Shin splints - Started running again

Discussion in 'Player' started by thejaccen, Aug 2, 2012.

  1. thejaccen

    thejaccen Member

    Sep 19, 2011
    I've been running for a while now on grass with my orthopedic insoles and it doesn't hurt anything when i do that. But when i shoot with my right foot, say like 10 shots or more in a row, i get sore on the outside of my left shin (the anterior). Is this only because i haven't been shooting enough so i'm not used to it or is it something else?

    I have not dared to try shooting with my left foor because i twisted that ankle many months ago, but i'm sure that if i do shoot it will begin to hurt on the same place on my right shin.

    What should i do?
  2. JonIsAnOwl

    JonIsAnOwl Member

    Apr 20, 2011
    Sheffield Wednesday FC
    Nat'l Team:
    Don't shoot until your leg is stronger.
    nicklaino repped this.
  3. thejaccen

    thejaccen Member

    Sep 19, 2011
    So increase mileage and intensity on my runs, and after i can run without any problems then try shooting again?

    Thanks for the response.
  4. JonIsAnOwl

    JonIsAnOwl Member

    Apr 20, 2011
    Sheffield Wednesday FC
    Nat'l Team:
    Do strengthening exercises, bodyweight squats, lunges etc.
  5. thejaccen

    thejaccen Member

    Sep 19, 2011
    Yeah, i've been doing that for the last three years.
  6. thejaccen

    thejaccen Member

    Sep 19, 2011
    Was at one of the most professional doctor in sweden (doctor of the swedish nationalteam in athletics). He told me after i explained all the trouble i have had, that the first 4-5 weeks i should rest away all the swelling, and at the same time strenghten my calves + balance.

    After these 4-5 weeks (which will be the 1st october) i should start running 7-8 km once a week. I asked him what i should do if i had severe pain, he said that i should just keep on running. I will do this according to him once a week until the season starts next year, and even if i have pain next year when the season starts, i will start playing football (but let the trainers know that i have trouble with my shins).

    I have been at so many doctors, wasted 1000 dollars on trying to fix it with doctors and insoles etc etc, so this will be the last thing i will try. Even if i get extreme pain, i will keep on going, even if i will have to take pills to keep on going.

    Sure i can get a fracture, but it's trying this or quitting soccer completely.

    What do you guys think about this?

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