I just had a revelations last night people... I think that French Colonialist is the problem for the world today!!!! Think of it people!! French is a major country in the world and the 2nd biggest colonialist power in there time, yet...no even one of there colonys was ever successful!! Look at the British empire.... It created USA, Australia, New Zeland, Canada, Fiji and South Africa. All are a superpowers themselves. Not to mention wealthy, smart and respectful... Now lets check the French empire.... It created Vietnam, Lebanon, Sierre Leon, Syria , Iraq, Quebec, Louisiana, Haiti, Senengal, and a couple more small countires... no even one of there countries they made is rich. Some of them are just recoperating from civil wars and autocratic regimes. So in a mild word.. Why don't the Chirac and Co. get some ground troops in Iraq to deal with there 'empire'!!
Uganda's in reform and zimbabwe is in a choas.. but still..Britain made empires...while France created world catasrphope!
And just what's your problem with the fair city of Preston and/or it's wonderous football team? They're just about to give one of your countrymen playing time.
Re: Re: Shame on the French Colonialist ideals! Even the French didn't want to stick around down there more than 5 years!
I think the french should get a little Terrorist R&R sometime, after all, they made the radicals more angry than ever! I wouldn't be damned if the Eiffel falls one day. and then we americans would laugh at them and remind them how much conspiracy the French TV had with 9/11.... Rude people!!!!!!!!!! Its like French TV was working for Ben Ladin somehow that day!
Since when are Australia, New Zealand, Canada, Fiji and South Africa superpowers???? Respectful? Yeah just ask all the blacks who lived under apartheid. I hate to break it to you, but Quebec is not a country (living in Canada you should know this) and neither is Louisiana. France didn't control Iraq either. Iraq was under British control from 1918-1932. Blaming France for a civil war in Lebanon is pretty lame, there's no connection between the two. If anything the connection lies with the formation of Israel. Umm, that would be Tony Blair's job if you knew your stuff, word is he might just lend a hand.
Re: Re: Shame on the French Colonialist ideals! Tony should keep his nose out if he's got any sense. Oh and this is for Kappa: French Empire 1914 : http://users.erols.com/mwhite28/frnc-emp.htm British Empire 1914: http://users.erols.com/mwhite28/brit-emp.htm (not coloured in, US - you left the party early ) I thought he could do with the info. I know it's against the French, but I don't like people being mis-informed in their assertions. Especially not to this degree.
"I just had a revelations last night people..." I think you should keep your idiotic revelations to yourself in the future. "I think that French Colonialist is the problem for the world today!!!!" Some people think Israeli Colonalism is the problem. But when we resort to name calling and stereotyping where do we get?? "Think of it people!! French is a major country in the world and the 2nd biggest colonialist power in there time, yet...no even one of there colonys was ever successful!! French is a country?? What?? I think numerous French colonies were succesful but you are not dealing in facts here. Look at the British empire.... It created USA, Australia, New Zeland, Canada, Fiji and South Africa. All are a superpowers themselves. Not to mention wealthy, smart and respectful..." The Brits did not create the USA. We have thankfully gone as far away from British influence as possible. And with help from France we got independance from Britain here in the United States. South Africa is only a superpower if we measure murder and rape rates indicators. Fiji went through a brutal civil war and ethnic chaos. Australia and New Zealand while pleasant countries have about as much influence in the world as well.. Israel, haha!! "Now lets check the French empire.... It created Vietnam, Lebanon, Sierre Leon, Syria , Iraq, Quebec, Louisiana, Haiti, Senengal, and a couple more small countires..." Sierre Leone was British pal. Quebec is a prosperous province. Senegal is one of the MOST democratic and stable countries in Africa. Lebanon was a stable and properous countries until Israel and Syria culturally raped it. Haiti.. bah not much to say other than Haiti went downhill AFTER the Blacks kicked the French out. Louisiana was ruined because it was part of dixie. And the French did create Iraq. "no even one of there countries they made is rich. Some of them are just recoperating from civil wars and autocratic regimes." As opposed to Uganda, Sierra Leone, Zimbabwe, Zambia (not civil war but from autocratic dictatorship). So in a mild word.. Why don't the Chirac and Co. get some ground troops in Iraq to deal with there 'empire'!!" In a mild word.. why don't Israel apologize for its part in destroying Lebanon (although Syria shoulders most of the blame) and why doesn't Israel fix its own problems (like treatment of Arab citiznes, Ethiopian Jewish integration, fighting terrorism) before one of its citizens tries to bash another nation.
As an American I am more keen to blame the UK for all the suffering they caused our nation. But we kicked your @$$ in two wars and have far surpassed you guys in world power. You do have the Premiership though, and big props to you on that.
Getting very cocky there shah!!!!!!!!!!! if you don't like my post don't reply!!! I want France to be blamed for world problems! And that Chirach mother ____________!!!! To get some of it as well!!! he would kiss osama twice in the cheek if he had the chance.. and you would proably too, shahy bawy!! B.t.w: Iran raped the whole Lebanon thing...Syria couldn't do squat...they fear any code misinterperations in battles!!!
Nothing at all. I was originally going to say Barnsley, but for some reason, I have a little bit of affection for them. Then the evil Man U, butthat was too easy. To be true, I just put my hands on teh keyboard and PNE came out! Wimbledon/Milton Reyes, er Keyes would have been a better choice.
Actually not so much Belgium, but the International Congo Society, which ran the "Congo Free State" as a enterprise independent from Belgium on behalf of the Belgian king. Belgium never really wanted the territory, and when they got control, they reduced some of the worst abuses of the Society.
Well now, the result of last week's competition when we asked you to find a derogatory term for the Belgians. Well, the response was enormous and we took quite a long time sorting out the winners. There were some very clever entries. Mrs Hatred of Leicester said 'let's not call them anything, let's just ignore them' and a Mr St John of Huntingdon said he couldn't think of anything more derogatory than 'Belgians'. But in the end we settled on three choices: number three... the Sprouts, sent in by Mrs Vicious of Hastings... very nice ; number two... the Phlegms from Mrs Childmolester of Worthing; but the winner was undoubtedly from Mrs No-Supper-For-You from Norwood in Lancashire... Miserable Fat Belgian Bastards. Very good.
Problem is you do NOT use facts. Come on Kappa, challenge what I actually said. I exposed you for the fraud and ignorant coward that you are!! Problem is you deliberately lied (about Sierre Leone being French, about Senegal being in chaos, about South Africa being a world power, etc..). And don't reply?? Does that mean if anyone who disagrees with Kappa18 has no right to reply?? I don't know what you guys to about free speech over there in Israel, but in the USA we believe in challenging opinions, setting the record straight and questioning those who deliberately make things up. As someone whose country has a hell of a lot dirty laundry of its own.. I find it hillarious for you to attack a Western nation with a far better human rights and integration record than your own. Israel gets a lot of ************, much of turns into rhetoric and is undeserved, the same thing goes with France. Doubt Chirac would kiss Osama, seeing that Algerian and other North African Islamic Millitants were fighting a low level terror war against France throughout much of the nineties. You are toast pal, and until you take a world history course or course on contemporary studies in Africa or Oceania don't bother posting your ignorant filth on this forum. Stick to xtratime.com, it seems that most of your posts here are not about soccer, but about politics. I question your motives for coming here in the first place.
Don't forget Japan: the little country that wanted an empire, but was so late in making one that they had to make up for hundreds of years in just a couple of decades. But what really takes the cake is that they don't even recognize that they had an empire, nor have they ever apologized. Ah soooo ah soooo.
Showing examples of your ignorance makes me a racist?? Now I have heard it all. Kappa, I ask again, what is your purpose on these forums?? You are clearly not here to talk football. I encourage you next time to think before you post so you did not embarass yourself anymore than you already have with your plethora of unintelligent comments and analyses.