Senior Team Discussion

Discussion in 'Italy: National Teams' started by Vieri's Left Foot, Dec 3, 2023.

  1. Nek Sanalet

    Nek Sanalet Member+

    AC Milan
    Dec 30, 2013
    AC Milan
    For me, Pinamonti should be the fourth option at CF, maybe even third. He's still only 24. I don't think he'll ever become Giroud or Lewendowski (not even Immobile domestically), but I think he can approach 15-16 goals in Serie A once he hits his prime years of 25-30....and right now I would take that. Options are slim, we should at least give him some caps.
    Vieri's Left Foot and AGomes repped this.
  2. AGomes

    AGomes Member+

    Aug 29, 2023
    I'd rather fail with a 24 YO Pinamonti than with a 34 YO Immobile as the 4th CF.

    That written, if he scores 7 Goals in the last month of the season, May, he should be considered.
    Vieri's Left Foot repped this.
  3. AGomes

    AGomes Member+

    Aug 29, 2023
    Vicario: took 3 goals from Manchester City in a Draw. Looking at the goals, hung out to dry on all of them. Bad Defending on 2 of them, one was an OG by Sonny, but the Foden goal was down to nice passing by City.

    Meanwhile over in Normandy with PSG visiting Le Havre, another blunder by Gigio who receives a straight Red for a bad tackle. Could argue his 3rd consecutive match with a decisive error. Actually not that decisive because PSG usually score a few goals a match to mask things.

    Gigio is still a premium shot-stopper by and large, but we get into the other things, he is an issue.

    Could very well go from tournament MVP in 2021 to directly costing elimination. Still have time.
  4. Rossonero23

    Rossonero23 BigSoccer Yellow Card

    Sep 9, 2010
    AC Milan
    Dolla is a clown. Hell join inter at some point
  5. 'Uaglio

    'Uaglio Member+

    Jun 8, 2004
    I'm not as worried about Scamacca's physical injuries as I am his mental ones. The guy checks out for large portions of the game.
  6. Azzurrifan87

    Azzurrifan87 Member+

    Mar 29, 2015
    Nat'l Team:
    It was great to see Koleosho play well last weekend.
  7. Vieri's Left Foot

    Jun 8, 2022
    Nat'l Team:
    What's the story on Koleosho? I'm not familiar with him, and I was surprised to read he's from Connecticut.
  8. Vieri's Left Foot

    Jun 8, 2022
    Nat'l Team:
    Inter is where the Italians play, these days. Milan is becoming a CONCACAF training facility.
    calabrese8 repped this.
  9. AGomes

    AGomes Member+

    Aug 29, 2023
    #34 AGomes, Dec 5, 2023
    Last edited: Dec 5, 2023
    Much of it discussed on the Youth Team thread and he has his own thread on the USA side.

    Short Version:

    Born in the USA to a father who is a Nigerian immigrant to the USA. Mother is Canadian with Italian ethnicity. I've heard some things in another circle. Moved to Spain to persue football where he eventually latched on at Espanyol after making a contact. Made a move to Burnley of the EPL last off-season. So far Kompany pretty much has him start every match.

    As for International:

    - USA want him bad. Gregg Berhalter has admitted to making overtures and speaks to him monthly.

    - Canada also desperately want him and in fact Koleosho even dressed in Canada gear and participated in workouts with them. Would have probably even played in a Friendly for Canada but the match was cancelled. Canada had a match scheduled against Iran. Then when the Iranian regime started killing their own people, Canada (rightly so) cancelled.

    - Italy figure in because Espanyol and Agent got him an Italian Passport due to his maternal grandparents. As we have seen from Serie A, Italians give out Passports to anybody that comes knocking. Like Retegui, Koleosho had an Italian Passport prior to the FIGC approach.

    He was on the team that won the U19 EC in June 2023. Has started this new cycle with the U20's.

    - Nigeria. Aside from online wishes of Super Eagles fans, the Nigerians probably know there is no chance he accepts any offer from them.


    - He plays for as long as the Italy Youth teams take him. Will probably wait a while for a Senior team call. If that doesn't come, will join the USA. I've written before that closer to 2026, wouldn't be surprised if the USA dangles the Home WC carrot right in the Tri State in his face to tempt him.

    Italy seem to be pretty comfortable in their own skin and don't hand out Pre-emptive Caps to not risk losing a player. Plus you usually have to be 36 YO before you get Minutes, LOL.
    Vieri's Left Foot repped this.
  10. AGomes

    AGomes Member+

    Aug 29, 2023
    He'll go to Juve when Tek is done, watch.
  11. AGomes

    AGomes Member+

    Aug 29, 2023
    ********ed up part is Fabrizio Ravenelli told Juve to sign Gigio well before Milan did but Juve didn't listen.

    Say nothing of how they had Erling Haaland wearing their cap ready to sign but they ********ed that up as well. Cerubini is an idiot that changed Juve's future because of this.
  12. Vieri's Left Foot

    Jun 8, 2022
    Nat'l Team:
    I hope so. PSG is a circus.
  13. AGomes

    AGomes Member+

    Aug 29, 2023
    Early report is Albania will be playing Switzerland in the March window.

    I checked earlier today and nothing for Italy. But on GDS they have a report that the March Friendly may be played against Serbia. Which makes sense seeing as how we will play Croatia and Albania. Plus they've qualified so should put out a first choice team. Historically Italy tend to play Friendlies prior to tournaments against teams in the same geographic area as their opponents.

    As for the June dates, GDS reports that the 2 Friendlies may be played in the USA against 2 South American teams. Which lines up as SA teams will be preparing for the Copa America that will be played in the USA. In fact the Final of the EC and the Copa America will be played on the same day, July 14.

    OK, see I have an issue with this. The players aren't going to want to take a 9+ Hour flight, put their bodies through jet lag just to make the Federation money. Then get used the Time Difference, then after the second Friendly put their bodies through more jet lag RIGHT BEFORE A TOURNAMENT STARTS.

    I hope this isn't true.
  14. Azzurrifan87

    Azzurrifan87 Member+

    Mar 29, 2015
    Nat'l Team:
    #39 Azzurrifan87, Dec 6, 2023
    Last edited: Dec 6, 2023
    Thanks for the summary. This is where I (and perhaps others) differ from the Italian approach. You've got to play the game just a bit in this world market for any trace of bloodline of citizenship counts. I'm not asking Italia to go crazy. But you've got him in the youth setup for a reason. Find a way to lock him in. Play a bit of the game. Don't let the USA of all annoyances get an upgrade. Play some player selection defense.
  15. Rossonero23

    Rossonero23 BigSoccer Yellow Card

    Sep 9, 2010
    AC Milan
    Salt in the wound, joining the cheats.
  16. AGomes

    AGomes Member+

    Aug 29, 2023
    Hey, Locatelli preferred Juve to Milan despite being Milan's youth team player, so it's happened before. Have to listen to the heart. Now be nice if not we'll grab Camarda too.
  17. AGomes

    AGomes Member+

    Aug 29, 2023
    #42 AGomes, Dec 6, 2023
    Last edited: Dec 6, 2023
    Had this discussion with @It22677 before. May need to get in the act but I can't see Italy changing from this any time soon.

  18. Rossonero23

    Rossonero23 BigSoccer Yellow Card

    Sep 9, 2010
    AC Milan
    Loca is an average player .
  19. AGomes

    AGomes Member+

    Aug 29, 2023
    Yeah, Tiny Reindeers is better.

    All good then.
  20. johnny6

    johnny6 Member+

    AC Milan
    Jun 29, 2011
    AC Milan
    Nat'l Team:
    What does Reijnders have to do with that comment? Just because Locatelli used to play for Milan?

    Loca is average and always will be average.
    Rossonero23 repped this.
  21. lt22677

    lt22677 Member

    Jul 10, 2022
    #46 lt22677, Dec 6, 2023
    Last edited: Dec 6, 2023
    Scrivo in Italiano perchè il discorso è complesso e con la traduzione non renderebbe(vedo che la maggior parte di voi l'italiano lo comprende bene), un giocatore viene convocato dal Commissario Tecnico (Spalletti) perchè in qualche modo serve alla squadra e non per fare il CAP-TIE inoltre queste partite sono state decisive alla qualificazione per Euro 2024 e secondo voi era possibile fare esordire un ragazzo che non si è neanche mai allenato insieme ai vari Barella e company? poi Kolesoho non è che non viene tenuto in considerazione anzi... è stato convocato sott'età in U21 (lui è un 2004 mentre il bienno U21 è 2002/2003).
    Ed adesso passiamo a una cosa che considero Buffa e Triste alla stesso tempo, ovvero la mentalità che io definisco del "CAP NOW" per spiegarvelo meglio metto un tweet

    Cioè questo signore (che ovviamente non conosco) ha preso le foto di tre calciatori (Francesco Camarda, Nico Paz e Julian Zakrzewski Hall) e ha detto "il Futuro della nazionale Statunitense è luminoso" peccato che solo uno (Hall che tra l'altro sembro aver visto con in mano la maglia della nazionale Polacca) abbia effetivamente il passaporto USA gli altri due no (Paz ha avuto il padre che ha lavorato in USA e basta e Camarda è apparso come doppia nazionalità di un DB di Football Manager non ufficiale dato che in quello originale neanche c'è :eek:), ma facciamo finta un attimo che tutti e tre abbiano il passaporto USA, la domanda è i giocatori hanno interesse? perchè la nazionali non sono come le squadre di Club, ma uno deve essere interessato ad indossarle e la vedo dura che Camarda e Paz,che negli USA non ci sono stati neanche un minuto, considerano gli USA come la prima scelta (per Hall la situazione è diversa, ma pure lui mi sembra che vada verso la Polonia).
    Tornando a Koleosho, immagino che il responsabile del settore giovanile delle nazionali (Viscidi) c'abbia parlato e che a lui stia bene la situazione anche perchè non è che alla FIGC tengono i ragazzi incatenati e poi se non è interessato basta dirlo e non verra più convocato (metto link con la storia di Matta El-Hilali se sapete l'italiano leggetela perchè è interessante)
    Adesso parliamo un attimo di Volpato perchè era saltato la voce che ad ottobre avesse accettato la convocazione per l'Australia salvo poi a Novembre essere convocato prima in U20 e poi in U21 (in sostituzione di Baldanzi) vediamo di fare un ricostruzione su quello che ho trovato su internet (mi raccomando guardate le date)
    a ottobre gira questa voce dotato di doppio passaporto,scelta: rappresenterà l'Australia.&text=Volpato seguirà le orme di,a far parte dei Socceroos.
    si parla che la fonte sia il Daily Mail (che ha me sembra un gionalaccio scandalistico della peggior specie , ma va beh) andiamo quindi alla fonte
    Si parla che Volpato ha avuto un colloquio amichevole, ma la fonte di questo colloquio è questa testata giornalistica australiana
    in cui non meglio precisate "Fonti" parlano del passaggio di Volpato con l'Australia, ma il 15 di Novembre sullo stesso giornale appare l'articolo
    Cioè secondo lo stesso giornale per colpa di Totti che lo rappresenta come manager e del Sassuolo Volpato non ha potuto Esordire con i Socceroos (si scrive cosi vero?) e nel frattempo è andato a giocare prima in U20 e poi ad esordire in U21, ma secondo me la storia non tiene perchè:
    -Totti che lo rappresenta con la sua agenzia non ha nessun motivo per non farlo esordire con l'Australia
    - per il Sassuolo Volpato è ancora una riserva e il fatto che c'è la coppa d'Asia non è cosi drammatica perderlo per quel periodo (Febbraio se non erro)
    Poi dire che il giocatore abbia accettato le convocazioni in U20 e U20 per passare il tempo in attesa di una convocazione per l'Australia è una stupidaggine clamorosa anche perchè se tu dici all FIGC che non sei interessato automaticamente non ti convocano più è infatti il 18 Novembre rilascia questa intervista
    Detto ciò secondo il mio pensiero finchè Volpato e Kolesho avranno un speranza di giocare con la maglia Azzurra (Maggiore o U21) non accettaranno una chiamata dell'Australia odegli USA e solo quando e SE questa possibilià finisce potrebbere accettare una chiamata da queste due nazionali. Ditemi che ne pensate
    AGomes repped this.
  22. Alex101

    Alex101 Member

    Mar 15, 2017
    ..regarding Scamacca, we can't take him, way to injury prone and couldn't last a whole tournament without getting hurt. Retegui isn't much better. Do we take Colpani and play him in a false nine with Chiesa and Raspadori on wings?. We are running out of options, I wouldnt go to Pinamonti, Columbo isnt ready, neather is Lucca.
  23. Vieri's Left Foot

    Jun 8, 2022
    Nat'l Team:
    You're talking about next year, and you already've ruled out Scamacca? Ridiculous. You cross that bridge when you get there. Considering the lack of talent, we're not ruling out Scamacca unless he's injured or playing like shit. But, the bar for form is low, considering the few guys who do actually score goals.

    I do agree that Pinamonti and Colpani are more than worthy of consideration, as of today. Hopefully we see some guys put goals up in the second half of the year.
  24. Gino22

    Gino22 Member

    Apr 14, 2023
    Unless he gets an injury pre tournament Scamacca will be in the squad. No doubts about that
    AGomes repped this.
  25. AGomes

    AGomes Member+

    Aug 29, 2023

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