have no future plans for him then he might as well come over as training with the nats and having a possibility of playing time is way more valuable then dead end training with Rostock.
Re: should pearce be called in for the mexico match? my bad. mods, please change the spelling on the thread title.