Shin Guard Stays

Discussion in 'Apparel & Training Gear' started by joma05, Jul 19, 2012.

  1. joma05

    joma05 Member

    May 7, 2009
    Not sure where to post this please move it if it's in the wrong place. I've got some adidas shin giard stays to wear over the sock, now do I fasten them around my shin pad or around the bit below my shinpad? Thanks.
  2. appleCORR7

    appleCORR7 Member+

    Jul 3, 2004
    Manchester United FC
    Nat'l Team:
    I'm not quite sure what you mean ....

  3. Freeskier

    Freeskier New Member

    Jul 16, 2012
    Paris Saint Germain FC
    Nat'l Team:
    He means these to keep the guard in place on shin..


    It's personal preference really.. I believe it's sort of stupid to wear them overtop of the sock.

    When you wear them underneath the sock but over the shinpad, they do their job. When you have them over the sock and guard, I feel the sock moves around a bit as does the stay, therefore there's a chance they may slip off and your shinguard won't be tight against your shin anymore..

    As to where you wear them on the shin guard..

    Sleeves on left, stays on right:

    Detailed look on stays:

    Hope I helped!
    joma05 repped this.
  4. joma05

    joma05 Member

    May 7, 2009
    Cheers guys.
  5. appleCORR7

    appleCORR7 Member+

    Jul 3, 2004
    Manchester United FC
    Nat'l Team:
    They are meant to be worn over the top of your sock under your shinpad to stop the shin pad from slipping down, the sock also helps to do this, so i dont see how having them under your sock would help really.

    The best thing i can suggest - ive been doing it for ages is to get some tubi-grip for your local chemist. cut it to the length of your shin, put it on and slip your pad down it. Trust me your pad wont move and when it starts to get a bit sweaty or dirty you just chuck it in the bin and cut some more. It has the same principle as the red/pink covers in the picture about. It just saves you a LOT of money and works just as well. A lot of pros do it. I always find i get crap from the elastic that comes on pads when i have them strapped around my calf, the tubi-grip means you dont need to use them and its not restrictive on your blood flow.

    Give it a go :)

  6. Woodworm

    Woodworm Member

    Aug 26, 2006
    Bristol, England
    Bristol City FC
    Nat'l Team:
    I have always used my Nike guard stays around my shin pad as it stops them sliding to the side as well as sliding down. its down to personal preference though there is no right or wrong.
  7. USAchelseafan

    USAchelseafan New Member

    Aug 8, 2013
    Heart of Midlothian FC
    I used to just put tape around my sock, below the shin guard. This usually works alright but if you can get a shin guard sleeve i without a doubt recommend it. Once I started using the sleeve i never hand an issue.

    Even as a goalkeeper after I dove for a ball the shinguard stand in a reasonable good position. Some shin guards (that don't have the ankle guard as well) have straps that are on the guard but they can tend to be uncomfortable.

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