No, that's essentially an impossible shot even for someone like a USSS sniper. You're either going to miss completely or blow the target's brains out when you try something like that. Real life isn't lie the movies.
Not to mention that the orange fascist could never keep it a secret, given the way he blabs about everything.
See that's the thing: it is so conveniently timed that it is fishy, it is so Trumpian that he gets to be his own Horst Wessel that it is fishy, and the determination by everybody to get him that photo op is so really fishy. It all "lends verisimilitude to an otherwise unconvincing narrative" of "put up job."
seriously, how could this be anything other than contrived for political expediency!!? *not fishy at all really, not for me. incredibly doubt.
It is the photo op and after that you can't get over. It is too good a photo and the SS so sloppy after. Being sloppy and a shooter getting a shot can make sense but after the shit fired, you would see the Ghanian Pres with Security so sloppy let alone a former president and candidate from one party.
See, my fellow former Marines in my social circle and I have agreed: A ~130 meter shot, prone, at a non-moving target, with relatively little wind or temperature to consider, using a moronically-easy-to-operate AR-15 is harder to MISS, than it was to hit. I mean, it beggars belief that it could have been missed. Given that shot, at that distance, with that weapon, any novice shooter, (given an ~hour of training), could have scored a headshot. And while the overwhelming majority of us would never take such a shot, nor would the overwhelming majority of us WANT to take such a shot, it appeared to be so easy that it is incredible that it was missed.
The wacQuos out there have said basically exactly that. Note: I'm nor saying you're one of those Qanon people...I'm merely saying they're saying what you're saying.
What I don't understand, and I'm not playing any sort of conspiracy here... The bullet(s) went past him, right? What, or who, was behind him? Was that fire fighter behind him? What about the other people who got hit?
One thing that I wouldn't be surprised to see happen: If outdoor rallies continue to be a thing, we'll see some sort of trap door into the stage with enough emergency supplies for at least a few hours...maybe even an escape hatch for an armored SUV. Think about this: All presidental transport vehicles protect the occupants from all sorts of things...IEDs, guns, missiles, chemical attacks, etc. Not only was he exposed *before* the attack, but they had to have him exposed when he was traveling to the SUV. (As anyone knows, unless you're 100%'re exposed.) We live in a world in which freeway overpasses get blocked when the Presidential Motorcade travels underneath. Of course, this is the same nutso who got COVID and then did that idiotic tour where he exposed various others. Future candidates may not want outdoor rallies, but I bet it won't deter 45. (They'll use it as "proof" of his bravery.)
My assumption - to be honest, I didn't really think about it very much before now - but my assumption is that the shots were coming from the left, as defined by the TV view. So the TV camera is in front of Trump, and the photogenic handful of Black Trump supporters are behind him because that's where they show up on TV the best, and other supporters are all around him in every direction. When the shots came, Trump had his back to the TV camera and was looking to the left (his left, and the left side of the TV view) and the shot whizzed by his right ear which was facing away from the camera at the time. I'm assuming the firefighter who was killed was to the right of the TV view, off camera, but that's where the bullet(s) would have gone when they went past Trump from the left.
Two people behind him were hit but not killed. The man who was killed was between the shooter and Trump.
Zuckerberg reveals his endorsement decision for the 2024 election ( Zuckerberg, hedging his bets after reading Trump's comments on truth social: "Meta has called out Trump on a number of occasions for posts with misinformation and that crossed its platforms’ rules. For about two years after the Capitol riot on January 6, 2021, Trump’s accounts on Facebook and Instagram were suspended, a move Trump still appears to be bothered by. On July 9, Trump wrote on Truth Social: “All I can say is that if I’m elected President, we will pursue Election Fraudsters at levels never seen before, and they will be sent to prison for long periods of time. We already know who you are. DON’T DO IT! ZUCKERBUCKS, be careful!”" Zuckerberg now impressed with "badass" Trump... "While declining to endorse Trump, Zuckerberg told Bloomberg that “seeing Donald Trump get up after getting shot in the face and pump his fist in the air with the American flag is one of the most badass things I’ve ever seen in my life.” He added: “On some level as an American, it’s like hard to not get kind of emotional about that spirit and that fight, and I think that that’s why a lot of people like the guy.”"
there's no way the SS was involved in some nefarious plot to assassinate the guy. this was the action of a disturbed kid who managed to find a crack in the security, SS who failed to properly secure the area, and a massive amount of luck. that's not something that could ever be staged, believe me.
I'm talking about all of it. The picture is ridiculous in that it makes him look like some kind of heroic figure when it was dumb luck that spared his life. He popped back up and probably caught SS by surprise. I'm sure they wanted him to keep his head down, they couldn't have known the threat had been neutralized, so to speak. But it was nothing more than good fortune that it turned into some great photo op for trumpster.
I guess. Maybe. But it about drains the batteries on my disbelief suspender, which is already scratched and worn and dented to the max.
Exactly. SS didn’t know there was a shooter until it happened. How did they know there wasn’t a second shooter and put him at risk again? Just strange to me.
Because as a bodyguard org they talk a big game but actually aren’t that amazing in execution, because they rarely actually encounter real threats, so they are not as disciplined in execution.
They don’t get a lot of real world practice in getting a protectee away from an active threat because, typically, they secure the location well enough to prevent an active threat from happening.